Spiegel - CSC 421 Web-Based Java Programming

Opening Message

Subject: Opening Message

Poster: dspiegel [b:d06494a864]Why haven't you posted yet?[/b:d06494a864]


Poster: kkemm923 :) I just wanted to try this out -- to answer the quesion, I have now posted!!!!


Poster: mgove131 :shock: that's a good question


Poster: mhiba775 Post.


Poster: MarkSchlosser Posting 1,2,3....


Poster: eleva340 Posting 5,6,7...


Poster: MarkSchlosser [quote:13f801234f="eleva340"]Posting 5,6,7...[/quote:13f801234f] You missed 4!

Project 1 Requirements Update & Due Date

Subject: Project 1 Requirements Update & Due Date

Poster: dspiegel 1. Display the computer's ships with not yet hit points for easier testing. 2. The spot on which a ship is placed is its upper or left-hand edge. Due date: Saturday September 29 @ 11:59 PM

Turn Object

Subject: Turn Object

Poster: mkling So....we're putting a reference to the space as a data member here. What other info does a turn know? I'm confused why we would not just give the player object a vector of space references to represent turns if all the turn object has is a space (which really is all a turn is, a player picks a space. He gets a result, but that could be found by querying the space)


Poster: mgove131 yeah, i'm trying to plan out how this game will work, and i'm not sure if a turn is needed or not. can anyone justify having the class or not having it?

Subject: Re: Turn Object

Poster: thege033 I have found that most of the methods I would put into the turn object can be handled in my main game or battleship object. I'm a few hours in to the project and have not really found a use for it yet.

Subject: Turn

Poster: mshar306 The only thing that the turn object might be useful for is updating the state of the space object. If you have a vector of turn objects for each player and each turn having a status(hit or miss) , you could use that informaton to update the state of the space object for that turn. This would be useful for the grid. This is what I am thinking anyway.


Poster: Vinnie The only advantage to having a turn object I think would be so that the player could know if a turn was already taken before they attempt to actually do it. Like someone else said, you could just query the grid, but let's assume that we do it they way that Mike said in class where each player has it's own grid. That means you either have to ask first, then take a shot every time. Or, you take a shot and get a "you already tried that one" message. Consider taking a random shot. Towards the end of the game, it's going to be tough trying to find an empty spot randomly. Keeping track of your own turns could possibly make it a little less messy. I think it can only help keeping track of your own turns made. Any other points of view?


Poster: eleva340 I think it depends what you're putting in the Turn. If it's just a Space, then why not just make a collection of Spaces and save yourself the extra class. I don't see a need for Turn... yet.


Poster: parkmw At the end of the game you could potentially have a lot of turn objects saved up from the game. Would you really want have to search through them to see if you already tried a space or would it be faster to just ask the space if it was already hit? The turn object would be useful though for the AI part of the game I think since it can help you keep track of how many hits in a row you have had and possible places to make your next hit.


Poster: mkling [quote:ed218c6529="parkmw"]At the end of the game you could potentially have a lot of turn objects saved up from the game. Would you really want have to search through them to see if you already tried a space or would it be faster to just ask the space if it was already hit.[/quote:ed218c6529] What if you stored every possible space in a vector, and when a space was used, the space was removed from the vector, so that only non-called spaces would be in the random selection tool.


Poster: mgove131 [quote:949a4cc4c8="mkling"] What if you stored every possible space in a vector, and when a space was used, the space was removed from the vector, so that only non-called spaces would be in the random selection tool.[/quote:949a4cc4c8] I like that idea. Also, to keep track of the moves that were hits by adding them to a set. when you sink a ship (you are told when this happens, and which ship it is), you can remove those spaces from the set (you know the end point of the ship, and how many spaces the ship has). The only problem I can think of is the two ships with 3 spaces might be confusing if they are next to each other with a bigger ship. ex: OOO OOO OOOOO Depending on the order call, there can be potential confusion on if one of the 3 space ships were oriented vertically or horizontally. As long as you keep your orientation with your first guess (meaning only guesses vertical or horizontal to the first guess), I think it will work. Any remaining hits will be left in the set when you remove the sunk ship, and you can guess around those.

JCreator Setup

Subject: JCreator Setup

Poster: eleva340 Make sure you have the JDK installed before you install JCreator. Then it will automatically detect the folder for java, but you still have to add whatever folder you're working with into the CLASSPATH. Go to Configure - Options, then JDK Profiles. I think you can add more than one version, which might be nice. Anyway, just click the add path button and drill down to your folder and it will add it.


Poster: mkling how does JCreator compare to Netbeans....


Poster: parkmw JCreator is written in C++ and Netbeans is written in Java so i would say its faster. Also Netbeans i think has GUI stuff in it? JCreator is more like VC++ in that its pretty straightforward, it also has auto complete i believe.


Poster: Vinnie I like Eclipse if anyone is interested in that. I used Netbeans for a while but it never seemed to work right after I upgraded to Vista. It might be a good idea to start with something that has GUI capabilities before you get used to using a text editor. Trying to get some one to switch their editor is like getting them to switch their religion. One thing I should mention is that I don't even know if Eclipse even has GUI capabilities because I just started using it, but I'm pretty sure it does. What's cool is that you can just click on the run button without setting up a classpath and it will even show you a System.out window at the bottom. No need to toggle between screens. However, you probably should know how to setup a classpath for Spiegel because he might test you on it. I also have my classpath set up so I can either run it from Eclipse or the command prompt if I wanted to.


Poster: mgove131 [url][/url] in case anyone needs it, since acad uses 1.5. I clicked the first download button, '' . You have to go through a bunch of links and the installer downloads with some java downloader. Eventually I got it installed though.


Poster: eleva340 I downloaded 1.5 and 1.6. I have no idea which one I'm compiling with though...


Poster: gsmit466 Vista Compatible.


Poster: mgove131 [quote:74c14c686d="eleva340"]I downloaded 1.5 and 1.6. I have no idea which one I'm compiling with though...[/quote:74c14c686d] it [b:74c14c686d]should[/b:74c14c686d] be 1.5 as long as that's what you put in your path first. that's what i did, i hope it works :shock:


Poster: gsmit466 I can't seem to get 1.5 on unix.. Have any of you successfully be able to do that?


Poster: mgove131 yes, heres how i have it set up in bash CLASSPATH=.:$HOME/cis421/java:/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/bin:/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/lib/:$CLASSPATH JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk1.5.0_03 PATH=/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/bin:(whatever else you had) i don't know if you need everything in the classpath, but it works for me


Poster: gsmit466 Nice it works.. Thanks mike acad:gsmit466 18 ->java -version java version "1.5.0_03" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_03-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_03-b07, mixed mode) only thing thats werid is that when I log on, it says CLASSPATH: Undefined variable my .cshrc ---------------- setenv CLASSPATH=.:$HOME/java:/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/bin:/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/lib/:$CLASSPATH JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk1.5.0_03 PATH=/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/bin CDPATH $home/cdpath set filec ------------------ But java works fine.


Poster: slove843 [quote:efafb4ef6c="Vinnie"]I like Eclipse if anyone is interested in that. I used Netbeans for a while but it never seemed to work right after I upgraded to Vista. It might be a good idea to start with something that has GUI capabilities before you get used to using a text editor. Trying to get some one to switch their editor is like getting them to switch their religion. One thing I should mention is that I don't even know if Eclipse even has GUI capabilities because I just started using it, but I'm pretty sure it does. What's cool is that you can just click on the run button without setting up a classpath and it will even show you a System.out window at the bottom. No need to toggle between screens. However, you probably should know how to setup a classpath for Spiegel because he might test you on it. I also have my classpath set up so I can either run it from Eclipse or the command prompt if I wanted to.[/quote:efafb4ef6c] Agreed. I love Eclipse. It does have a [url=][color=blue:efafb4ef6c]Visual Editor[/color:efafb4ef6c][/url]. Granted its Visual Editor looks up to Netbeans as the carrot dangling from stick above it, but what it lacks in the visual editor it makes up for 10 times over in its community base and modularity. I just got the Adobe Flex 2 SDK and editor. It's a standalone Eclipse install, or you can just drag and drop the folders on top of your C:\Eclipse folder... and at the same time drop the same files on your Linux box and it runs just the same. If you don't mind it being a bit slower, use the same exact base on both running on top of Java instead of binary installations. Extra points for sharing your settings folder on a network and not having to reconfigure each time you switch operating systems, computers, etc. (I'm looking at you, Visual Studio - registry keys, and settings have to be imported and exported to have them as files). Red Hat Studio just started using Eclipse as its base, as well as many of the CRM suites. OK, so, maybe I'm a bit of a fanboy - but any community that releases 21 projects [b:efafb4ef6c]on the same day[/b:efafb4ef6c], [b:efafb4ef6c]2 years in a row[/b:efafb4ef6c] (ref: [url=][color=blue:efafb4ef6c]Callisto Simultaneous Release[/color:efafb4ef6c][/url], [url=][color=blue:efafb4ef6c]Eclipse Europa Release[/color:efafb4ef6c][/url], and upcoming [url=][color=blue:efafb4ef6c]Ganymede Simultaneous Release[/color:efafb4ef6c][/url]) impresses the crap out of me. Just my $.02.


