BCAGP Exeter Cemetery Results

Laura Sherrod - 2021

Geophysical investigations were performed to provide subsurface images using a 400MHz GSSI SIR 3000 GPR system and a Geometrics G-858 magnetometer in gradiometer mode.  Lines were spaced at 1ft to provide complete coverage of the survey area.  


Arial view of the field site.


GPR profile showing several potential unmakred burials


Magnetic data show the location of surface metal and some small anomalous zones. 


Potential burial sites as interpreted from the GPR profiles. 


Image1 Image2 Image3
Wooden fence surrouds the site Michael Perrotta operates the GPR Michael Perrotta operates the magnetometer  
Muhlenberg Cemetery Results
BCAGP Service Projects
Archaeological Geophysics Ground Penetrating Radar
Sherrod Home Page GSKU Magnetometer