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Ryan Lab Group Meetings

Fall 2007 (20083)

First Week of Fifteen, Tues. 8-28-07

Tues. 8-29-07

No meeting. No information sent yet.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Second Week of Fifteen, Tues. 9-4-07

Tues 9-4-07:

CP3 crew

Present: Elliott Fitzpatrick, Sarah Windfelder (also on Fear and Disgust),  Trisha Parker,

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Sam Elbeleidy, Samantha Scott, Kirsten Williams, Bevin Lustman,

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Nikita Driscoll, Mellissa Gilroy,

New Members

Present: Brittany Robison, Lisa Scala, Steven Craig, Michael Savoy, Liz Sutton

Old and new members introduced themselves. I described the three research projects briefly.

The Local / Global crew is up to 117 data points. Up from about 91 last time I checked the data. Bevin suggests that if any are interested in joining their crew, the new members function as the experimenter conducting the Navon letter task, but not as the target. This will save the time of generating whole new stimulus sets. We will shoot for presenting this data at either EPA in March, or the KU symposium (abstracts due around Oct., Nov.), or both.

Bevin has also been keeping up the calendar.

I asked the CP3 crew to email me their availability to run subjects. I'll need to post time slots and get some of the new people trained on it. We may have a Grad Assistant, Tara, available to help run subjects also. She has received some training over the summer. It will depend on whether she has time left in her schedule after she has taken care of any other duties that would take precedence.

I will have to get back to the Fear and Disgust crew to find time to meet with them separately. We need to begin running subjects in PR1 (ratings of fear and disgust) and collect the gender data with the ratings. These should be able to be added to the PR1 rating data that was gathered by Joe and Alyssa earlier, and for which Sarah and Nikita recorded gender data (from subject names) on separate grids (for balance). We also need to run PR2 in the lab to compare to the PR2 data collected from the web. The PR2 data from the web was submitted to APS last year, but rejected. We could easily submit it to EPA or another conference.

I will also have to get new people entered into the members database, get them on my email list, get them on the lab folder, and get their pictures on the web site.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Third Week of Fifteen, Tues. 9-11-07

Tues 9-11-07:

New members from last meeting present: Lisa Scala, Steve Craig, Brittany Robison

New Mary Beth Miozza

CP3 crew

Need to get people on this one

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Bevin Lustman, Kirsten Williams
They need partners who are non-targets. Mary Beth and Steve can serve as the partners for Bevin and Kirsten. If they can help run just a few more sessions, then they will have all the data collected from Bevin and Kirsten. Then Bevin and Kirsten can serve as the helpers for Samantha and Sam to help them get finished.

So far with 120 subjects we have a statistically significant .043 three way interaction between Local/Global, Sequential/Simultaneous, and Absent/Present

If the target is present (so correct means making a successful identification):
When the recognition test is sequential, then Global does better than Local, as predicted.
When the recognition test is simultaneous, then Local does much better than global.

If the target is absent (so correct means avoiding a false identification):
Then Local does better than Global, and the difference is .21 for Sequential compared to .14 for Simultaneous.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Nikita Driscoll, Lora Seiverling (Returning from previous semester for first time this semester). Will be joined by Lisa Scala and Brittany Robison.

Need to email Trish and Sara re: starting on Fear and Disgust
Nikita and Lora have free times on Mondays and Fridays

Nikita and Lora will get together with Lisa and Brittany at 3pm this Friday (14th) to get PR1 back up and running. Nikita says she can post sign-ups this week for dates during next week.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 9-18-07

Tues 9-18-07

I began with the outline of the plan for conferences so far. They will need to look into funding for travel to EPA to present the PR stuff. I will also plan on going to APS with the Local/Global stuff, so someone may be able to travel their also.

One thing we did not discuss was possiblities for them to present as primary authors at the KU or other local or regional student conference.

