Note that the machine bill referred to in these videos is now known as csitrd. Substitute accordingly.

Connecting to the Unix Systems using PuTTy

PuTTy is a free ssh and telnet client which allows you to remotely login to or another server from your home computer. It does not use an installer, just create a subdirectory and place the Putty.exe file inside. Recommended directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Putty
To use PuTTy with Windows you must first download it here.
A basic Putty setup tutorial can be found here.
Detailed information on PuTTy can be found here.

Included in this video - Configuring a Putty session
  • Naming the host
  • Setting lines of scroll back
  • Setting keep alives to keep from timing out
  • Save/load session configuration

Navigating Unix


GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor. The editor includeds content-sensitive editing modes, including syntax coloring, for a variety of file types including plain text, source code, and HTML. Complete built-in documentation, including a tutorial for new users. Emacs includes many useful extensions including a debugger interface.

A full list of emacs commands can be found here.

C-space start text selection
C-w "wipe" or cut text from the file to the clip board
C-y "yank" or paste text from the clip board to the file
C-x C-s save the file
C-X C-c close down emacs

Compiling C++

Compiling a simple C++ program.


WinSCP is a SFTP client and FTP client for Windows. Its main function is the secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer. It uses Secure Shell (SSH) and supports, in addition to Secure FTP, also legacy SCP protocol.

Notepad++ Setup

Notepad++ is a text editor with many useful features, including the ability to ftp to acad and avoid Unix editors. This tutorial guides you in obtaining and setting up Notepad.
A great graphically based tutorial that includes installation is here.

Notepad++ Configuration

Notepad++ is a text editor with many useful features, including the ability to ftp to acad and avoid Unix editors.
A The official user guide can be found here.
A great graphically based tutorial is here.