KU Geography Logo Dr. Richard S. Courtney
Kutztown University Department of Geography
...making a world of difference

Examples of Electronic Media Citation
(Adapted from Harcourt Brace Co.)

Revised 03/16/10

From CD-ROM Database With No Print Version

General Format:

Author's last name, first initial. Year of publication. "Article Title." Publication Title. Publication
     medium (CD-ROM). City and state of CD-ROM publisher: Publisher of CD-ROM.


Courtney, R. 1999.  "Site and Situation in Urban Geography," Fundamentals of Urban Geography.
     CD-ROM. Reading, PA: Mondo Publishers.

From CD-ROM Database With Print Version

General Format:

Author's last name, first initial. Date of original publication. "Article Title." Original Publication: pages.
     Title of CD-ROM. Publication medium (CD-ROM). City, and state of CD-ROM publisher: Publisher of
     CD-ROM. Electronic Publication date.


Courtney, R. 20 April 1999. 'Internet, Schminternet!" Newsweek: 20-22. Infotrac Magazine Index Plus.
     CD-ROM. Boston, MA: Information Access Inc. January 2000.

From An Online Database With Print Version

General format for computer networks or services (Internet, WWW, or AOL etc.

Author's last name, first initial. Date of original publication "Article Title," Original Publication Title: pages.
     Publication medium (online). Computer network or service. Source URL (last accessed date).


Courtney, R. 1 January 2000. "The Students are Revolting." Capstone: np. Online. World Wide Web.
     http://www.capstone.com/jan2k/features/revolt.html (last accessed 2 February 2010).

From An Online Database Without Print Version

General Format:

Author's last name, first initial. Date accessed. "Article Title." Publication Title. Publication medium (online).
     Computer network or service Source URL.


Courtney, R. 29 February 2000. "World Cities." Gadget's Encyclopedia of Trivia. Online. Worldnet.com

Example of a Typical Web Page

General Format:

Author's last name, first initial. Date of last revision. "Web Page Title." Source URL (last accessed date).


Courtney, R. 16 March 2010. "Examples of Electronic Media Citation." http://faculty.kutztown.edu/
     courtney/emedia2.html (last accessed 20 March 2010).

Brussels.info. ND. "Brussels Facts." http://www.brussels.info/facts (last accessed 5 May 2015).


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