CP3 crew

Present: Mike Savoy, Liz Sutton, and Steve Craig (new people) are all available to work on this one. I gave them a tour of the outline of the experiment (second time). I also had Steve log on and get into the Ryan Lab Group files to show them the materials. They will begin studying materials (probably scripts first). Next time we will concentrate on learning to solve the test problems. As soon as they are familiar enough, we will recruit some subjects to begin training them to run subjects.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Samantha, Sam, Steve Craig. Bevin and Kirsten are done running their subjects. (Steve has run one time with Bevin). Bevin and Kirsten will serve as experimenters for Sam and Samantha to speed data collection. 

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Trisha, Sarah, Nikita, Lora, Brittany, Lisa

Nikita has full time-slots for This Fri, Monday, and Next Fri. She will train Lisa This Fri. Brittany received one training session last week. Brittany and Lora will watch this Friday and then may begin running her own sessions. Sarah and Trisha will do the same.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Fifth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 9-25-07

Tues 9-25-07:

Need to discuss possiblities for them to present as primary authors at the KU or other local or regional student conference.

CP3 crew

Present: Steven Craig. Liz Sutton, Mike Savoy, Elliot Fitzpatrick (need to re-activate the study and make sure the researchers are on the study)
Elliot filled out an availability schedule.

I and the four above could all be free on Fridays from 2 - 5 as our time to run.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Bevin, Kirsten, Sam, Samantha,
Sam and Samantha have about 10 more subjects to go per person, 20 total. Kirsten and Bevin are finished. As soon as all the 192 subjects are in, we'll look at the data again. We will plan to present this at the Lehigh Valley conference as a student poster, as well as a poster at APS.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Nikita, Lora, Mellisa, Brittany (need to change the list of researchers on the study)

Nikita is working on correcting problems with the grids. Some subjects had been put under the wrong booklet, but they were in the right place regarding fear or disgust. However, the subject on the grid were incorrect (there were duplicate numbers - one batch of subjects had been numbered 1 -64. Then another batch started at 1 and went to 80 something instead of starting at 65.) That is what Nikita is correcting. Total subjects now is 149, but predominately female. So now they are recruiting males only until it's balanced.

Nikita has been running subjects. Melissa had some last semester. At this point Brittany and Lora will also begin running subjects. They know how to set up time slots, but have not done it yet. Nikita will find out how many females we have so far. That number doubled (for the balanced number of males) could be a point where we check to see our next move. We may at some point want to start running PR2. If so, we may either stop or continue PR1.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-2-07

Tues. 10-2-07:

Present: New Ashley Thompson - Filled out a schedule form to see when she would be available for CP3. Gave her a tour of Lab group site.  She needs to be added to the email list, lab group folder, and subject pool.

CP3 crew

Present: Elliot Fitzpatrick, Steven Craig ( Liz Sutton and Mike Savoy could not make it tonight.) Nothing new this time except that I told them we may have Mellisa Schlechter on this crew.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Bevin, Kirsten, Sam, Samantha,

They have finished all 192 subjects. We found that for the present lineup only, and when the lineup is sequential, local processing significantly impairs recognition. The local subjects only recognized the face 25% of the time compared to 70.8% of the time for the global subjects (N's in both groups = 24) X^2(1) = 10.10, p = .001.

We also found that this difference did not occur for the simultaneous lineup. A two way ANOVA confirmed that this processing by lineup interaction was significant, F(1, 92 ) = 8.08, p = .006, MSE = .218, adjusted R^2 = 119.

Click here for the complete analysis.

We will submit this to APS in Chicago for May 2008!!!

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Trish, Sarah, Nikita, Brittany, Lisa

Have almost exactly half as many males as females (48 males - 101 females) as of last count. Not near balanced yet. They had a problem of subjects claiming that Dr. Jackson wanted them to get a credit slip. It turns out that he wants to make sure they get a written debriefing. The other problem was females signing up. I changed the name of the study to tell them only males for now. Females later.

