KU Geography Logo Dr. Richard S. Courtney
Kutztown University Department of Geography
...making a world of difference

Courses Taught

  • GEG 010: Planet Earth Users' Guide: An Introduction to Physical Geography. I teach sections of this course in both the fall and spring. This course focuses on the functioning of the Earth-Atmosphere System (EAS). This entails the study of energy flow; the atmosphere, weather, and climate; and land forms made through tectonic, fluvial, and glacial processes. The spatially varying nature of these elements is stressed as is the dynamic interrelationship between these natural phenomena and humankind. Students use maps and other geographical data to locate, analyze, interpret, and solve geographical problems of a physical-environmental nature. To this end, students will use the Metric System and Scientific Notation, to work with coordinates and map scale, as well as learn how to draw isoline maps, determine solar angles, work with time, and determine relative humidity. This course is useful to students seeking to better understand geographical aspects of environmental issues related to preservation, conservation, and management of natural resources.
    • Honors Course by Contract.  I have also taught this course as an Honors Course by Contract.  This involves the student doing guided projects and research in addition to the regular Introductory Physical Geography course.  The focus has been on the analysis of global and regional climate change
  • GEG 310: Urban Geography. One section is taught each spring. Urban Geography is concerned with promoting a greater understanding of the development, structure, functioning, and distribution of centers of human social, economic, and political activities, cities, through the application of spatial theories and models of human behavior. This course, being a survey of the field, touches upon classic and contemporary models concerning urbanization in less developed and more developed countries. Cities are studied as points on the landscape and then as areas. In this manner, students come to understand the economic forces behind the differential location of cities over space and the forces driving observed patterns of land use.
  • GEG 330: Cartography. One section is taught in both the fall and spring semesters. This course serves as an introduction to Cartography, the art and science of map making.   Students will become proficient in the collection, manipulation, generalization, and visual presentation of geographic data. Emphasis is placed on the proper use of the Graphic Elements and Visual Variables. Students study the nature of cartography, the geographic coordinate system, map scale, map projections, map design, symbolization, data manipulation, isarithmic mapping, choropleth mapping, and map reproduction. This course is laboratory intensive and emphasizes cartography in the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment.
  • GEG 345-346: Production Cartography. Production cartography teaches students industrial map reproduction techniques. Computer typesetting, map layout, photographic transformation, mask and overlay creation, and composite proofing in black and white and in color are all taught in this course. This course has been archived and will not be offered in the foreseeable future.
  • GEG 375: Research Methods in Geography. One section is taught in the fall semester. This courses emphasizes the application of quantitative methods in geographic research.  The course is meant for senior BA Geography, and BS Environmental Science - Geography majors.  BA majors are directed to begin research projects that should continue on to the spring semester and become their senior theses.  The course is heavily quantiative and requires a course in statistics (MAT 140 or 150, or PSY 200) as a prerequisite.



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