EarthRead the Newspaper
Extra Credit Opportunity

Kurt Friehauf

Yet Another Extra Credit Opportunity!

The Kutztown University Student Government provides the campus with a subscription to the New York Times - which is truly extraordinary!  This kind of thing is something I'd expect the Stanfords and Harvards of the world to do, but huge kudos go to Kutztown for doing this!!
Tuesday's edition always contains a section just on science, so I hope you're at least looking that over.  This being the New York Times, there is also good coverage of science in the main body of the paper on other days (at least compared to any other newspaper!)  I strongly encourage you to read the paper and will give two points of extra credit applied to the next exam to the first two people who show me articles in the New York Times reporting new events in geology.  This offer is good until a total of 100 points have been distributed in the class. 

fish in a bucketFor example, the paper had an article titled Study Links Extinction Cycles to Changes in Earth’s Orbit and Tilt about the relationship between Milancovic cycles and periodic extinctions of mammals.  The first two students who would have alerted me to this would each have received two extra credit points on their next exam!  Similarly, the first reports of the big Hawaii earthquake would have counted.  Follow-up articles reporting the amount of damage in Hawaii, etc., however, do not count. 

Talk about shooting photos of fish in a bucket!
All you have to do is read the newspaper and show me the articles about geology! 

p.s., You might as well read some of the other stuff that's in there while you're looking!