Kurt Friehauf - Teaching

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces,
I would still plant my apple tree.

- Martin Luther


Courses I teach

empty SEM lab
Practical Scanning Electron Microscopy + Lab
How to use a field emission scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectrometer
(photo: Fred and Martha Hafer Scanning Electron Microscope Lab at Kutztown University)

                looking at geology in a mine
Mineralogy + Lab
How to identify minerals and the chemistry of how minerals form
(photo: Sterling Hill zinc mine)

me pointing to rocks
Petrology and Geochemistry + Lab
(formerly Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology)
Studying the chemical processes that form, modify, and destroy rocks, including how magmas form/crystallize, how pressure/temperature recrystallize rocks, and how water chemically reacts with rocks.
(photo: Adirondack Mnts.)

students in zinc mine
Economic Geology + Lab
How mineral deposits that we mine form within the Earth and how we explore for them
(photo: underground in the Balmat zinc mine)

me at Spider Rock in Canyon de Chelly
Geology of National Parks
The stories of the rocks that you walk on when you go on vacation
(photo: Canyon de Chelly, AZ)

students monitoring water well
Senior Seminar in Geology
Synthesis of all of the geology courses in the program through discussions of papers published in the professional scientific journals, also includes group research project
(photo: measuring pH, etc. in well)

Courses I taught in the past

students at mine drill
Optical Mineralogy + Lab
Using microscopes to study mineralogy and applying a little mineral chemistry to deduce geological processes
(photo: Nyco wollastonite mine)

                at structural strength-testing drill
Structural Geology + Lab
Studying how stress deforms rock to form folds and faults, how that applies to engineering, and plate tectonic theory
(photo: measuring RQD in drill core at drill rig testing rock strength)

(taught by Dr. Sarah Tindall as of 2003)

student drawing in the field
Field Geology
Standard field procedures for geologists, including geologic mapping, rock/soil/water sampling, geophysical methods, etc.
(photo: sketching outcrops with
the art education students)

( now taught by Dr. Sarah Tindall )

students sampling soil
Environmental Geology + Lab
Geology related to environmental science with an emphasis on practical experience in the field
(photo: soil sampling near Palmerton, PA)
(taught by Dr. Jacob Sewall as of 2009)

students sampling well
Hydrogeology + Lab
Geology related to environmental science with an emphasis on practical experience in the field
(photo: bailing from monitoring well)

(taught by Dr. Laura Sherrod
as of 2010)

students using proton precession magnetometer
Geophysics + Lab
How we analyze the earth's magnetism, gravity, electrical properties, and seismic properties to find hidden things like water, oil, and minerals, as well as understand processes otherwise invisible to us
(photo: measuring magnetic field in Pennsylvania iron mining district)
(taught by Dr. Laura Sherrod
as of 2010)

students looking at cement kiln
Physical Geology + Lab
Survey of the geological sciences for science majors.
(photo: viewing kiln at cement plant)
(taught by Dr. Laura Sherrod as of 2009)

geologic map of Pennsylvania
Intro to Geology + Lab
Survey of the geological sciences for science and non-science majors, respectively
(taught by Dr. Sarah Tindall as of 2009)

Travels with students - the world is bigger than Kutztown, Pennsylvania!

Longer trips
Adirondacks - Autumn 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000
Washington (state) - May 2016
Puerto Rico - May 2015
Adirondacks - Autumn 2014
Arizona - Summer 2014
Namibia - Summer 2011
Alaska - Summer 2011
Arizona - March 2010 (Grand Canyon, volcanoes, meteorite impact site, Petrified Forest, and copper mines)
Colorado/New Mexico - August 2009 (Great Sand Dunes and Anasazi sites)
Yellowstone and southern Montana mines - May 2009
China - Summer 2008 (Beijing + Henan)
Costa Rica - Winter 2007-2008 (volcano and beach tour)
China - Summer 2005 (Beijing)
China - Summer 2004 (Beijing and Inner Mongolia)

GSA meetings
Denver, Colorado - October 2022
Phoenix, Arizona - October 2019
Seattle, Washington - October 2017
Vancouver, BC - October 2014
Denver, Colorado - November 2013
Denver, Colorado - November 2010
Portland, Oregon - October 2009
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - March 2006
Salt Lake City, Utah - October 2005
Washington, D.C. - March 2004
Seattle, Washington - November 2003
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - March 2003
Denver, Colorado - November 2001
Reno, Nevada - November 2000

Undergraduate Research - an important part of education

I am a strong advocate of using undergraduate research projects to help students pull together the knowledge they learn in their many classes.  Earning a degree in geology requires students to take a whole bunch of very different science courses, ranging from classes on how volcanoes erupt, to how beaches erode, to how earthquake vibrations travel through the earth, to fossil identification, and much, much more.  Unfortunately, in spite of every professor's attempts to tie what students learn in each class to the subject at hand, the links between these subjects commonly just shows up as a line or two in a notebook. DOING research requires a person to pull this knowledge together to solve a problem really helps build a strong fabric of knowledge gained in all of those science classes.
Because research pursues the answers to questions with no pat answer, research projects also teach students that there is not always a single, obvious, correct answer to a given problem, and research successes help build each student's self confidence.  Students doing independent research with me work on projects including:

A nice four-year plan for any undergraduate student
(by the Career Services Staff at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania)

My advice for students who are not doing well in college 

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          Kutztown University Geology Program website that I created
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