They will continue running to get balanced.
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Fall 2007 (20083)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-9-07

Tues. 10-9-07:

The subject pool participants need more studies. The PR1 crew can try to run more. Other than that, there is nothing we can do right at the moment. Maybe in the future we can design a survey study related to CP3

Present: Andrew Johnston NEW

CP3 crew

Present: Elliot, Liz, and Mike (Steve not present). Nothing for them again. May have them not come next time.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: All four, but Bevin had to leave early. I reiterated to them to check into funding from the undergrad research committee. I showed them the website, I also suggested they find out if they need more money from the department and that they go to Dr. Rains and ask if the department can kick in. In the worst case, we will have to look at further fund raising efforts.

After Bevin left, I presented the interaction between local/global processing and simultaneous versus sequential lineup collapsed over perpetrator present and perpetrator absent. I explained that the lack of a three way interaction including the perpetrator factor justifies the collapse. Examining the interaction between local/global processing and simultaneous versus sequential lineup for perpetrator present and perpetrator absent separately shows no two way interaction when the perpetrator is absent. However, that is because throwing away half of the data weakens the power of the analysis. By including all of the data, we are justified in saying that we have gained sufficient power to show that, for a sequential lineup, but not a simultaneous one,  global processing not only improves recognition of the perpetrator when he is present, but also reduces false identifications when he is not.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Trish, Sara, Melissa, Lisa, Brittany
Need to have a separate meeting first, to plan EPA, next to show them PR2 . May schedule this for our next meeting, and tell others not to come.
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Fall 2007 (20083)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-16-07

Tues. 10-16-07:

This meeting is dedicated to the Fear and Disgust crew. We are planning the Fear and Disgust presentation at EPA in Boston in March.

Present: Andrew Johnston, (I'll put him on PR2). Shawn Filson (has not yet sent me an initial email, but will)

CP3 crew

Live Local/Global crew

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Sarah Windfelder, Trish Parker, Brittany Robison, Lisa Scala, Nikita Driscoll, Lora Seiverling

I gave them all a copy of my notes on what we plan to present this year "Presentations 2007 - 2008" I also gave them all of the materials as far as they had been developed for the previous attempt to present this data at APS in 2007.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-23-07

Tues. 10-23-07:

This meeting is for the Fear and Disgust crew.

CP3 crew

Live Local/Global crew

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Andrew Johnston, Sarah Windfelder, Lisa Scala, Brittany Robison, and Nikita Driscoll

We looked at the submission that had been prepared for APS. It is a 43 word abstract and a 500 word short description. For EPA, we need a 500 - 1000 word longer abstract (that's what they call it), and a 75 word short abstract. I can submit what was prepared for APS, except that I'll wait a little to see if I can include some of the data from the PR1 with gender. Then, we have a little less than 5 months to produce the paper and poster. The crew will get together and plan what parts who will write. Then they will get a draft together and present it to me at the beginning of next semester. Actually, they should show me something before they go away for  the break. Then they will have one month to finalize the paper, and another month to make it into a poster.

In order to try to get some of the PR1 with gender data into the submission, whoever can do it will show Andrew the raw data. I showed him the excel file from PR1 that was run previously. We discussed the importance of making sure we know which response goes with which stimulus number. There are keys to insure that, we just have to make sure we find and use them. Andrew will put as much data from PR1 with gender as he can into an excel file. Meanwhile, those who are now running subjects will continue to run some, to help students get their credit. But they will cut back as much as they need to in order to be able to work on writing the paper. Since there will be more subjects being run while Andrew is scoring and coding the data, he may have to check with me as to where to stop.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-30-07

Tues. 10-30-07:

There was no meeting due to my having to go to Harrisburg for Lobby Day

CP3 crew

Live Local/Global crew

Fear and Disgust crew

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 11-6-07

Tues. 11-6-07:

This meeting is for the Fear and Disgust Crew

CP3 crew

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Bevin Lustman, Samantha Scott

Explained how to write the proposal for the grant.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Andrew Johnston, Nikita Driscoll, Lisa Scala, Brittany Robison, Sara Windfelder, Lora Seiverling

We took a quick look at the data from PR1 with gender. We found that for one of the wasps females gave significantly higher disgust ratings than males.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 11-13-07

Tues. 11-13-07: 

CP3 crew

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Bevin, Sam, Samantha, Kirsten.

