CSC 223 - Advanced Scripting for Data Science, Fall
2024, MonWed 3:00-4:15 and 4:30-5:45 PM, Old Main 159.
Assignment 1 Specification, code is
posted on 9/6, due by 11:59 PM Thursday September
26 via make turnitin.
You must run
make test on
(a.k.a. arya).
Perform the
following steps on K120023GEMS after logging into your account
via putty or ssh:
# places you into your login directory mkdir Scripting
# all of your csc523 projects
go into this directory cd ./Scripting
# makes Scripting
your current working directory, it may already exist cp
~parson/Scripting/ unzip
# unzips your working copy of the project directory cd ./CSC223f24SORTassn1
your project working directory
Perform all test execution on K120023GEMS to avoid any
platform-dependent output differences.
The project makefile drives testing via running make test
on K120023GEMS.
Here are the files of interest in this project directory. You
can ignore makelib.
# This is the Python source file you will edit. makefile
# This script directs the
actions of make clean test and make turnitin.
# This is my library used by makefile.
Students will do two
things within the above Python file for Assignment 1.
1. Implement a radix sort using a
pseudo-random radix that is a power of 2.
A valid outline of the radix sort is
I am requiring an unusual, cryptic
version of this algorithm to avoid downloads of
fixed-radix solutions.
You must follow the psuedo-code
already written in the handout Python file or lose most
points. 2. Implement an insertion sort using the
Python bisect library module, also fully
specified in the handout code.
You can type make student from within the
project directory to see your requirements.
Here they are with preceding line numbers, reordered in
order of work items.
You should search for all upper-case STUDENT comments
and of course understand the handout code.
Please take notes when I go over this in class.
11 #
STUDENT 1: 1% Complete documentation at top of
120 #
STUDENT 2 (10%) Open an output file into variable
outfile for writing
150 #
STUDENT 3 (4%) Close the two files you opened for
writing in STUDENT 2.
# STUDENT 4 (50%) Implement
ourRadixSort according to my pseudo-code.
# STUDENT 5 (35%) Implement
ourInsertionSort using bisect.insort_right.
You can see all STUDENT details when you edit
Type make clean test on machine xxx when you are
ready to test.
I will go over how to interpret any .dif file that shows
the differences between your output
and the expected .ref reference
When you have completed all work and make test
works correctly, type make turnitin
and hit Enter when prompted to turn
in the code. We are NOT using the turnin script.
You will not receive email after make
turnitin. If make doesn't report an error, it
There is a 10% per-day penalty for
all late projects in this course.
Any project turned in during or after
the class in which I go over a solution is worth 0%
Here is a doc
with a reasonable diagram explaining radix sort at the
Do NOT use code from that page or any
other external source.
Our code is using a pseudo-random,
varying radix that is a power of 2.
You will not find that on the web.
Just translate my pseudo-code to Python.
Python operators that I will demo in class:
bitwise shift left
bitwise shift right
bitwise OR
(boolean) AND
(boolean) OR
*, +,
multiply, add,
floating point
retains the
discards the