NOTE: 1. The JAVA_HOME string given ended with/bin. Remove that. - TomcatPrep has been updated. 2. Beware: If using VPN acad web server (Tomcat, too) may five 404s. Final exam is Dec 7; take home Phase 2 deadline is 11 AM tomorrow. Phase 3 absolute deadline is 5 PM Dec. 14. - You will present your completed project during the final exam period. * Five to 10 minutes. No need to prepare a formal presentation. Just show off what your project can do. You may also note specifics of design and implementation. java.lang.Object - Contains methods all objects can access and make use of. - toString() * Often overridden, it allows a programmer-defined string to be output when an object of that type is an argument in a print(ln) statement. * If not overridden, placing the object var in a print(ln) outputs the class name followed by the object's address (prefaced with @. Collections Classes - Starting in v 1.5, templated objects were introduced under the Collection s classes. * e.g. ArrayList can have a template argument; if used, no need to cast when using get(). Sessions - Hold individualized information at the browser level, i.e the session is held in a browser an is accessible to a server, * Data is stored as name-value pairs. - Parameter of getSession() is whether to create. Shopping Example - Note the synchronized block * Only one thread may be active within that block at any time. > Threads access the protected block sequentially. Cookies - A cookie is an object in the session. * The servlet gets cookies from the request * Cookies are stored by the servlet in the browser session via the response. - getCookies() returns all the cookies in Cookie[]. There isn't a search function. You must manually search for the cookie you want. Tomcat Issues: - Use this command to watch new entries go onto catalina.out. tail $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out -f If there is any issue that is affecting Tomcat, email me IMMEDIATELY so I can reboot Tomcat if necessary.