GEL302 - Economic Geology

GEL 302- Kurt Friehauf

return to main pageSyllabus

Tentative schedule
Lecture and Lab -Boehm Science Bldg. #126
Office - Boehm Science Bldg. # 135 - coffee's probably brewing so follow your nose

Tel. (610) 683-4446



Fieldtrip:  Sterling Hill - April 10, 2010
Vans will leave the parking lot at 7:00 am.
The tour begins at 9:30 and lasts 2.5 to 3 hours.
We can stay to collect or head directly home.
Three key papers for you to read:
Fieldtrip:  Geological Society of America - joint Northeast-Southeast meeting - Baltimore March 14-16, 2010
Technical program

Study Guides

Lab schedule


Sterling Hill

Nevada fieldtrip (tentative!)

Geological Society of America fieldtrip (tentative!)

Study break websites

Helpful web links

Kutztown University Geology Program
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