No class next week. Next meeting is Nov 30. Final exam is Dec 7; take home NOTE: 1. The JAVA_HOME string given ended with/bin. Remove that. - TomcatPrep has been updated. 2. Beware: If using VPN acad web server (Tomcat, too) may five 404s. Phase 3 absolute deadline is 5 PM Dec. 14. - You will present your completed project during the final exam period. * Five to 10 minutes. No need to prepare a formal presentation. Just show off what your project can do. You may also note specifics of design and implementation. Authentication - Parameters can be accessed via a mapping in web.xml - Decoded authorization string (after leading chars are stripped) is : * Must pull apart Maven - Easiest way to set it up is to copy an existing pom.xml and edit it. Beans - Must be in a package - Functions to access have mandated names. - The names of inputs in the html must match those of data members in the bean. * The jsp references the form elements in jsp:setProperty tags that cause the associated set function in the bean to fire with the named form element * jsp:getProperty tags cause the associated get function in the bean to fire and replace the tag with whatever is returned.