>Warning.  Command name: GET DATA
>(2103) The variable name (truncated to 64 bytes) conflicts with a
>previously defined variable.
>* Variable Name: "Proc"
>* Conflicting Column: 4
>* Duplicate Column: 11


Output Created 02-OCT-2007 17:33:45
Input Data \\Stucluster\shared\Psychology\Ryan Lab Group\2006 - 2007\Loc_glob_live\Results\data\loc_glob_live_192_SSs_10_2_07.sav
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 192
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing For each dependent variable in a table, user-defined missing values for the dependent and all grouping variables are treated as missing.
Cases Used Cases used for each table have no missing values in any independent variable, and not all dependent variables have missing values.
Syntax MEANS
TABLES=Accuracy BY pres1_abs2 BY sim1_seq2 BY proc
Resources Elapsed Time 0:00:00.13

Case Processing Summary

Included Excluded Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Accuracy * pres1_abs2 * sim1_seq2 * proc 192 100.0% 0 .0% 192 100.0%

pres1_abs2 sim1_seq2 proc Mean N Std. Deviation
Present Simultaneous Local .71 24 .464
Global .62 24 .495
Total .67 48 .476
Sequential Local .25 24 .442
Global .71 24 .464
Total .48 48 .505
Total Local .48 48 .505
Global .67 48 .476
Total .57 96 .497
Absent Simultaneous Local .59 22 .503
Global .40 20 .503
Total .50 42 .506
Sequential Local .46 26 .508
Global .54 28 .508
Total .50 54 .505
Total Local .52 48 .505
Global .48 48 .505
Total .50 96 .503
Total Simultaneous Local .65 46 .482
Global .52 44 .505
Total .59 90 .495
Sequential Local .36 50 .485
Global .62 52 .491
Total .49 102 .502
Total Local .50 96 .503
Global .57 96 .497
Total .54 192 .500


Output Created 02-OCT-2007 17:37:56
Input Data \\Stucluster\shared\Psychology\Ryan Lab Group\2006 - 2007\Loc_glob_live\Results\data\loc_glob_live_192_SSs_10_2_07.sav
Filter pres1_abs2 = 1 and sim1_seq2=2 (FILTER)
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 48
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing For each dependent variable in a table, user-defined missing values for the dependent and all grouping variables are treated as missing.
Cases Used Cases used for each table have no missing values in any independent variable, and not all dependent variables have missing values.
Syntax MEANS
TABLES=Accuracy BY proc
Resources Elapsed Time 0:00:00.04

Case Processing Summary

Included Excluded Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Accuracy * proc 48 100.0% 0 .0% 48 100.0%

proc Mean N Std. Deviation
Local .25 24 .442
Global .71 24 .464
Total .48 48 .505


Output Created 02-OCT-2007 17:45:10
Input Data \\Stucluster\shared\Psychology\Ryan Lab Group\2006 - 2007\Loc_glob_live\Results\data\loc_glob_live_192_SSs_10_2_07.sav
Filter pres1_abs2 = 1 and sim1_seq2=2 (FILTER)
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 48
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics for each table are based on all the cases with valid data in the specified range(s) for all variables in each table.
/TABLES=Accuracy BY proc
Resources Elapsed Time 0:00:00.09
Dimensions Requested 2
Cells Available 116508

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Accuracy * proc 48 100.0% 0 .0% 48 100.0%

Accuracy * proc Crosstabulation

proc Total
Local Global
Accuracy 0 Count 18 7 25
% within proc 75.0% 29.2% 52.1%
1 Count 6 17 23
% within proc 25.0% 70.8% 47.9%
Total Count 24 24 48
% within proc 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 10.101(b) 1 .001

Continuity Correction(a) 8.348 1 .004

Likelihood Ratio 10.492 1 .001

Fisher's Exact Test

.003 .002
Linear-by-Linear Association 9.890 1 .002

N of Valid Cases 48

a Computed only for a 2x2 table
b 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11.50.

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Output Created 02-OCT-2007 17:52:57
Input Data \\Stucluster\shared\Psychology\Ryan Lab Group\2006 - 2007\Loc_glob_live\Results\data\loc_glob_live_192_SSs_10_2_07.sav
Filter pres1_abs2 = 1 (FILTER)
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 96
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.
Accuracy BY proc sim1_seq2
/PLOT = PROFILE( sim1_seq2*proc )
/EMMEANS = TABLES(sim1_seq2)
/EMMEANS = TABLES(proc*sim1_seq2)
/DESIGN = proc sim1_seq2 proc*sim1_seq2 .
Resources Elapsed Time 0:00:00.22

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N
proc 1 Local 48
2 Global 48
sim1_seq2 1 Simultaneous 48
2 Sequential 48

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 3.448(a) 3 1.149 5.276 .002
Intercept 31.510 1 31.510 144.647 .000
proc .844 1 .844 3.873 .052
sim1_seq2 .844 1 .844 3.873 .052
proc * sim1_seq2 1.760 1 1.760 8.081 .006
Error 20.042 92 .218

Total 55.000 96

Corrected Total 23.490 95

a R Squared = .147 (Adjusted R Squared = .119)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Mean
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
.573 .048 .478 .668

2. proc
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
proc Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Local .479 .067 .345 .613
Global .667 .067 .533 .800

3. sim1_seq2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
sim1_seq2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Simultaneous .667 .067 .533 .800
Sequential .479 .067 .345 .613

4. proc * sim1_seq2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
proc sim1_seq2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Local Simultaneous .708 .095 .519 .898
Sequential .250 .095 .061 .439
Global Simultaneous .625 .095 .436 .814
Sequential .708 .095 .519 .898