Poster: Vinnie [quote:ccf53fa4af="slove843"] Agreed. I love Eclipse. It does have a [url=][color=blue:ccf53fa4af]Visual Editor[/color:ccf53fa4af][/url]. Granted its Visual Editor looks up to Netbeans as the carrot dangling from stick above it, but what it lacks in the visual editor it makes up for 10 times over in its community base and modularity. I just got the Adobe Flex 2 SDK and editor. It's a standalone Eclipse install, or you can just drag and drop the folders on top of your C:\Eclipse folder... and at the same time drop the same files on your Linux box and it runs just the same. If you don't mind it being a bit slower, use the same exact base on both running on top of Java instead of binary installations. Extra points for sharing your settings folder on a network and not having to reconfigure each time you switch operating systems, computers, etc. (I'm looking at you, Visual Studio - registry keys, and settings have to be imported and exported to have them as files). Red Hat Studio just started using Eclipse as its base, as well as many of the CRM suites. OK, so, maybe I'm a bit of a fanboy - but any community that releases 21 projects [b:ccf53fa4af]on the same day[/b:ccf53fa4af], [b:ccf53fa4af]2 years in a row[/b:ccf53fa4af] (ref: [url=][color=blue:ccf53fa4af]Callisto Simultaneous Release[/color:ccf53fa4af][/url], [url=][color=blue:ccf53fa4af]Eclipse Europa Release[/color:ccf53fa4af][/url], and upcoming [url=][color=blue:ccf53fa4af]Ganymede Simultaneous Release[/color:ccf53fa4af][/url]) impresses the crap out of me. Just my $.02.[/quote:ccf53fa4af] Yea I'm loving Eclipse more and more as I use it. Debugging in this thing is like a dream come true. I can dynamically set breakpoints and change code AS I'm debugging!! That's great. Plus the instant syntax checking and linking is cool to. If I forget to import a class, no problem. Eclipse puts the import statement at the top automatically. It even warns me if I'm not doing some of the Java "norms" like Capitalizing certain letters or using Static members when I'm not supposed to. Ok, enough with the nerdyness. I'm done.javascript:emoticon(':oops:') Embarassed

Subject: Just a bit more geekyness

Poster: slove843 A plugin for Eclipse that I've found invaluable for almost every language I work with is its SSH plugin; open an FTP connection, and work with the file where ever it is and then run it remotely via SSH without ever having to switch desktops or alt+tab to another window.


Poster: mkling Eh, I've just been using NetBeans.... Seems to work ok for me, except that it gets very angry with me if I don't use packages. Maybe I'll try Eclipse once I have some free time. :shock:


Poster: SPS NetBeans is working fine for me too....


Poster: mgove131 [img:01e1e19934][/img:01e1e19934] that's the problem i found with jcreator (i don't have pro). i'm not sure if it's just my computer, but when i kill a running program, apparently it stays running with a java.exe and a GE2001.exe, and it just builds up over time.


Poster: gsmit466 Run it on acad and hog their memory up.


Poster: slove843 [quote:e000df1308="mgove131"] that's the problem i found with jcreator (i don't have pro). i'm not sure if it's just my computer, but when i kill a running program, apparently it stays running with a java.exe and a GE2001.exe, and it just builds up over time.[/quote:e000df1308] You have to set your close operation or exit the process manually, otherwise you're just killing the window and leaving the parent. [code:1:e000df1308] this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); [/code:1:e000df1308] or [code:1:e000df1308] System.exit(0); [/code:1:e000df1308] ...or, just run it on acad - so long as I'm not logged in at the time! :D

Java version

Subject: Java version

Poster: gluca526 We discussed using enum in class for the space object. When using it in unix I get an error saying class or interface expected. I tried it using the command line in Windows and it worked fine. Is it because the java version on unix is older and doesn't use enum?


Poster: dspiegel Check this URL: [url][/url] enum in Java appears to be like a class. Well, sort of...

Unchecked/Unsafe Vector use

Subject: Unchecked/Unsafe Vector use

Poster: mshar306 I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about Vectors. I was getting an unsafe warning message when trying to create a vector of ships. After a little research, I found if your using java 1.5 then you need to specify the type. I guess older versions did not need this.

Using the CLASSPATH variable in a jarfile.

Subject: Using the CLASSPATH variable in a jarfile.

Poster: MarkSchlosser I wanted to package my Battleship game into a jarfile, but encountered a problem. When I would run the jarfile using "java -jar battleship.jar", the jar wouldn't be able to find Spiegel's Input class. This is because java -jar ignores the system's CLASSPATH variable and checks for the CLASSPATH defined in the jarfile's MANIFEST.MF file. The workaround I came up with involves generating a custom Manifest file for the jarfile based on the system's classpath. This can be part of your Makefile or whatever build process you're using. This is the rule in my Makefile to create the custom Manifest file: [code:1:3a4a1abe0d] ## Generate the manifest file manifest: @echo "Manifest-Version: 1.0" > $(BINDIR)Manifest @echo "Class-Path: $(JARCLASSPATH)" >> $(BINDIR)Manifest @echo "Created-By: MWS" >> $(BINDIR)Manifest @echo "Main-Class: BattleshipGame" >> $(BINDIR)Manifest @echo Generated Manifest. [/code:1:3a4a1abe0d] BattleshipGame is my entry point class. JARCLASSPATH is a macro I defined earlier in my Makefile using: [code:1:3a4a1abe0d] JARCLASSPATH = $(shell echo $(CLASSPATH) | sed "s/:/ /g") [/code:1:3a4a1abe0d] The piping of the CLASSPATH to sed is necessary because the Manifest file expects spaces between directories, not : symbols. The sed command strips all the : symbols, replacing them with spaces. If you're on Windows, the : symbols will be semicolons. Then to package the jarfile using the custom Manifest, I use: [code:1:3a4a1abe0d] jar cfm battleship.jar $(BINDIR)/Manifest -C class/ . [/code:1:3a4a1abe0d] where class/ is a subdirectory containing all my .class files. A brief note: "make" on Solaris has a bug when processing the JARCLASSPATH definition. Use "gmake" instead. - Mark

User-Defined Data Types

Subject: User-Defined Data Types

Poster: pascenzo Is there a way to create User-Defined Data types in Java. I want to make one for the Location so it has a row and a column. Is it just a class?


Poster: MarkSchlosser You can actually add data members and methods (even constructors) to an enumeration type. quick example: [code:1:cc0d001eb8] public enum CarType { Sedan, Van, SUV; private boolean m_isLarge; public boolean getIsLarge () {return m_isLarge;} public void setIsLarge (boolean isLarge) {m_isLarge = isLarge;} } [/code:1:cc0d001eb8] Not sure if this is what you're aiming at.


Poster: dspiegel Check Point in the Java API.


Poster: pascenzo I looked at point and it looks like it could work, but if we are using a letter to represent a row then how would I use Point? Would I just have to set the row to the ascii value the letter?


Poster: MarkSchlosser What I'm doing is converting both values to a range 0-9. so 'a' or 'A' becomes 0, 'b' or 'B' becomes 1, etc. And an easy way to do that is to subtract 97 from the integer value of the character (if lowercase) then checking that it's in that range. Mark


Poster: mkling [quote:e3fcb27b07="MarkSchlosser"]What I'm doing is converting both values to a range 0-9. so 'a' or 'A' becomes 0, 'b' or 'B' becomes 1, etc. Mark[/quote:e3fcb27b07] This is what I'm doing as well, except I didn't bother with the Point class, just gave it an int row, int col attribute.


Poster: SPS What I have done is ... I created a string[] one for the rows as alphabets and one for columns as numbers and used setLocation() and setState() to set the location as "A1" and state 'C' for clear respectively using the object of "space of a grid". Use objects, it becomes quite easy instead of converting the numbers.


Poster: pascenzo [quote:d2b24474e1="SPS"]What I have done is ... I created a string[] one for the rows as alphabets and one for columns as numbers and used setLocation() and setState() to set the location as "A1" and state 'C' for clear respectively using the object of "space of a grid". Use objects, it becomes quite easy instead of converting the numbers.[/quote:d2b24474e1] You did this using Point or did you create a new class


Poster: gsmit466 btw, for printing the letters for the grid output, you can use (char)65 and that would print out an A.. so really jsut setup a variable letter with a starting value of 65 for A and just (char)letter++ it everytime you draw a new row to print the next letter. Makes it somewhat easier and exspandable.


Poster: SPS I didnt use Point , used the class Grid and had a separate method for it. What I have come up is , at some point or other in the program you would have to convert , so initially i used objects and then when mounting the ships , i just use toUpperCase() and -65 for the char input.


