X-Deep32 Installation Instructions

1) Download X-Deep/32

2) Install xdp40Full.exe.

3) Launch X-Server

4) Uncheck "Always show this Dialog Box"
   Click Select.
   x-Deep/32 will attempt (and fail) to locate a remote host.

5) Uncheck always check for XDM enabled hosts on startup.

6) Click the icon in the top left corner of the application window that opens.
   Go to X-Server Menu -> X-Server Options

7) Click the Window Modes Tab.
   Check "Supress X-Deep/32 splash window on startup"
   Click "Multiple MS Window Mode"
   Uncheck "Display Root Window"

8) When prompted, Restart the X-server.

9) Launch PuTTY.

10) Load the acad.kutztown.edu configuration

11) Go to Connection->SSH->Tunnels 
    Check "Enable X11 Forwarding"

12) Click Session. Click Save.
    Open a connection to acad.

13) From the command prompt, type /opt/sfw/bin/xterm &