Kunal K. Das
Professor of Physics
PhD, SUNY Stony Brook
Professor Kunal K. Das is a theoretical physicist whose research is at the exciting interface between condensed matter physics and the physics of ultracold atoms. He is currently interested in topological effects and the quantum dynamics of ultracold atoms with specific focus on ring-shaped lattices. This ties in with his earlier work on simulating various mesoscopic transport processes with cold atoms, which can be used to study and understand mechanisms hard to access in electronic systems. He continues to be interested in the effects of nonlinearity and coherence as well as the transition from quantum to classical behavior.
Professor Das has contributed to the theory of Bose Einstein Condensates, Degenerate Fermi Gases and Tonks-Girardeau Gas. He also works on application of quantum and classical stochastic calculus to complex systems in biology, economics and many-body physics.
There are several students currently mentored by Professor Das, supported by continuing grants from the National Science Foundation. Some of his previous students have won awards in undergraduate research competitions. Professor Das is currently a Visiting Scholar at Stony Brook University and has previously been a Scholar of the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics (KITP) in Santa Barbara, CA.