Poster: mkling I've changed my mind and actually do use the Point object now, but just so that I can group the row/col attributes together into an object for a single return type. It's still stored as 2 integers in my Space/Grid objects though.

Any DEBUG macros in Java?

Subject: Any DEBUG macros in Java?

Poster: nstor641 I know there is a debug macro in C/C++ to switch debug messages on/off. Is there anything like this for Java? b/c right now I'm commenting System.out.print out and back in and it's becoming a real pain.


Poster: MarkSchlosser The only solution I've found is making a file with a public class that has "defines" in it like: [code:1:0292087266] public class GlobalDefines { public static final boolean DEBUG = false; } [/code:1:0292087266] and then in your code, instead of doing [code:1:0292087266] #ifdef DEBUG printf ("Debug message!\n"); #endif [/code:1:0292087266] you'd do: [code:1:0292087266] if (GlobalDefines.DEBUG) { System.out.println ("Debug message!"); } [/code:1:0292087266]

Grid output && placement

Subject: Grid output && placement

Poster: thege033 I'm running into a little trouble with my implementation going through the game loop. I'm pretty sure I have an understanding of this but just to make sure. Depending on how you implement your game it may be different but I have it so that each player object has their own grid object. In real battleship you have two grids, one with your ships and your opponents attacks and one with your own attacks. In the game though the user is only concerned with their own attacks since the computer will calculate hits and sinks. When you place the ships you put them on your own grid but during each turn you attack your opponents grid. So you'll have to update their grid and output their grid after the attack to show the user the state of their attacks. Therefore i'm coming to the conclusion that each player may not want to have their own grid since you will need to update opposite grids at different parts in the game.


Poster: mkling I have the game object create 2 grids. Each player object knows about both grids, so he places his ships on one, and shoots on the other.


Poster: KyleFox I have an abstract class Player, and then two subclasses named HumanPlayer, and CompterPlayer. In my abstract player class I have a data member for the player's grid, and also a reference to the opponents grid. I then set the opponents grid after instantiating HumanPlayer and ComputerPlayer in my main class Battleship. This allows HumanPlayer and ComputerPlayer to check and modify eachother's grids. Hope that helps, -Kyle

Enumeration Types

Subject: Enumeration Types

Poster: ted_gress I was wondering if anybody so far has successfully gotten the enumerations to work. For some reason Java isn't recognizes the constants. So for a statement like enum SpotStatus { hit, miss, clear } it won't recognize the words hit, miss, or clear later on when they are referenced in the code.


Poster: MarkSchlosser You need to explicitly specify that the status is part of the SpotStatus enum. Example: SpotStatus stat = SpotStatus.hit; - Mark


Poster: mgove131 [quote:0060922f8c="MarkSchlosser"]You need to explicitly specify that the status is part of the SpotStatus enum.[/quote:0060922f8c] except when you use a switch statement switch (stat) { case hit: break; } java assumes that you mean SpotStatus.hit

Formatting Output

Subject: Formatting Output

Poster: KyleFox If anyone is having trouble getting output to line up, java does support printf just like c++. Just use system.out.printf([i:818e0793e7]format_string[/i:818e0793e7], ...). It takes a format string as the first parameter, and applies it to any subsequent parameters. Heres a link to a general page about c++'s printf:


Poster: mgove131 here's another link:

Converting: Char to Int


Poster: dspiegel ...or, just cast it and subtract 48...

Subject: Converting: Char to Int

Poster: eleva340 In class we briefly discussed how to get the integer value of a char. To get 1 from '1', we said simply cast it (i.e. int someInt = (int)aChar;). Instead of returning 1, it returns the ascii integer value for '1', which is 49. So if you need to convert the actual String value of a char into an integer, then the way to do it would be to convert that char to a String first, and then parse it using Integer.parseInt(int anInt).

Subject: another conversion of char to int

Poster: ehobe032 IF you read in the coordinates like: A4, and convert the string A4 into a character array, the 4 is saved as a character. so if you want the numeric value of that 4, you can do this as well: Character.getNumericValue(array[1]) where array[0] is the A and array[1] is the 4 heres a sample of my code so you can see how to convert a string into a character array and how i messed around with it: System.out.println("Enter Starting Letter/Number Coordinates (A-J) and (1-10)"); System.out.print("Example Coordinate: A4 or a4: "); coordinate = Input.readLine(); char array[] = coordinate.toCharArray(); letter = (char)array[0]; letter = Character.toUpperCase(letter); //function that converts letters a-j into #1-10 Y = letterToNumber(letter); //check to see if user enter 10 for number if(array.length == 3) { if (Character.getNumericValue(array[1]) > 1) return -1; else X = 10 + Character.getNumericValue(array[2]); } else X = Character.getNumericValue(array[1]);


Poster: gsmit466 Nice post Eric.

Ship overwriting problem

Subject: Ship overwriting problem

Poster: mherr170 While writing the section of code that lets the computer place its own ships, I have run into a problem of the computer overwriting some of its previously laid ships. I have been unable to come up with a solution that works everytime no matter what. Has anyone else had significant problems with this? Any literature or methods you used to help solved this problem?

Subject: CPU Ship Placement

Poster: mshar306 I have not yet written the code for this, but I will do what I did for the player placement of the ships. For this I just have it check where the other ships are and if they don't overlap, let the player place it there. For the CPU I could just do a random spot choosing and just keep checking the other ships locations until it finds a random spot that works.


Poster: KyleFox Is there a reason why you couldn't error check when the computer player places the ships? What I mean is, when the computer chooses a placement for a ship, run through those spaces on the grid to make sure none of them already have a ship placed in them. If they do, then have the computer player try a different placement. Of course, that sounds easy, but it can be a little difficult in code. Good luck. :)


Poster: mkling [quote:f89d5b74b7="KFox112"]Is there a reason why you couldn't error check when the computer player places the ships? What I mean is, when the computer chooses a placement for a ship, run through those spaces on the grid to make sure none of them already have a ship placed in them. If they do, then have the computer player try a different placement. Of course, that sounds easy, but it can be a little difficult in code. Good luck. :)[/quote:f89d5b74b7] Yea, that's what I do. As Dr Spiegel pointed out I seem to have a lot of repetitive code because 5 different ships, then each ship has a different set of instructions based on the direction it's facing, so I need to scale it back a bit. But yea, before the ship is actually placed I basically test each space it will be sitting on to make sure it's clear.

Abstract methods

Subject: Abstract methods

Poster: mgove131 For my player classes, I ran into a problem public abstract class Player { //Place a ship private abstract boolean _placeShip(int shipIndex, Location loc); //The player takes a turn private abstract SpaceStatus _takeTurn(Location loc); } illegal combination of modifiers: abstract and private Apparently, you cannot have a private abstract class. I wanted those functions to be private because the automatic player does not get passed a location, it generates one. I want to have a public function call the private one. If I make the abstract functions public, you I cannot make them private later. public class AutomaticPlayer extends Player { //Place a ship private boolean _placeShip(int shipIndex, Location loc) { } public boolean placeShip(int shipIndex) { return _placeShip(shipIndex, generateGuess()); } //The player takes a turn private SpaceStatus _takeTurn(Location loc) { } public SpaceStatus takeTurn() { return _takeTurn(generateGuess()); } } _takeTurn(Location) in AutomaticPlayer cannot override _takeTurn(Location) in Player; attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was package


Poster: mgove131 well, i implemented the classes slightly different. It works now, but does anyone know why you can't have abstract private methods?


Poster: KyleFox [quote:a5f7a0ed0b="mgove131"]well, i implemented the classes slightly different. It works now, but does anyone know why you can't have abstract private methods?[/quote:a5f7a0ed0b] Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't an abstract method one that has no implementation within the abstract class? And private means nobody else can touch it, including any classes derived from that original class. So in essence, creating a private abstract method would create a method that you can never implement. Wow that's confusing. :?


Poster: dspiegel Hint: protected... :D


Poster: mgove131 *smacks forehead* :oops:

Input package ?

Subject: Input package ?

Poster: SPS Have a Q about Input package which should be used in the project ? Does it mean because i used Scanner from util package, is it ok to use Scanner or do I have to recode those methods using package....... :(


Poster: gsmit466 I think we gotta use InputReader


Poster: dspiegel You must use it once. This can be as little as using readChar to input whether the player wishes to play again.


Poster: SPS Gr8 Thanks

Warning / Notes after run

Subject: Warning / Notes after run

Poster: SPS Anybody any inputs why I get this warning or note messages after i run the prog. How to go to the source of the problem ? I use NetBeans and i have used throws Exception for all methods. Note: U:\Fall2007\Battleship\Battleship\Battleship\src\battleship\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.


