CPSC 223 - Intermediate Python Scripting, Fall 2024,
MonWed 3:00-4:15 and 4:30-5:45 PM, Old Main 159
Use Firefox or try other non-Chrome browser for these links. Chrome has problems

Office Hours Mon 11 AM-1 PM, Wed 12-2 PM, Th 4-5 PM, or by appt.
We will distance 6 feet in my office, so plan to attend office hours online.
Office hours Zoom: https://kutztown.zoom.us/j/94322223872
Links for CSC223 Zoom room and student instructions for using Zoom.
The Zoom link for our course is also on the course D2L page Content tab.


Dr. Dale E. Parson

First day handout (syllabus that is specific to this semester).

You will need to use the acad Linux server in this course. You will have to come in
via a VPN starting this fall. Here are the instructions for that. Download the VPN from here.
Run ssh K120023GEMS.kutztown.edu after logging into acad to perform make test and other work.


Our department is adding a Scripting Certificate, a Data Science major, and a Data Science minor in fall 2024.
    Instructions to Change, Add, Remove an UNDERGRADUATE Major, Minor or Certificate Program

Weekly class time materials
Initial Linux environment Setup on our new Linux server  using Python 3.11.
Week 1: Python Resources and Python Basics
Read and work along with Sections 1 through 5 of the Python Tutorial in parallel to our class time examination of Python basics.
Week 2 is about functions and function-like constructs in Python.
Week 3 is the sorting example and Assignment 1 overview.

There is a 10% per late late penalty for projects that come in after the due date.     

Assignment 1 unusual radix sort, due date and handout code TBD. Starting code not yet posted.

ZOOM VIDEO ARCHIVE. Use Firefox or try other non-Chrome browser for these links. Chrome has problems.
August 26 - Introduction to the course.
August 28 First 40 minutes are a walk-through of setting up your Linux account, and then Python basic & aggregate data types.
    A student's excellent summary of using our Linux server written recently.