Checkers against the computer Game * Board * Pieces * Players > Human > Computer Differ in takeTurn() Board - Piece[] Piece > Ordinary > King Player - Piece[] - captured Piece[] Inheritance - Java vs C++ Java: Singular inheritance via 'extends' keyword; interfaces are a form of is-a C++: Multiple inheritance using : and , Java: No choice on polymorphism; methods are always virtual C++: Polymorphism is actuated via keyword virtual Java has no explicit pointers. However, a reference to a base class may refer to any subclass - The object declared is of the base class' type but can be referred to a subclass. In that case the subclass' version of the overwritten method is invoked. Javadoc - use specialized comments - tailor command to drop website right in your acad web area under public_html. Create if not present. - URL: > Make sure directories are 755 and files are 644. > chmod 755 makes a directory accessible by the web server. Using chmod 644 does the same for a file. chmod user group world Each has three possible values, read, write, execute. An octal digit can represent one, two, or all three. An octal number has a 3-digit binary representation, a value between one and seven. 7 = binary 111 = rwx , i.e. each of the three ocvtal digits represents rwx where each is on or off. e.g. 6 = 110 = rwx , for a file 644 means user can read and write, group and world can read only files to be kept private: 600 More info: man chmod