Poster: KyleFox My guess is that you used a vector without specifically telling java what type of object you were putting in the vector. Look at this page:


Poster: MarkSchlosser Also, if you follow javac's suggestion, and specify -Xlint:unchecked as an option, you'll get full details of what you're doing not completely safe. I put -Xlint:unchecked in a JFLAGS macro in my Makefile, so I can always get full details.


Poster: SPS I did not use a vector. And will try with -XLint. Thanks


Poster: slove843 I just got that warning the other day; whenever you declare a container class, Java wants you to explicitly state the Type of object going in to the default constructor when you allocate memory. So, I had to switch [code:1:b3955813a1]Vector<Point> vector = new Vector(10);[/code:1:b3955813a1] to: [code:1:b3955813a1]Vector<Point> vector = new Vector<Point>(10);[/code:1:b3955813a1] ... although, as an aside, I've gotten that message hundreds of times using fairly large nested data types, and I've never had it try to allocate past its 32MB limit or anything equally nasty. YMMV, of course.


Poster: mgove131 -Xlint:unchecked if you compile with that option, it should tell you the error

Randomization for automated player

Subject: Randomization for automated player

Poster: kkemm923 I am having difficulty coming up with the random placement of the ships. Can anyone give some advice?


Poster: mkling Random class.... Random generator = new Random(); Then begin generating random integers willy nilly ex: TheRowCoordinate = generator.nextInt(10); Is that what you wanted?

Bash classpath

Subject: Bash classpath

Poster: mgove131 I'm having some trouble with my classpath in bash. CLASSPATH=.:~/cis421/java:/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/bin:/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/lib/:$CLASSPATH that's how I had it set up originally, and where's what happens [code:1:2bce1ed3ee] bash-2.05$ javac package Input does not exist import Input.InputReader; ^ cannot find symbol symbol : variable InputReader location: class Battleship tempChar = InputReader.getChoice("yYnN"); [/code:1:2bce1ed3ee] but the following does work: javac -classpath .:/export/home/student/GOVE8891/cis421/java so i tried CLASSPATH=.:/export/home/student/GOVE8891/cis421/java but that still doesn't work. anyone have any suggestions?


Poster: slove843 Just a knee-jerk reaction - try echoing your classpath and make sure it changed. you might have to export your classpath or set it... I can't remember which. did you source you .bashrc? Also, is cis421/java a symlink? I think you need a trailing slash on symlinks.


Poster: mgove131 echo $CLASSPATH .:/export/home/student/GOVE8891/cis421/java echo $CLASSPATH .:/export/home/student/GOVE8891/cis421/java/ both with and without the slash still didn't work it still works if i use the -classpath option with the same path that it echoed


Poster: mhiba775 To me it looks like your not placing the correct classpath value into the .bashrc file.. try ~/java thats where we were supposed to place the Input folder and all the InputReader classes. place the files and classpath there, see if it works for ya.


Poster: mgove131 CLASSPATH=.:$HOME/java package Input does not exist import Input.InputReader; still doesn't work but this does: bash-2.05$ javac -classpath .:$HOME/java .. i have no idea what to do bash-2.05$ cd java/Input/ /export/home/student/GOVE8891/java/Input bash-2.05$ ls InputReader.class


Poster: slove843 Did you try exporting CLASSPATH? IE: [code:1:04fa8a1751]export CLASSPATH[/code:1:04fa8a1751]


Poster: mgove131 that fixed it :D CLASSPATH=.:$HOME/java export CLASSPATH

Character Arrays and Strings

Subject: Character Arrays and Strings

Poster: ted_gress Dr. Spiegel's readChar function returns a character. My problem is I'm trying to get from a character returned by this function to a string. I tried char myChar = readChar(); String myString = new String(myChar); From what I looked at in the API it should work, String will take an array of characters in the constructor. But I haven't been able to get it to work. Any ideas?


Poster: mhiba775 try appending the empty string to it '' + myChar

Another guessing issue for automatic...

Subject: Another guessing issue for automatic...

Poster: mhiba775 In class we talked alot about the ships near each other example I asked about, but another issue you need to worry about is what I'll call a cross pattern. After hitting, and guessing the 4 possible locations of a ship around the hit, make sure you have a way to handle hits after that.. you don't wanna get stuck in an infinite loop trying to guess the same 4 spots that have already been guessed. Just wanted to throw that out there, so that if your farther along in the AI for the game you don't run into this.

JAR file (no command window)

Subject: JAR file (no command window)

Poster: Vinnie We discussed in Tuesday night's class on how to run a java program without the command prompt window. The window is ugly and we don't necessarily want the user to see our debugging-System.out code or exception errors. This is of course when we get to the GUI stuff, not for Battleship 1.0. So it got me searching and I found a nice tutorial on the web. In order to run it without using the command prompt, you have to compress your classes into a jar file and make a text file telling it which class to run as the main class. Then you have to make sure your file associations are set up to use javaw.exe. It's explained in detail on this site but that's the gist of it.


Poster: mkling or use Netbeans which makes a .jar for you....


Subject: So..

Poster: mhiba775 Come on guys be honest... :D


Poster: dspiegel :D :) :o :shock: 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :P :wink: :wink: 8)


Poster: mhiba775 .. Who showed the smilies off? I'd say that was a bit excessive on the use but :lol: just the same :)


Poster: mkling It's not due for another week, right?

Java 1.5 on acad

Subject: Java 1.5 on acad

Poster: mkling Well, after exporting my finished project to acad, it seems I'm still on 1.4 there and it does not like the .printf commands... I added this to my .cshrc setenv CLASSPATH ".:$HOME/java:/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/bin:/usr/jdk1.5.0_03/lib/:$CLASS PATH" still using 1.4 though. Anyone remind me what how to change it?


Poster: slove843 Try using export instead of setenv. [code:1:5bde9273af]export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/yadda/yadda/yadda [/code:1:5bde9273af] I use bash and that's what I have to do, but bash is built on csh, so it should work, I think. Erm... maybe bash is built on ksh... give it a shot anyways :)

java debugger?

Subject: java debugger?

Poster: mhiba775 Ok, not sure if we have one that will run with java... but Added a little new functionality to my program and basically it killed everything. I'm getting some infinite looping every 3-4 runs and i can't find the source of the infinite loop... Any1 have any idea's how to track it down?

Subject: stab in the dark...

Poster: slove843 Are you trying to shoot spots that have already been shot after sinking a ship, finding that they've already been hit, and then doing it again without ever checking if the ship was sunk?


Poster: mhiba775 no, i added some "extra" help with the placing to make it need to retry to place it less.. didnt back up and spent the last 7 hours tryign to figure out what i broke... :/ cant place a ship anyway but horrizontal and my patrol boat doesnt want to place anymore... why oh why did i try to make the code better?


Poster: slove843 OK, what's the pattern in the selected pairs, and what do they have in common before every crash? What do you do when invalid input is sent in? Personally, I usually use a whiteboard and my favorite caffeinated beverage and then draw a picture of what is happening as it happens (adding in system.out.println's at every key point). A picture usually tells me what's going on faster than looking at the best documented code in the world. There's always a pattern, if you look from the right angle.


Poster: mhiba775 I got println's everywhere. there is no pattern ive been able to discern, the patrol says its placed on the board, i just can't get it to tell me where, b/c it gives me null pointer exception when i reference its Space[] then the other ships.. no idea why they are staying horrizontal.. lol i mean i commented out all the code, except the random and the line to set the direction and it still wont go to vertical. wipey board asside, i can't believe i didnt back it up before i changed it..


Poster: slove843 hrm... did you allocate spaces for the array with "new"? If you make the array much larger (say 100x100), can you see it then?


Poster: mhiba775 [quote:df2fa3163f="slove843"]hrm... did you allocate spaces for the array with "new"? If you make the array much larger (say 100x100), can you see it then?[/quote:df2fa3163f] made it to 15, and i was moding the randoms.. no chance it was any farther then 5 away from the board, and it still wouldn't print em. too late for any credit whatsoever on project 1.. but i'll prly just scrap the code because ive spent way too much time fixing it.. and try to rewrite it again... i spent a helluva lot less time writing it then trying to fix it after i broke it :( lol


Poster: gsmit466 I think we have the jdb right? type in jdb in the unix console then type run classname.class after you tybe in jdb .. type help to get the commands I am guessing that would work?


Poster: dspiegel The sysadmin and I just got done getting jdb working in the ddd graphical debugger. More in class this week.

How bout dem Indians!!

Subject: How bout dem Indians!!

