CSC 543 Multiprocessing & Concurrent Programming, Spring 2024, Mon 6-8:50 PM, Old Main 158.

Dr. Dale E. Parson,
Class-time Zoom link for CSC543 OR See D2L Course CSC543 -> Content -> Overview for the link.
PRIVATE ZOOM CHAT to me for questions.
Student instructions for using Zoom
Please fill out & email Dr. Parson this permission to record slip. I will use it to take attendance in week 1.
The course is 100% via Zoom at class time. I will record & post class videos, but want you there at class time. Thanks., Office hours:
Office Hours Monday 3-5 PM, Tuesday 3-5 PM, Thursday 10-11 AM, or by appt.
All office hours are either Zoom (preferred) using the above link or at Old Main 260.
Thursday May 9 office hour switched to 1-2 PM, others as above.

First day handout (syllabus that is specific to this semester).

Students can meet in person in OM 158 OR live on-line via Zoom.
    I will post links to recorded archives at the bottom of this page within a day after each class.

We will be multiprocessing on, which are accessible via ssh from acad:
        ssh -l yourloginname mcgonagall
        ssh -X -l yourloginname mcgonagall  # The -X enables X11 GUI I/O.

Handouts from Spring 2011 through present.
Slides for week 2, Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 13 on Introduction, Thread Safety, Sharing Objects and Explicit Locks.
    Week 2 added slides on Race Conditions, Critical Sections & Composing Thread-safe Objects.
    Week 2 Jython code to demonstrate using java.lang.Runnable, java.lang.Thread, and a race condition.
    In acad ~parson/multip see and
        jython ; javac ; CLASSPATH=. java RaceJava
Example code is at /export/home/faculty/parson/multip on (and on mcgonagall via NFS).
Locks and condition variables slides from September 21 class session.
Slides for week 3, Chapters 15, 16 and Appendix A on Atomic Variables, Nonblocking Synchronization, the Java Memory Model and Annotations for Concurrency. (4/1/2015)
A problem from the Spring 2011 midterm that uses atomic variables instead of a lock-based monitor.
Slides for week 4, Chapter 4 on Composing Objects. (4/1/2015)
    Code listings for Chapter 4
Slides for week 5, Chapter 5 on Building Block Classes from java.util.concurrent. (4/1/2015)
    Code listings for Chapter 5
    D. Parson and D. Schwesinger, "Minimum-Blocking Parallel Bidirectional Search,"
            Proceedings of PDPTA'12: 2012 Intl. Conf. on Parallel Processing Techniques and Applications , Las Vegas, NV, July 16 - 20, 2012.
             Here are the slides for the talk.
             CyclicBarrier, CountDownLatch, and using these & related mechanisms in parallel bidirectional search.
             See code on acad at ~parson/multip/pennydime CoinPuzzle CoinPuzzleDataflow & CoinPuzzleDataflowMultiQ.
FutureTask interface used in CSC220Fall2022PaintingAssn5, Mutators, and Threading code tabs.
    Full fall 2023 CSC220 handout code + data is here.
Slides for week 7, Chapter 6 on using Executor to schedule tasks using thread pools from java.util.concurrent. (4/8/2015)
"Creative Graphical Coding via Pipelined Pixel Manipulation, " Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Spring Conference of the Pennsylvania Computer and Information Science Educators (PACISE) Shippensburg University of PA, Shippensburg, PA, April 6-7, 2018.
Processing (Java) code for sketch PhotoArchMontage and its helper active class ImageLoader demonstrating starting a thread.
    Video and some stills from a digital art exhibit in Munich on September 14, 2018.
    This sketch uses my multithreading package PixelVisitor that we will examine in detail.
    Acad ~parson/multip/PixelVisitor has my Java library for Processing that uses Java thread pools.
Slides for week 10, Chapter 7 on Interruption, Cancellation and Shutdown. (3/25/2015)
More slides for week 10, Chapter 8 on Applying Thread Pools. (4/8/2015)
Slides for week 11, Chapter 9 on GUI Applications. (4/8/2015)
    Tutorial on multithreading in Java FX (GUI framework that supplants Swing.
    Acad ~parson/multip/multip/csc580spring2011/Projects/csc580gps4/ has the Swing example that uses a single-threaded ExecutorService to run the worker thread discussed on 11/30.
More slides for week 11, Chapter 10 on Avoiding Liveness Hazards. (4/15/2015)
Slides for week 12, Chapter 11 on Performance and Scalability. (4/15/2015)
More slides for week 12, Chapter 12 on Testing Concurrent Programs. (4/15/2015)
~parson/Compiler1/optimize5/stepvm/ helper class HeapData has the 12/7 example code for lazy evaluation. Search for:
        class HeapData, HeapData.flatten(...), HeapData.helpflatten(...)
        In optimize5/ see collect_reduce.txt (look for reduce and collect), programqsort1p.txt (reduce), programqsort1p_O2.debug.out (STEP_FORK & STEP_JOIN)
Slide on critical sections, race conditions, & related concepts
Slide on deadlock
Material in my UNIX account
~parson/multip has a lot of documentation & code examples on current programming.
~parson/multip/spring2015 is where I will work out some code examples for class.
~parson/JavaLang/net/jcip/examples has all example code from our textbook.

