Wednesday office hours move to Tuesday:
Office Hours Mon 11 AM-1 PM, Tuesday Dec.
3, 12-2 PM, Th 4-5 PM, or by appt.
Office Hours Mon 11 AM-1 PM, Tuesday Dec.
10, 12-2 PM, Th 4-5 PM, or by appt.
Our CPSC223 Final Exam slots, Zoom or
in-person, are as follows:
3:00 PM class meets Wednesday the 11th
11:00-1:00 to work on take-home final
4:30 PM class meets Wednesday the
11th 2:00-4:00 to work on
take-home final exam.
I will go over the solution to Assignment 4 at
the start of these sessions.
Attendance is optional. Please turn in the
final exam via D2L by the deadline. Dr.
Dale E. Parson
There is a 10% per late late penalty for projects that come
in after the due date.
1 unusual radix sort, handout code is posted
on 9/6, due by 11:59 PM Thursday September 26 via
make turnitin.
You must run make test on K120023GEMS.kutztown.edu
(a.k.a. arya).
You can download &
unzip DEMO ~parson/Scripting/CSC223f23SORTassn0.solution.zip
similarly to Assn1.
Assignment 2
on generating composite audio-like waveforms atop
last year's project, posted on 9/23
Run make test on the new
server. This project is due via make turnitin by
the end of Thursday October 17.
I will be on
vacation Thursday October 10
through the 15th, no classes
or office hours.
Assignment 3, code is due
by end of Friday
November 15
via make turnitin.
Assignment 4 code is due
by end of Friday
December 6
via make turnitin.
Assignment 5 is a take-home
set of questions &
answers about
Assignments 1-4.
It is
due by the end of
Wednesday december 11
via D2L.
November 25 and December
2 review slides, Zoom
videos, and code if you
have questions.
made a short add on
running python or
ipython from the command
line to the Assn5 web page on 12/4. ZOOM VIDEO ARCHIVE. Use Firefox or try other
non-Chrome browser for these links. Chrome has
26 - Introduction to the course. August
28 First 40 minutes are a walk-through of setting up your
Linux account, and then Python basic & aggregate data types.
A student's
excellent summary of using our Linux server written
recently. September
4 Python data types, "for" and "while" loops, "if-elif-else"
constructs, Boolean expressions, function "def"initions.
The sorting example code we are going over is
available to copy and unzip:
mkdir Scripting # Do this
from your login directory
cd ./Scripting
unzip CSC223f23SORTassn0.solution.zip
cd ./CSC223f23SORTassn0 September
9 Examined genData and selection sort functions in CSC223f23SORTassn0, then
Assignment 1 to STUDENT 4.c.
Wednesday September 11 we will finish
Assignment 1 explanation then have a work session. September
11 Went over Assignment 1 requirements, starting with how to
use bitwise operators (<<, >>, &, |) and related.
Monday 9/16 will be entirely a work session.
Please come prepared to work. September
16 Short 0verview of Assignment 1 Pitfalls, setting up nano
editing TAB parameters, then a work session. September
18 Went over Fall
2023 Assignment 2 as a starting point for your extension.
You will be generating signals graphed and
being analyzed in my CSC558
Assignment 2.
(^^^ That is not your assignment. We need to
look at those figures.)
We went over
~parson/Scripting/CSC223f23WAVEassn2.solution.zip from last year. September
23 Finished Fall 2023 Assignment 2 and started going over your Fall
2024 Assignment 2 that builds on last year's.
Wednesday 9/25 I will finish going over your
Assignment 2 & most of the class will be a work session. Come
prepared. September
25 A little on Assignment 1, then finish intro of Assignment
2, then a work session on Assignment 2. September
30 went over countHours.py in
~parson/Scripting/filterDemo.zip October
2 went over CSC223f24Partial.py in
~parson/Scripting/CSC223f24Partial.zip. October
7 reviewed Python closures & added generators with demos
of both.
Near the end of the 3 PM recording are some
generator examples that we
didn't get to
in 4:30 because we
added some more closure examples onto the 4:30 Zoom video.
Here are IPython listings for the main
closure and generator examples we went over. October
9 A PULL, single-path dataflow architecture using Python
Code examined is in
DataflowGeneratorsOnePath.py from this zip:
~parson/Scripting/CSCx23Fall2023DemoDataflow.demo2024.zip for
example code.
Recording starts out with two Assignment 2 bugs
to avoid. October
16 closures, generators, coroutines, PULL & PUSH
dataflows from CSCx23Fall2023DemoDataflow.demo2024.zip. October
21 Assignment 2 solution, exception handling try:
except: (known as catch), raise (known
as throw), examples.
References for Built-in
Exceptions and Errors
and Exceptions. October
23 Assignment 3 handout, Monday October 28 will be a work
session, come prepared.
October 28 was a work session with some one-to-one debugging, no
video recording. October
30 Went over my code portions of Assignment 3, Python
operations for built-in container types. November
4 Went over pearsonr
and spearmanr
correlation coefficients, mean
absolute error and mean
squared error in measuring
similarity / differences in two data sets.
The end of the recording includes a section
from the 4:30 class on data compression. November
6 Review of generators & coroutines + threads in
~parson/Scripting/CSCx23Fall2023DemoDataflow.fall2024.zip November
11 Assignment 4 handout up to statistical mode &
Mostly done going over handout, Wednesday the
13th will be a work session. November
13 Finished Assn4 statistical mode and quantiles
explanation, mostly unrecorded work session.
Monday the 18th we will meet here
at 3 PM instead of class for extra credit sign-in. November
18 here is the Zoom video of Grant Fickes' presentation (abstract
You may have to log into Zoom with your
KU credentials if that link gives a permission problem.
Students who signed one of the two sign-in
sheets will receive 10 bonus points on Assignment 4. November
20 Assn3 solution, then start going over aspects of Assn4
for take-home exam Assn5 & prep slides.
This Zoom video is longer than usual,
covering the 3 PM class in the first 75 minutes, then the 4:30
It covers two full class sections. It is
there for review of the final take-home exam. November
25 This is your full final exam review session including slides
and Zoom video. December
2 Overview of applying pearsonr, spearmanr,
mean_absolute_error, and root_mean_squared_error to machine
learning (ML). The new, ML material will NOT be on the
final, take-home exam, but this material is
largely to explain those 4 error measures.
Here is the Python code from
~parson/Scripting/CPSC223_PostFinal_ML.py that we went over. December
4 A short recording with additional info on the Final
Exam Project 5. I made a short add to that web page.