Poster: mhiba775 Any team that puts a tromping on the yankees is good with me :D too bad they will lose if they meet the Sox :P

Space Event

Subject: Space Event

Poster: Vinnie All, I had asked Dr. Spiegel how exactly we capture a Space object's ActionEvent and have the Game object know what happened. Here is his response: [quote:52de281574] This is a very legitimate concern. You want to listen to a Space object that is-a Button. But, you want your Game object on which the layout is (I'm assuming) as follows: Space on Grid Grid on Player Player on Game In short, you want the Game object to listen for a press on a Space. Here's how: In the Space object, add a public method: Space getThisSpace() { return(this); } In the Grid, is there a way to get a reference to a specific space? I'm sure there is. Either way, let's suppose it is (in the Grid): Space getSpace(int row, int col) {return(SpaceGrid[row][col]);} and in the Player class, you should have: Player getPlayer() {return(this);} You may need a getGrid for the Grid class, too. Once you have all Space objects on the Grid, etc; you want to add the listeners. You know how you do <Component>.addActionListener(this); ?? Well, the _this_ is always the guy who listens. So, that's who should add the ActionListener. If you want the Game object to listen, you need to do something like: TheHuman.getGrid().getSpace(i,j).getThisSpace().addActionListener(this) in the Game class, where TheHuman is the human player, and this is the Game object, which implements ActionListener, and thus has a version of actionperformed(). Make sense? [/quote:52de281574] I'll let you guys know when I try this and if I have any trouble. You do the same. Vin


Poster: Vinnie Ok it turns out you can just use the getSpace without adding a getThisSpace method. So it should work like this: TheHuman.getGrid().getSpace(i,j).addActionListener(this) from inside the Game class.

Why doesn't a GridLayout inside a FlowLayout respect size?

Subject: Why doesn't a GridLayout inside a FlowLayout respect size?

Poster: KyleFox I know that every time I play with java's layout managers, I get angry. Which is what is happening right now. Here's my question: FlowLayout respects size, while GridLayout & BorderLayout do not, correct? So theoretically, shouldn't you be able to override this by adding GridLayout & BorderLayout managed panels to a FlowLayout managed Panel? Ex: JPanel pnlFlow = new JPanel(new FlowLayout); JPanel pnlGrid = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5,5)); pnlGrid.setPreferredSize(200, 200); pnlFlow.add(pnlGrid); Shouldn't pnlFlow respect pnlGrid's preferred size of 200 x 200, and instead of forcing pnlGrid to occupy the rest of the space, occupy that space itself? I ask because I have my project set up with a BorderLayout as the main window. In BorderLayout.EAST and in BorderLayout.WEST, I have my grid for my humanplayer and my computerplayer. What I don't like is that when the window is resized, all of my buttons in my grid are resized also. I don't want that to happen, so I added a FlowLayout panel to BorderLayout.EAST & BorderLayout.WEST first. Then I added my GridLayout panel containing the buttons to those FlowLayout panels. For some reason that is beyond me, the buttons still resize when the window is resized. Or should I just give up on using layout managers and move to the null layout? I just hate the fact that I can never get layout managers to work correctly. I don't understand why all layout managers can't respect the size of their components instead of stretching them ridiculously.


Poster: Anonymous Kyle, I would try to use the validate() method. It is a method of the container class, and what it will do is cause the container to layout it's components over again. Also, I noticed you are using setPreferredSize(). I believe there are methods to set the maximum size of a component, as well as the minimum size. You may want to try using those instead of preferred size. As I understand, preferred size does not force a size, but simply states what the default size is.


Poster: Vinnie I think I agree with your other half, Kyle, to go with the null layout. It's good because you can place things at exact pixel spots and force panels and stuff to be exact sizes. Kind of like how we do most forms in VB. There are things that I just don't fight Java on, and you're right, layouts are one of them. I still don't get why I can't have a gridlayout and be able to access just one position via row, column. That never made sense to me. Instead you have to redraw the whole thing to change one grid space. I'm sure someone has an explanation for me, but that still doesn't explain why someone hasn't figured out how to create a simple, accessible grid layout.


Poster: KyleFox Well, I spent a few hours, deleted my GUI code, and re-wrote it. I knew damn well it should work the way I explained. I did absolutely nothing differently as far as I can tell, and what do you know, it works. :? So I'm just going to continue working as if it never happened. Should something else go wrong, I'll try the validate method. And if that doesn't work, I will subdue to a null layout. :wink: [quote:9931a13e1b="sfisc146"] Also, I noticed you are using setPreferredSize(). I believe there are methods to set the maximum size of a component, as well as the minimum size. You may want to try using those instead of preferred size. As I understand, preferred size does not force a size, but simply states what the default size is.[/quote:9931a13e1b] I think they are really only "preferred sizes" as well. I tried every single sizing method I could find. Gridlayout and Borderlayout remained blissfully ignorant of the fact that I had changed the sizing of the components. Layout managers seem to have a mind of their own when it comes to sizing. If it doesn't want to size it the way you want to size it, it's not happening. Which is what makes java GUIs so frustrating.

Loading your applet onto the web server

Subject: Loading your applet onto the web server

Poster: ted_gress Everyone who has an old account on the webserver make sure you use the right case in your username or it won't be able to find your page. My old username is GRES4177 and my new username is wgres101. I tried and it didn't work. Also Dr. Spiegel said to make sure you set your permissions and only load .class and .html files.

Labels and multiple panels

Subject: Labels and multiple panels

Poster: mshar306 I was just wondering if anyone could explain why labels can only be used in one panel? I was trying to add labels for the ships, and found that it would not work when trying to add the same label to two different panels. I ended up changing how I did this to save the amount of code needed, but thought that this was a weird restriction.

Updating a panel

Subject: Updating a panel

Poster: ted_gress I have a panel to hold the text prompts for when placing the ships. However, without going into much detail about my code, after I place this panel into my applet I want to add text labels every so often to my panel. Unfortunately they are not showing up. Do I have to re-add the panel to the applet every time I add a text label?


Poster: dspiegel Add the labels with a blank string, like in the examples. Then, just use setText to show messages. Reset to a blank string when messages should go away.


Poster: mgove131 you can also try panel.repaint(), because sometimes an object won't repaint for some methods you can use dr. spiegel's method of changing the text, or you can add the label, but setVisible(false). Then setVisible(true) when you need it, but you have to repaint the panel for the label to then show up. Also, i found that remove(component) needs to be repainted.

Object Oriented -> Event Driven

Subject: Object Oriented -> Event Driven

Poster: eleva340 Now that my GUI is set up my brain decided to stop working. I'm trying to think of how to start my program now that I'm done building the GUI. How does one take an object-oriented program and suddenly turn it over to the mercy of the user's clicks and keyboard presses? What are some good ways to "wait" for a user to click something or cause an event, I think is what I'm asking? Maybe I'm thinking to abstractly? We talked about Thread.sleep() and so far that seems to be working very well. I suppose it's just good for saving CPU time...? I also discovered that the repaint() method solves any issues one might have with objects disappearing after displaying a message box or minimizing the window. I don't know where this thread is going, but I have a feeling it will end somewhere beautiful... ***UPDATE*** I wasn't aware that once the code reaches the end of the init() function that doesn't mean the program ends, too. Silly me...

Adding KeyListener to a JPanel

Subject: Adding KeyListener to a JPanel

Poster: nstor641 Given: Game is a JPanel, what I want it to do - listen to keyPressed/keyReleased events. What's wrong - well, it doesn't. I added this code: addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { keyChar = e.getKeyChar(); System.out.println("Key pressed: " + keyChar); } )}; to the constructor and nothing comes up. Why? That's why: "Specifically, key events are fired by the component with the keyboard focus when the user presses or releases keyboard keys." Solution: add setFocusable(true); to the constructor of a JPanel that you want to listen to KeyEvents. That gets the job done. Where did I get it from? Here it is:

Weird stuff happening with setEnabled()

Subject: Weird stuff happening with setEnabled()

Poster: ted_gress Just some background first. I have three panels so far, one for each grid and one for status information. I have my ships extending the Jbutton class. In my status panel I have a button for each ship to place the ship. Weird things start happening when I try and disable the ship button though. I added some code to disable the button after it is clicked. However, now when I load my applet my my status panel is missing and the main grid has taken over everything else. I wasn't sure if this is newsgroup worthy or not, but it is definitely unusual. I took out the code to disable the button and my layout returned to sanity.


Poster: ted_gress Well update to this. I've commented out the setEnabled but now it seems like every other or so time I open my applet it gives me that incorrect layout. So I am actually wondering if it could be a browser issue...


Poster: mgove131 a few questions. are you using a JApplet? do you set the background color in the JApplet? If you do, do you say getContentPane().setBackground() or just setBackground() ?


Poster: ted_gress I am extending a JPanel and when I set the background color I'm using setBackground().


Poster: mgove131 try getContentPane().setBackground() and let me know if that fixes it.


Poster: mgove131 did getContentPane().setBackground() solve your problem?

