Local PA Cemetery - Siegfried Results

Laura Sherrod - 2013

Metal in the wall of the cemetery may have masked subsurface magnetic anomalies close to the walls, but the results of this survey shows several locations for further investigation.

Within the cemetery walls, numerous small bipolar anomalies could represent unmarked burials. The GPR profile at locations A, B, and C illustrates the hyperbolic nature of the GPR reflections in the central portion of the cemetery.

Fill material on the road to the west of the cemetery, as shown in the GPR profile at location D, may cover and distort anomalies from prior burials.

Hyperbolic reflections in the GPR profiles performed north of the cemetery may represent burials at a depth of approximately 0.8m, as illustrated at location E.

Vertical magnetic gradient map at the Siegfried cemetery site 


GPR profiles of lines 18.3E (top), 1.8E (middle), and 29.6E (bottom) 


GPR timeslice at 0.70m depth assuming a velocity of 0.07m/ns


Emily Snyder surveys north of the cemetery wall Emily Snyder and Sebastien Treciak perform a magnetic survey in the tall grass Emily Snyder surveys on the road west of the cemetery  
Sebastien Treciak surveys inside the cemetery Emily Snyder and Sebastien Treciak perform a GPR survey within the walls of the cemetery Sebastien Treciak surveys north of the cemetery wall
2013 Local PA Cemetery Surveys
Local PA Cemetery Geehr Results
Archaeological Geophysics Ground Penetrating Radar
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