Older material
Here is my Summer 2010 study of these machines with a January 2015 update for Dumbledore.
Mcgonagall's CPU and memory configuration.
    NVIDIA Tesla K40c is added for deep learning & other number crunching.
Goetz et. al. Java Concurrency in Practice textbook web site. Code exacadamples on  are under ~parson/JavaLang/net/jcip/examples.
Herlihy / Shavit The Art of Multiprocessor Programming web site.
A copy of C++ Concurrency in Action is posted here.
A copy of Scala in Depth is posted here.
Parallelism on the Desktop, IEEE Software, January/February 2015 (vol. 28 no. 1) (password restricted access).

Assignments -- From acad you must "ssh mcgonagall" to build & test all assignments.

If you are new to working on our Linux systems, you can bring up a Windows CMD prompt and from there:

It is possible to use the scp, ssh-based file copy command in Mac or Windows command line utilities.
If you do not have a favorite Linux text editor, try running nano on acad. Assignments must run on mcgonagall.  has the make manual.

Assignment 1 due by 11:59 PM on Thursday February 15 via make turnitin
We will walk through the spring 2023 solution to their Assignment 2 as example code.
Dataflow diagram added to the bottom of assignment page on February 3, 2024 
I added an example doc on using control-\ to see stack traces for a hung Java process on 2/6.

Assignment 2  due on Thursday March 7 via make turnitin

    Examples of queues in Processing: 
        Source code only.
    Prep: Last year's Assignment 1 is now available on acad in ~parson/multip/
    From 2023:
A marker interface Queue<E> <- java.util.concurrent.ThreadSafeQueue<E> <- BlockingQueue<E>
        would have allowed pipeline construction using only thread-safe queues.
        As it stands the Queues may not be @ThreadSafe.

Assignment 3 builds on on Assignment 2, due 11:59 PM Thursday March 28 via make turnitin.
    It employs thread-safe non-blocking queues & atomics to put / take FiveTuples and TenTuples. as a Java interface specifying the data exchange functions. is an adapter using thread-safe queues that support non-blocking functions. uses java.util.concurrent.
AtomicReference. uses java.util.concurrent.AtomicReferenceArray.
        ~parson/multip/ is a Jython script about non-blocking Producer->Consumer spinning.

Assignment 4 is an Executor-based client-server simulation,
        due 11:59 PM Thursday April 11 via make turnitin.
    Demo in Jython from acad ~parson/multip/CSC543s24ServerDemo/, see Jython docs.
    Demo assignment from spring 2011 in ~parson/multip/

Assignment 5 of Individual Student Topics due 11:59 PM May 6 via D2L.
    This includes a 12-15 minute student presentation at class time May 6.

Zoom Archives

Jan 22 Course Intro, hardware multi-context cores, memory paths, & need for thread synchronization.
Jan 29 Class Went over initial slides, locks & condition variables, and Assignment 1 handout.
Feb 5 Class week 3 and week 4 slides, more explanation of assn 1 mechanisms, Q&A during work session.
    I added an example doc on using control-\ to see stack traces for a hung Java process on 2/6.
Feb 12 Class went over control-\ on previous line, then Chapter 5 slides on java.util.concurrent.
Feb 19 Class went over my solution to Assignment 1, then Assignment 2 handout.
    We will have some in-class work time next Monday.
Feb 26 Class CyclicBarriers & lock-free dataflows in bidirectional search, prep links for Assignment 3 above.
    Final hour was a work session using a breakout room for debugging student code.
March 4 Class More on atomic data exchanges, then slides & demo on Executors factory methods,
    ExecutorService, Future tasks, and Executor Completion Service.
March 18 Class Assignment 2 solution, Assignment 3 handout and Q&A, 1 hour work time.
March 25 Class Walk-through of Jython demo of thread pools & tasks and then Assignment 4 handout.
    There will be some work time next week.
April 1 Class Chapter 7 slides on Interruption, Cancellation, & Shutdown, ran an experiment with
    premature shutdownNow on Assignment 4's server, found a bug where Futures return by submit
    on a previously shutdownNow server hang in Future.get()! 45 minutes of project work time.
April 8 Class Chapter 8 slides on Applying Thread Pools, Chapter 9 on worker threads for GUIs, examples in Processing.
Related work:
    Creative Graphical Coding via Pipelined Pixel Manipulation (PACISE 2018 Best Faculty Paper)
    [De]fragmenting Architecture, (Debuted at Computer Vision Art in Munich December 2018)
    A Distributed Model-View-Controller Design Pattern for a Graphical Remote Control
        of a Multi-user Application (PACISE 2020 COVID), here are the slides.
April 15 Class Assn3 & Assn4 post-mortem, Chapter 10 slides and
    walked through the first two entries just above here on Related work.
April 22 Class Python closures, generators, coroutines, using latter to run parallel (Weka-Java) processes
    to accelerate data analysis on mcgonagall. ~parson/DataMine/HawkMtn/analysis_scripts source files.
April 29 Class Chapter 11 and 12 slides, some benchmarks on the new Arya machine, prior Java-based student assn5s.
    Please send me a remaining time for your Assignment 5 presentation if you haven't & plan to attend the whole class
    in support of your classmates. I assume everyone will attend via Zoom. If not, bring your materials or have them
    accessible via the Web. Students usually give a short code demo. You'll have 5 more minutes than the last 2 times
    because there are fewer students this semester.