Images In Applets

Subject: Images In Applets

Poster: KyleFox Contrary to what one may think, using images within an applet can prove to be a very difficult task. As we all know, applets are very restricted in what they are allowed and not allowed to do. To my knowledge, they cannot access anything on the server without being signed. Meaning, they cannot access images unless they are signed. Unless of course images are within the same jar file. So one would think that as long as images are jarred with the class files, everything should be ok, right? Wrong. For some reason I'm not going to try to understand, images in jar files can not be located unless their entire URL is used. So, since I know how terrible it can be trying to get images to work with applets, I figured it may be helpful to post about my way of doing it. I'm sure there are other ways, which I would love to hear about also. It would be nice if there was a simple way of doing it, but I'm not so sure that there is. Anyway, here's how I manage to get images to work: 1) Anytime you need to access an image to create an ImageIcon, use the getResource method provided by Class to obtain the full URL of the image. This allows for portability, because the URL will be obtained based on where the images are actually located. An example would be: new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("Images/Something.jpg")) Assuming that Something.jpg is the picture you want, and it is within the folder Images. 2) Create a manifest file. When working with jar files, java needs to know where to look to find an entry point. In other words, java needs to know which class' main method to use. Creation of a manifest file to specify an entry point is actually very simple. It's one line, followed by a hard return: Main-Class: classname Note: Don't forget to put a hard return at the end of that line, otherwise it will not work correctly. For more information: 3) Jar all of your .class files and images using the jar command. Here is the command to do that: jar -cvfm jar_to_create.jar manifest_file.txt *.class images Where -c means create a jar, -f means make a jar file, -v means show what is going on, and -m means specify a manifest file. You do this using the name of your manifest file that you created, and the name of the directory you have your images in. For example, mine would look like this: jar -cvfm Battleship.jar Manifest.txt *.class Images For more information: 4) Include your jar file in your applet tag as archive. Example: <applet code = "Battleship.class" archive="Battleship.jar" width="800" height="600" align = middle> </applet> Thats it. Good luck! And if there is a better way, please let me know. :wink:

Subject: Displaying Images

Poster: nstor641 I found this example: and they don't "jar" images with .class files but rather download them from server. But there is a restriction for MediaTracker class that they use - it works only with Gif and JPG (sound is not yet implemented). Here is link to MediaTracker: P.S. I did not try it yet and can not guarantee that it will work.


Poster: Vinnie I'm pretty sure you don't need the MediaTracker. I tried it with AND without and it seems to work. I have a similar method. Anyone is welcomed to try: First you get the URL just like Kyle said. Below it says Game but it could whichever class is your applet: URL iconURL = Game.class.getResource ("picture.jpg"); Then create an image out of it: Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage (iconURL); Then turn it into an icon: Icon icon = new ImageIcon (img, ""); now you can use the setIcon(icon) to get it to display in your button/label/whatever. I think you need to import*; Toodles

Subject: Vinnie.equals("The Man")

Poster: eleva340 I <3 you Vinnie! It works like a charm when I run it in the appletviewer and online. But now, how do you identify when that button is pushed, since there is no label? I know you can set the label, but then is there a way to make only the image show up in the button and not the text? How do you do it? ***UPDATE*** Apparently the AbstractButton class comes fully stocked with a function called setActionCommand. It more than does the job.


Poster: mherr170 I tried vinnie's method and it works in an applet viewer. However when I try to load it into an applet, it throws a java.lang.NullPointerException on the lines where i have: Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage (iconURL); This seems to be causing the applet to never load. Is there an instantiation step I could be missing?


Poster: Vinnie Are you sure when your creating the image your iconURL is correct? If you just create the iconURL with a file name such as "pic.jpg", then your pic.jpg should be in the same directory as the applet. If it's somewhere else, do "imageDirector/whatever/pic.jpg". If all that's fine and dandy, you may want to use the media tracker stuff. I was fine not using it for small tasks, but as soon as you have more than a few lines of code to go with your image loading, everything bombs out. Try the media tracker. It's only about 4 lines of code.

removeAll() and panels

Subject: removeAll() and panels

Poster: ted_gress FYI after doing a removeAll() to remove components from a panel, you have to re-add the null layout manager. At least that's been my experience.

The best reference for Java I've found thus far!

Subject: The best reference for Java I've found thus far!

Poster: slove843 Just had to drop a link to this. This site has Java API documentation, and a nice feature to add parts of the API to a favorites list. Also has plugins for netbeans, eclipse and intelliJ to look up information from the site. [color=blue:c685af5648][url][/url][/color:c685af5648]

Accessing Buttons in a Grid Layout

Subject: Accessing Buttons in a Grid Layout

Poster: pascenzo Does anyone know a way to access items in the grid layout. I want to disable the button so that it cannot be clicked, but I used a for loop to add the buttons so they don't have an actual name.


Poster: mgove131 use an array of JButtons as a private member private JButton theButtons[][]; then initialize all of them in a loop, and add them to the board. you can then access them by index. theButtons = new JButton[10][10]; //in the loop theButtons[r][c] = new JButton(); add(theButtons[r][c]);

Subject: Buttons

Poster: mshar306 I used a for loop as well, but to remove a button after it was clicked I did: In the actionPerformed method, I got the source JButton btn = (JButton) ae.getSource(); Now that you know what button(btn) you can just remove the actionListener.


Poster: gsmit466 or do theButtons[r][c].setEnabled(false);

Smart Scroll Panes

Subject: Smart Scroll Panes

Poster: eleva340 I'm trying to get my scroll pane to know to keep scrolling down as you append text to it, just like a text area in AIM. I'm not entirely sure that this is even possible in Java. That being said, there's a function called scrollToVisibleRect(), where you pass in the viewable rectangle. I suppose this would work but you'd have to call it after every append and with an updated rectangle based on the number of lines or whatever in the text area. I'm not sure how to do this. Thoughts, anyone?


Poster: mgove131 that looks like it might help

Subject: Found It!

Poster: eleva340 That did. I had to weed through the file to find what I was looking for. But it's this line: displayArea.setCaretPosition(displayArea.getDocument().getLength()); Now I just have to decide if I want to tack this on after every append I do or if I want to implement the DocumentListener. I'll probably do the latter just so Spiegel will use his Grading Pen of Impressiveness that hits for +5 extra credit points.

Starting a new game

Subject: Starting a new game

Poster: nstor641 I added a button to start a new game and it has this code in its actionPerformed: gamePanel.removeAll(); // to remove all old panels from the gamePanel gamePanel.repaint(); Player1 = new Player(listener, mouseListener); Player2 = new ComputerPlayer(listener); // create new Players Middle = new MiddlePanel(listener, keyListener); CreateAnnLabel(); SetGamePanel(); // add new Panels to the gamePanel add(gamePanel); // add gamePanel to the frame + some more staff to update variables now when I click on New Game button frame goes blank but ... gets repainted correctly after being iconified/deiconified. That doesn't work for an applet though, it just goes blank. So I guess I'm doing something wrong, the Q is what is the right way to start a new game?


Poster: KyleFox I added a reset() method to each class I created. Then when I want to start a new game, I call humanPlayer.reset() and computerPlayer.reset(). Those reset methods then in turn call the reset methods for their grids, ships, etc. Theoretically, you should be able to do it your way though. This is probably something you've already done, but did you try using setVisible? I remember there being a time when you need to use setVisible. ;)


Poster: mshar306 I also used reset methods in each class to reset all the variables and vectors etc. Wouldn't you need to add all the components back on the panel before you call repaint. Because this way repaints an empty panel, and then you add everything after. Then when the window is iconified or deiconified it repaints, now having everything added. Sounds like it should work this way at least.


Poster: mkling hmm. for the applet, I just removed the base panel, and called repaint(), then init(), and it seemed to work for the most part...

Disabling your grid after ship placement.

Subject: Disabling your grid after ship placement.

Poster: parkmw I want to disable my buttons after i place all the ships on my grid but when I do the text then becomes gray and hard to see. Does anyone know of a way, besides short of creating my own JButton class and using them for my grid, to set the text to be something other than gray when I disable the buttons?

Subject: Re: Disabling your grid after ship placement.

Poster: KyleFox [quote:037cf1f9fe="parkmw"]I want to disable my buttons after i place all the ships on my grid but when I do the text then becomes gray and hard to see. Does anyone know of a way, besides short of creating my own JButton class and using them for my grid, to set the text to be something other than gray when I disable the buttons?[/quote:037cf1f9fe] Do you extend JButton in your space class? You could write your own method to enable/disable buttons. All that would be necessary is a variable knowing if the JButton is enabled or disabled. Then when you add an ActionListener and implement the actionPerformed method, you just need to verify that the button is enabled before doing anything. Good Luck. ;)


Poster: parkmw As I said in my post, I am trying to avoid having to do that. :P I was hoping there was a better way.


Poster: eleva340 Psssst... just remove the listener...


Poster: mgove131 Some things we discussed in class: (see the paint method) You can make a class that extends JButton, and then override the paint method. When you override the paint method, if you want to retain the functionality of the parent class, make sure the first line of the method is super.paint(g); Also, if the text on a JButton appears as '...', then then the text is too big. One solution is to change the border. You can create an empty border by saying <object name>.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); The problem I was having with JPanel is that I had setBackground(<color>); but it didn't set the background color. getContentPane().setBackground(<color>); fixed it.

