KU Geography Logo Dr. Richard S. Courtney
Kutztown University Department of Geography
...making a world of difference

Geography Links

American Association of Geographers

2015-2016 Program Guide

Interactive Map of Geography Programs

ArcGIS Online (PASSHE)

Berks County Data Hub

Borchert Map Library (Univ. of Minnesota)

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Census Cartographic Boundary Files

Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS)

Current Geographical Publications

Data.gov   Federal Government Data Access Portal

Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)

Free GIS Data

Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress

GIS.com  (ESRI)

GIS and Librarians (Syracuse Univ.)

Historic Maps of European Cities

How Far Is It?  (find coordinates and distances between cities)

International Geographical Union

Map Quest

NCGIA National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis

National Geographic Society

National Spatial Data Infrastructure

Natural Earth (GIS files)

Pennsylvania Geographical Society

Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access

Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection (Univ. of Texas, Austin)


World City Maps


 Course Announcements


 Desire2Learn Access

 Department of Geography


 KU Map

 KU Resources


 Courses Taught


 Professional Works

 Pages of Web Links

 KU Weather Status

 Writing Center

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