The archaeological site at Joanna Furnace is
in Burks County adjacent to Hays Creek. Dr.
Khori Newlander of the
Anthropology/Sociology Department at KU
established a field site at this location
for his
archaeology field school in summer
2012. Dr. Newlander invited KU's
geophysicist, Dr. Laura Sherrod, to the site
to give his students experience with
geophysical methods as well as to pinpoint
target areas for excavations during the
multi-week course.
Archaeology student operates the GPR at the
upper survey location
Archaeology student operates the
magnetometer at the upper survey location
Two geophysical methods,
and ground
penetrating radar (GPR) were used at the
site under the instruction of Dr. Sherrod,
with the help of Geology major, Giovanna
LaSpisa. Multiple survey blocks were
established throughout the site to guide the
archaeological excavations. North-south survey lines were performed
every 0.5m across the site, with archaeology
students operating the equipment.
The geophysical surveys were conducted over
the course of two days of field work in
June 2022. This was followed by several weeks of archaeological
investigations by the students under the
guidance of Dr. Newlander.