Subject: How to Keep Text Black after Button was Disabled

Poster: nstor641 For more details check this link: But long story short - you can use HTML tags to place text on JComponents and due to bug #4783068 this text doesn't grey out after a button was disabled. If this is what you want that is. b1 = new JButton("<html><center><b><u>D</u>isable</b><br>" + "<font color=#ffffdd>middle button</font>", leftButtonIcon); Here is link to the bug (still pending - "in progress):

RemoveAll() and Remove(Component)

Subject: RemoveAll() and Remove(Component)

Poster: eleva340 I have yet to get either of the above functions to work regardless of whether I'm calling them from the japplet or from one of my jpanels. Even if I put validate() after, they just won't work. And google is no help. I know I'm not the only one having this issue. I could solve the whole problem by adding the jcomponents I need and making them visible/invisible, depending on the situation, but I'm pretty sure these functions should at least work. Each player has a panel for sunk ships and when a ship is sunk, I add a jlabel with that ship name to the panel. It works when I extend JApplet, but not Applet. I cannot remove them when I extend either. Does anyone know any insider secrets? Maybe Vinnie, you Java master, you...?


Poster: mhiba775 it could be an issue with Japplet, did you try using just applet? Japplet has alot of funny characteristics that don't work the way you expect them too.


Poster: eleva340 Yeah, I think I mentioned that above. Neither work.


Poster: mgove131 alright, after hours of work, and some help from mark, I finally got my thank you screen to display. pnlGame.removeAll(); pnlGame.add(pnlThanks); pnlGame.revalidate(); repaint(); pnlGame is the JPanel my game is on, and pnlTanks just has a label that says "Thanks for playing". revalidate only works on panels, so I just remove all the components from pnlGame and add pnlThanks. revalidate wasn't working on its own, so I had to use repaint on the applet.


Poster: MarkSchlosser [quote:fbae2a0445="mgove131"]alright, after hours of work, and some help from mark, I finally got my thank you screen to display. pnlGame.removeAll(); pnlGame.add(pnlThanks); pnlGame.revalidate(); repaint(); pnlGame is the JPanel my game is on, and pnlTanks just has a label that says "Thanks for playing". revalidate only works on panels, so I just remove all the components from pnlGame and add pnlThanks. revalidate wasn't working on its own, so I had to use repaint on the applet.[/quote:fbae2a0445] Mike, I looked further into this for my own applet and figured out how to do it without putting things on JPanels. When you remove all from the applet you need to do it on the content pane, so you need to call: getContentPane ().removeAll ();


Poster: mgove131 i tried that! lol, it didn't work for me, but that's alright. yeah, JApplets seem to be weird. sometimes you need to get the contentpane for some things to work, which is a pain. i had to get the content pane for my setBackground funtion to work.


Poster: MarkSchlosser All I had to do was: getContentPane ().removeAll (); showGoodbye (); // added a label with text repaint (); Crazy!

Truncated class file ??

Subject: Truncated class file ??

Poster: mherr170 After battling with applets and images for a while, I was hoping I had smooth sailing ahead for loading the applet until I came across this in the java console after the applet fails: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file I've looked on google for information about this but the result was minimal to none. Has anyone gotten this problem? Were you able to fix it? -Mike


Poster: mgove131 I've never seen that. Do you get that error locally on your pc, or just on the web?


Poster: mherr170 Web only, the applet viewer with eclipse runs it fine (as well as acad as a frame).


Poster: mgove131 are you sure you uploaded all the class files?maybe try deleting them all from the web, and locally, recompiling and uploading again. make sure to include any $1.class files too, they are all important. also, you can try going into the java control panel and deleting all the files in the cache.

Show off your Battleship

Subject: Show off your Battleship

Poster: mgove131 I was just interested in seeing how everyones game came out. So just post the link in here if you want to share it. I'll start.


Poster: nstor641 Looks nice! Mine is here: After playing you game I know now how I will animate Quit button :wink:


Poster: KyleFox My Battleship:


Poster: MarkSchlosser Mine:


Poster: mkling AI still needs some work, but it's getting there...


Poster: ehobe032 enjoy the background music, my sounds for the game are not put in separate threads, so if you want to see how sounds work without being in threads, check it out.

Subject: Battleship - 24 Style

Poster: eleva340 If you're not careful, Jack Bauer will pwn your face:

Button stopped showing up...

Subject: Button stopped showing up...

Poster: mhiba775 this code displays my buttons for placing my carrier... it also serves as the notification to let the player know what ships are sunk... [code:1:07eb1c0eef] JPanel player1CarrierPanel; JPanel player1CarrierPanel; player1Carrier = new JButton [5]; player1CarrierPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,5)); player1CarrierPanel.setBounds(15,490,155,40); for (int b = 0 ; b < 5 ; b++ ) { player1Carrier[b] = new JButton("C"); player1Carrier[b].setSize(30,30); player1Carrier[b].setVisible(true); player1CarrierPanel.add(player1Carrier[b]); } add(player1CarrierPanel); player1CarrierPanel.setVisible(true);[/code:1:07eb1c0eef] that functions perfect while the code for the panel below, shows nothing now, though i can't find a single thing wrong in the code.. maybe some1 else can see something i cant. [code:1:07eb1c0eef] JButton player1BattleShip[]; JPanel player1BattleShipPanel; player1BattleShip = new JButton[4]; player1BattleShipPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,4)); player1BattleShipPanel.setBounds(15,535,124,40); for (int f = 0 ; f < 4 ; f++) { player1BattleShip[f] = new JButton("B"); player1BattleShip[f].setSize(30,30); player1BattleShip[f].setVisible(true); player1BattleShipPanel.add(player1BattleShip[f]); } add(player1BattleShipPanel); player1BattleShipPanel.setVisible(true); [/code:1:07eb1c0eef]

Cropping an ImageIcon into sub-images

Subject: Cropping an ImageIcon into sub-images

Poster: MarkSchlosser This came up in class tonight, and I mentioned that I did this in my game. My ships are .png files of size 64x32, 96x32, etc. When I placed them on my board, I split the image into subicons of size 32x32 each. To do this I use a CropImageFilter and a ImageProducer. See code below. [code:1:eab5d26eff] Image srcImage = srcIcon.getImage (); ImageFilter filter = new CropImageFilter (0,0,32,32); // crop from pixel 0,0 to 32 pixels down, 32 pixels across. ImageProducer producer = new FilteredImageSource (srcImage.getSource (), filter); Image croppedImage= Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().createImage (producer); ImageIcon croppedIcon = new ImageIcon (croppedImage); [/code:1:eab5d26eff] croppedIcon will then be the first 32x32 block of the image. In my code I put this sort of code in a loop that depends on the ship size to determine how many subimages to create.


Poster: mkling played with this in lab today, after a minor SNAFU, it works like a champ. 8)


Poster: KyleFox Thanks Mark, works great! Took me a little bit, because for whatever reason, I thought I was cropping in a square from point a to point b. But really you are cropping from point a, down and over a certain amount. Once I figured that out though, it works perfectly. I only wish I knew I could do this before I went and spent hours cropping an image in photoshop into 100 tiny subimages for the spaces. :roll: What a waste of time that was. :wink:

JButton Extra Space

Subject: JButton Extra Space

Poster: mshar306 I was playing around with placing icons on my buttons, and noticed that there will always be a gap between all of the buttons. This space is due to the button border, even if one is not set. My current thoughts is that this will get in the way of the ship icons. Making the apperance of the ship broken up by the borders. Has anyone else using buttons thought about this?


Poster: mgove131 I haven't started yet, so I haven't tried this yet, but I was going to try an approach we discussed in class. I'm thinking about having a JPanel behind the buttons, and having invisible buttons. This would allow you to draw on the panel, and still use the buttons. If that doesn't work, it's always porrible to make a class extend JButton, and just override it's paint method. A key to transparency for the components is going to be the alpha value in the Color class.,%20float,%20float,%20float) note: copy and paste the second link

Scoring: Storing and Retrieving a map

Subject: Scoring: Storing and Retrieving a map

Poster: dspiegel As promised, I have written programs to create, store and read a multimap whose values are lists of pairs. You can find them under the Collections\Multimap subdirectory in the 421 Java area on the web and also on acad. We may have a look at them next week. The full example is named The other examples just play with maps a bit. :idea: Meanwhile, I'm wondering whether we should defer the whole scoring system business until the final project. Your thoughts?


Poster: mshar306 I think that would be fair, since we have not been taught any of that yet. I know I already have enough work to do. Either way though.


Poster: dspiegel [quote:c9ba8d1bdc="mshar306"]I think that would be fair, since we have not been taught any of that yet. I know I already have enough work to do. Either way though.[/quote:c9ba8d1bdc] One maybe... :wink:

Subject: Scoring System

Poster: thege033 Personally I'm not sure if the scoring system adds significant value to the project.


