Important Opening Fact Manual pages for Unix/C|C++ are in Chapter 3 of the manual Use: man 3 ______ ============================================================ Outstanding Issues From Last Week If a program's output is redirected to a file, then stdout is no longer line buffered. It becomes fully buffered. Line buffering means the stdout buffer is flushed on intro of a newline into the stream. To get the value from an exit() via a wait(), it must be accessed using WEXITSTATUS(code), which provides the lowest 8 bits. See waitTest.c Also, waitTest.c shows use of waitpid(). How is the exit status of a program started in the background accessed? For a background process, waitpid() is used. The third argument can be used to make wait() non-suspending. To wit: WNOHANG The waitpid() function shall not suspend execution of the callâ ing thread if status is not immediately available for one of the child processes specified by pid. Process Termination - The signals in a Unix/Linux system have differing default actions. * For some, the default action is that they are ignored if not caught + e.g. wait() and waitpid() catch SIGCHLD, otherwise, it is ignored, i.e. if no wait() is issued. * Others have a default action that they terminate the process to which they are applied + Ctrl-C generates a SIGINT in the kernel, which is sent to the process and terminates it, unless -> it is set to be ignored -> it is specifically caught * Two signals can't have their default action changed, and can't be ignored or caught + SIGKILL + SIGSTOP - ^Z - Command to generate a signal kill(signal,pid) - A terminating process sends SIGCHLD to its parent. ============================================================ Project 1 Command-line arguments 0. p1 createBin csv file Binary output of createBin printRecs # records to print Reading a binary file requires an fseek() and an fread(). This can also be done with streams. Open the binary file using (I think) ios::bin Look up how to read binary data via a stream. Project 1 Web Area on acad: There should be a directory public_html in your root directory. If no such directory, inform me at once... by 12 Noon Sat. PolygonList Doxygen Website