Harrisburg Mansion Results

Laura Sherrod - 2021

Geophysical investigations were performed to provide subsurface images using a 400MHz GSSI SIR 3000 GPR system and a Geometrics G-858 magnetometer in gradiometer mode.  Lines were spaced at 2ft to provide complete coverage of the survey area.  



Arial view of the field site.


Magnetic data show the location of surface metal and the outlines of utilities.


GPR time slice at an estimated depth of 3.5ft, showing traces of several subsurface utilities. 



Daniel Marroncelli operates the magnetometer


Description Description Description
Kahlan Tripp runs the GPR survey Groundhog burrows can show up as noise in the GPR results Dakota Pittinger operates the magnetometer  
Harrisburg Mansion Archaeological Geophysics Ground Penetrating Radar
Sherrod Home Page GSKU Magnetometer