We worked on the presentation for the grant committee. We will meet on Monday 11-19-07 at 4:30 to work on it some more.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Nikita, Lisa, Sara, Andrew, Brittany, Trish

With 74 subject, the females rate 7 of the 8 insects higher on disgust than males. For the assassin bug, them males are a little high, the females a little low - no significant difference.

For the fear ratings, there are gender differences only for the two low fear, high disgust insects. The females find them more frightening than the males.
I will include as much of this as I can in the EPA proposal, but keep it as flexible as possible to accommodate, if possible, what we find as we get the rest of the data coded and analyzed so that it can be presented as a secondary part of the poster.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 11-20-07

Tues. 11-20-07:

No meeting due to the Thanksgiving Holiday

CP3 crew

Live Local/Global crew

Fear and Disgust crew

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 11-27-07

Tues. 11-27-07:

CP3 crew

Present: Elliott Fitzpatrick, Steve Craig - They now have all the coding keys they need. I gave them instructions on how to set up the excel file. They will code the data whenever they have time. They can set up identical excel files so each of them has one to work with. They can even overlap on some of the data for a reliability check. I warned them to be very careful about handling the data and to put a note in the file if they move any data to another location to work on it.

Live Local/Global crew

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Nikita Driscoll, Andrew Johston

Working on the paper. Rough draft will be in before Christmas break. Then after break, will work on poster. Deadline is March 13 - 16. We have not yet heard back about the submission. We checked on the EPA website, and it says we will hear back in February. Sara may be looking into getting travel funds from the undergrad research committee. Lora Seiverling is in the hospital.

Data coding of PR1 with gender is being put on hold until the paper and poster for EPA of PR2 is done.

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Fall 2007 (20083)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 12-4-07

Tues. 12-4-07:

CP3 crew

Elliott stopped in to pick up data to begin coding. He and Steve are working on scoring and coding the data collected so far. So far there are around 40 subjects, give or take.

Live Local/Global crew

Bevin dropped in to report that they have not made further progress yet on the presentation for the research committee. The plan is for them to present what they have to me this coming Thursday, 12/6/07. They are working on a PPT presentation for the undergrad research committee, to get a grant for travel and housing money. They will plan on presenting at the February meeting of the research committee. The reason for waiting is that the committee may have enough money left by Feb. so that they can consider our group an exceptional case. If so, then they could give more than the $500 to be split among all members of the group. They could give more, perhaps $500 per member. Plus, the presentation can't be done until the submission is at least made. It does not have to be accepted.

Then, by Jan. 31, the submission for APS must be in. That's the deadline. I'll use the research committee presentation as a beginning for the submission. Then, if accepted, we have until May to actually make the poster.

The group will start presenting practice sessions to me for their presentation to the committee when they return for the Spring semester.

Bevin was not able to stay for today's meeting but wants the group to be reminded that they are to meet this Thursday at 6:30 in the Old Main computer lab to finish the research grant proposal.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Nikita, Sarah, Brittany, Lisa, and Andrew

I saw an outline of the paper for the EPA conference. The submission is in. We have not been notified of acceptance yet. EPA says it will do so by February.

Sarah, Trisha, Lora, Brittany, and Andrew, but not Nikita or Lisa will apply for travel funds.

So we have until March 13th to have the paper and poster ready. They will come back for the Spring semester with a complete first draft of the paper to present to me.