CIS 520 Advanced
Object-Oriented Programming
Section 201 Fall 2006
Meeting Time &
PM M in 226 LY
Instructor: Daniel Spiegel
Office: 254 Lytle Hall; Phone: (610)683-4423
Office Hours: 2:45-5:45
M, 4:20-5:50 T, 4:20-4:50 TH, and by appointment
Prerequisites: Graduate
standing, CIS 422 or permission
Applying UML and Patterns, Craig Larman, Prentice-Hall, 1998. ISBN: 0-130-92569-1
Reference: The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Grady Booch et al, Addison-Wesley, 1999. ISBN: 0-201-57168-4
The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Booch et al, Addison-Wesley, 2005. ISBN: 0-321-24562-8
Exams: There will be 2 midterm(s) and a final exam during final
exam week. You must get a passing (60%+) grade on exams, collectively, to pass
this course.
Attendance: Optional. You are responsible for material covered in class and
the corresponding material in the text. If you do not attend class, the material
is assumed to be understood.
Make-ups: You will
not be permitted to make up an exam without a documentable excuse for your
absence. In all cases, for an absence to be excused, the instructor must be
informed beforehand, if possible.
Programs: Programming assignments will involve
development of a substantial project. Portions will be submitted
electronically, using the turnin script. You must earn at least 60% of the
possible points on all submissions, collectively, to pass
this course. Working on time is important. No late submissions permitted,
except possibly the finished product.
Your programs are to
written in a manner consistent with a CS graduate student. They MUST be fully
documented and easily readable. They must also be modular to the greatest
extent possible, with each module handling a single task only and your main
routine should be little more than a series of invocations. Consistency in
style within a program is a must. There
will be substantial penalties for poor writing practices.
Grading: Grading is on a straight 90 80 70 60 scale.
Individual exams may be curved, only if necessary. Weights of grades are:
Project(s): 40%
Midterm(s): 18%
Final Exam: 24%
Academic Dishonesty:
General Statement: I am against it.
Violators get the maximum allowable penalty for any infraction.
Your programs are to be, in the large, your own work. If you use any code that
you did not write, omitting credit to the author constitutes academic
dishonesty. Using the code of a classmate, or providing your code to a
classmate(s) is most definitely academic dishonesty. Feel free to discuss and
exchange ideas with your peers, but do your own work.
Consideration for
your classmates, instructor, and the class is expected. Please come to class on
time and prepared to learn. No sleeping or noisy eating. If you can’t whisper
quietly, please don’t carry on private conversations. Coming and going during
class should only occur in unavoidable situations. And, last but not least, your
cell phone is to be neither seen nor heard.
Class Schedule:<!--msnavigation--> Reading
should cover
Parts I-IV in the text. The PowerPoint slides, for the most part, follow the
course text. Appropriate reading should be clear from the slides covered in
class. If in doubt, ask.
Final Exam: Monday,
December 11, 2005, 6-8 PM