The Mouns Jones archaeological site in
Douglasville, PA is believed to be the first
permanent settlement in Berks County.
Excavations at the site over the last decade
have led to the discovery of a cold cellar,
the ruins, a 1700s log cabin, and a well.
However, with an area of just under 2 acres,
there is still much of the site that has yet
to be excavated. The size of the property
and the scope of the Mouns Jones influence
in this region suggests that there should be
additional buildings on the site. While
archaeological investigations are time
consuming and require significant manpower,
geophysical investigations allow the rapid
characterization of physical characteristics
of the subsurface in a non-invasive manner.
Giovanna LaSpisa surveying at Mouns Jones
House (Block B)
Kahlan Tripp sruveying with the GPR in block
Magnetometer and ground penetrating radar
(GPR) surveys were performed in several
survey blocks across the property with the
intent of locating roads/paths seen in a
1950s photo and a 1719 map as well as the
foundations of other buildings believed to
be in the area. Several areas of potential
archaeological interest were identified
through the results of the geophysical
surveys and may require additional