Profile Plots

sim1_seq2 * proc

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Output Created 02-OCT-2007 18:26:22
Input Data \\stucluster\Shared\Psychology\Ryan Lab Group\2006 - 2007\Loc_glob_live\Results\data\loc_glob_live_192_SSs_10_2_07.sav
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 192
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.
Accuracy BY proc sim1_seq2 pres1_abs2
/PLOT = PROFILE( sim1_seq2*proc*pres1_abs2 )
/EMMEANS = TABLES(sim1_seq2)
/EMMEANS = TABLES(pres1_abs2)
/EMMEANS = TABLES(proc*sim1_seq2)
/EMMEANS = TABLES(proc*pres1_abs2)
/EMMEANS = TABLES(sim1_seq2*pres1_abs2)
/EMMEANS = TABLES(proc*sim1_seq2*pres1_abs2)
/DESIGN = proc sim1_seq2 pres1_abs2 proc*sim1_seq2 proc*pres1_abs2 sim1_seq2*pres1_abs2 proc*sim1_seq2*pres1_abs2 .
Resources Elapsed Time 0:00:00.13

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N
proc 1 Local 96
2 Global 96
sim1_seq2 1 Simultaneous 90
2 Sequential 102
pres1_abs2 1 Present 96
2 Absent 96

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 4.159(a) 7 .594 2.508 .017
Intercept 54.467 1 54.467 229.934 .000
proc .198 1 .198 .837 .361
sim1_seq2 .404 1 .404 1.706 .193
pres1_abs2 .274 1 .274 1.156 .284
proc * sim1_seq2 1.935 1 1.935 8.170 .005
proc * pres1_abs2 .719 1 .719 3.035 .083
sim1_seq2 * pres1_abs2 .432 1 .432 1.826 .178
proc * sim1_seq2 * pres1_abs2 .227 1 .227 .960 .328
Error 43.586 184 .237

Total 103.000 192

Corrected Total 47.745 191

a R Squared = .087 (Adjusted R Squared = .052)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Mean
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
.535 .035 .465 .605

2. proc
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
proc Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Local .503 .050 .405 .601
Global .567 .050 .469 .666

3. sim1_seq2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
sim1_seq2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Simultaneous .581 .051 .480 .683
Sequential .489 .048 .394 .584

4. pres1_abs2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
pres1_abs2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Present .573 .050 .475 .671
Absent .497 .050 .398 .596

5. proc * sim1_seq2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
proc sim1_seq2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Local Simultaneous .650 .072 .508 .791
Sequential .356 .069 .220 .492
Global Simultaneous .513 .074 .367 .658
Sequential .622 .068 .488 .756

6. proc * pres1_abs2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
proc pres1_abs2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Local Present .479 .070 .341 .618
Absent .526 .070 .387 .665
Global Present .667 .070 .528 .805
Absent .468 .071 .327 .608

7. sim1_seq2 * pres1_abs2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
sim1_seq2 pres1_abs2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Simultaneous Present .667 .070 .528 .805
Absent .495 .075 .347 .644
Sequential Present .479 .070 .341 .618
Absent .499 .066 .368 .629

8. proc * sim1_seq2 * pres1_abs2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
proc sim1_seq2 pres1_abs2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Local Simultaneous Present .708 .099 .512 .904
Absent .591 .104 .386 .796
Sequential Present .250 .099 .054 .446
Absent .462 .095 .273 .650
Global Simultaneous Present .625 .099 .429 .821
Absent .400 .109 .185 .615
Sequential Present .708 .099 .512 .904
Absent .536 .092 .354 .717

Profile Plots

sim1_seq2 * proc * pres1_abs2

pres1_abs2 = Present

pres1_abs2 = Absent

Percent correct on the simultaneous and sequential lineup for the local and global conditions collapsed over perpetrator present and perpetrator absent.

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Output Created 02-OCT-2007 18:31:18
Input Data \\stucluster\Shared\Psychology\Ryan Lab Group\2006 - 2007\Loc_glob_live\Results\data\loc_glob_live_192_SSs_10_2_07.sav
Filter pres1_abs2 = 2 (FILTER)
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 96
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.
Accuracy BY proc sim1_seq2
/PLOT = PROFILE( sim1_seq2*proc )
/EMMEANS = TABLES(sim1_seq2)
/EMMEANS = TABLES(proc*sim1_seq2)
/DESIGN = proc sim1_seq2 proc*sim1_seq2 .
Resources Elapsed Time 0:00:00.07

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N
proc 1 Local 48
2 Global 48
sim1_seq2 1 Simultaneous 42
2 Sequential 54

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model .456(a) 3 .152 .594 .621
Intercept 23.302 1 23.302 91.056 .000
proc .080 1 .080 .314 .577
sim1_seq2 .000 1 .000 .001 .976
proc * sim1_seq2 .414 1 .414 1.619 .206
Error 23.544 92 .256

Total 48.000 96

Corrected Total 24.000 95

a R Squared = .019 (Adjusted R Squared = -.013)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Mean
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
.497 .052 .394 .600

2. proc
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
proc Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Local .526 .073 .381 .672
Global .468 .074 .321 .615

3. sim1_seq2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
sim1_seq2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Simultaneous .495 .078 .340 .651
Sequential .499 .069 .362 .635

4. proc * sim1_seq2
Dependent Variable: Accuracy
proc sim1_seq2 Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Local Simultaneous .591 .108 .377 .805
Sequential .462 .099 .264 .659
Global Simultaneous .400 .113 .175 .625
Sequential .536 .096 .346 .726

Profile Plots

sim1_seq2 * proc