Poster: mkling I am in favor deferring scoring to the final project


Poster: mgove131 I haven't gotten the chance to start the project yet, that's what I'm doing this weekend, so I'm not sure how long everything will take. Just looking at the sheet, it does seem like there is alot to get done, so having one less thing might help alittle.

War sounds

Subject: War sounds

Poster: ehobe032 i found some war sounds for the game if anyone wants to use them for the game

Inner class design

Subject: Inner class design

Poster: mkling Say I am creating 5 panels, all of which need to override the paintcomponent method like so. [code:1:750739dcdc] for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ sunkShip[i] = new JPanel(null){ protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){ super.paintComponent(g); g.drawImage(shipImage[i],0,0,this); g.drawString(shipTypes[i],0,40); } }; } [/code:1:750739dcdc] Now, this obviously does not work, since the paintcomponent is actually in a separate class and it can;t see the i variable. So it seems to me I either need to officially extend the JPanel class to add in a constructor, skip the loop and do the 5 separately, or cheat a bit and declare a public counter that the inner class can see. Any thoughts on a "preferred" way? I'm sure skipping the loop is bad... Doing an external counter seems the easiest, considering there's already a ton of external data members with all the components and buttons and such, but I'm not sure if that's considered bad design or no. Also seems overkill to create a whole new class simply to add an int to the constructor...


Poster: mshar306 I would personally just add a public counter. It seems pointless to go through all that work, when adding a simple line can accomplish the task and save time.


Poster: mkling heh, actually, I forgot one small issue went I went to actually code this...the paintComponent method for all the panels gets called every time it needs to paint, which is quite frequently...meaning I don't think I can use a counter variable inside my paintComponent method. I guess I'll just do it 5 separate times for each ship, it's only like 16 extra lines of code vs the loop, I doubt it'll cause a huge performance issue.

.wav files in java

Subject: .wav files in java

Poster: ehobe032 I could not get my .wav files to work unless they had these properties: Bit Rate - 128 kbps Audo sample Size - 8 bit Channels - 1 Audio sample rate - 16 kHz anyone else having this problem with .wav files not working, try converting them to these properties. I did and it works great.


Poster: mgove131 thanks for the heads up. also, something that was helped for images is the mediatracker. Spiegel wasn't kidding when he said that they are useful. I spent all weekend getting my images set up in my code, and they didnt't work until I used a mediatracker.


Subject: GIMP

Poster: mgove131 For those people who don't have photoshop and need a better image editor than ms paint, you can use gimp.

Double Buffer

Subject: Double Buffer

Poster: mgove131 This offers some clues to how double buffering works. "Single bufferring is affected by buffer underrun and buffer overflow. " That's probably why the images flicker. "A software implementation of double buffering uses a video page stored in system RAM that all drawing operations are written to. When a drawing operation is considered complete, the whole page, or a portion of it, is copied into the video RAM (VRAM) in one operation. This is generally synchronised so that copy operation is ahead of the monitor's raster beam so that ideally (if the copy is faster than the video beam) artifacts are avoided. This software method is not always flawless, and has a higher overhead than the hardware method." I believe this might be how the double buffering in Java works. Any ideas?


Poster: mgove131 I did some googling. "What's causing the flicker? Well, if you call the repaint method, you actually tell the VM to repaint this component as soon as possible. You can't tell when (but you can set an initial delay). When the VM has time to carry out the paint tasks, it calls the update method for you. And there's the first problem already. The update method clears the panel for you, so you can paint to it, without concerning about the background. That's what's causing the flicker. It clears the panel, shows in the window, paints the panel and shows again. So every paintjob has in fact two jobs, clearing and painting."

A Few Sound Quirks

Subject: A Few Sound Quirks

Poster: KyleFox I now have sound implemented in my project. And I can assure everyone that the very next thing I will implement is an option to turn off all sounds. :shock: I even tried to keep my sounds as short as possible to avoid driving myself insane. I picked the sound of a water droplet for missing a ship. I can tell you that there are many similarities between my project and chinese water torture. :D Anyway, one of the wierd things that I am noticing is that if I click around to quickly, my sounds hold off playing and eventually create a sonic boom kind of effect. Its not loud, it's just that they all play at once, similar to the way sound waves build up behind an aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound. It maybe the way I have it all working though. I create an anonymous thread for each sound, and play the sound within that thread. Can anyone understand why this is happening though? And like I said, it is ONLY when I click extremely fast. Lastly, something I found very useful: I know that applets have the method "getAudioClip", but this isn't helpful if you want to get and use audio in a class which does not extend Applet or JApplet since the method is not static. (Unless you want to create a useless Applet or JApplet just to get an AudioClip) But, there is a static method "newAudioClip" which takes a URL and returns an AudioClip. That one is the one that worked for me, so it may just help someone else. :) Ex: AudioClip myAudioClip = JApplet.newAudioClip(some_URL);


Poster: mshar306 I used the getAudioClip and just made sure to import java.applet.* and mine worked fine. I used sounds for the hit and miss in the player class, which is not an applet. I did get the sounds in the applet class, and then had a method in the player class to set the sound variables.


Poster: mkling I would concur, I'd say just play the sounds directly, rather then create their own threads, I'm sure the play method that calls them handles the thread aspect automatically.


Poster: KyleFox [quote:93e1f36d8a="mkling"]I would concur, I'd say just play the sounds directly, rather then create their own threads, I'm sure the play method that calls them handles the thread aspect automatically.[/quote:93e1f36d8a] I went through the trouble of creating a class extending Thread and using the synchronization we learned about in class. In the end, it makes the sounds work far worse then just creating an AudioClip and calling play every time that I need it to play. Using threads and mutual exclusion, the sounds take a few seconds to play, and interfere with eachother making crackling noises and worse. :shock: I'm going to stick with the simpler side of things. ;)

Animated GIF's Work!!!

Subject: Animated GIF's Work!!!

Poster: eleva340 I added an animated gif to a JLabel and then added that to the applet and it works great. No need to repaint, though I was told that you would have to repaint for every frame.


Poster: mgove131 I tried an animated gif directly on the applet, and it wasn't repainting all the time. So maybe placing it on something is the key, atleast it works.

CardLayout (Parent Component)

Subject: CardLayout (Parent Component)

Poster: KyleFox In the event that anyone decides that they want to use a CardLayout ever: CardLayout offers methods to switch between the different cards you provide it with. All of these methods require the parent component as a parameter. The parent component is the component to which you added the CardLayout. My headache came when I decided to add the CardLayout directly to my JApplet. When I would try to call a method to switch the cards, I would recieve an exception telling me that I had passed the incorrect parent. It made absolutely no sense at all, considering I definitely knew the parent was in fact the keyword "this". So after hours of trying to figure out what was going on, I've come to this conclusion: When you pass an applet as a parent to one of these methods, you actually need to pass it's content pane. I don't know why, I just know that is what worked. I haven't heard of anyone else with the same problem on the net either. But if I use show(this, "Some Panel), I get an exception. If I use show(this.getContentPane(), "Some Panel"), then java stays content. :)

Sounds intermittently not playing

Subject: Sounds intermittently not playing

Poster: Vinnie I have a sound playing for every turn taken. Like Kyle was saying, it's pretty annoying. But my issue is it doesn't always play. For whatever reason, there is an error trying to play the sound file. It could be a network issue, it could be an exception, etc. Whatever the case, one out of every [i:6896550c80]x[/i:6896550c80] times it doesn't play. This bothers me a little bit. Does anyone know if there is a way to make sure the audioclip plays?

Full screen web browsers

Subject: Full screen web browsers

Poster: mgove131 Just a helpful tip, in both Firefox and IE you can hit f11 to make it go into full screen mode. I would imagine it would work in other browsers as well.

Ship Icons

Subject: Ship Icons

Poster: ted_gress Does anybody know if the image icons are automatically scaled to the button size or if we have to do it manually? I'm asking because I created some image icons for hits and misses and they show up perfectly, but my icons for my ships aren't being scaled correctly to fit the buttons.


Subject: SetRolloverIcon

Poster: mgove131 getButton(r,c).setRolloverIcon(icn); getButton(r,c).setRolloverEnabled(true); As you can see, the roll over icon is not working well for me. I don't know what's wrong, I am so confused. The icon should be the blue square that appears in the top left when the game loads, I paint it there to test it.


Poster: mgove131 I got it to work, but not with the JButton. I just paint the icon to the panel that has my board. This is the second time I had to implement something that was in the Java API. :( It was weird because if I set the icon for the button, it would work, but if I set the rollovericon with the same icon, it was just the glitchy icons that were comming up.


Poster: mhiba775 If you have text on the button, the icon gets all kinds of messed up, had that issue, but I'm still trying to find a workaround for an image icon as a backburner project. Sun can't have this stuff implimented and not working, I have to be missing something, I have rolloverIcon enabled and I'm setting the image and its just not working.


Poster: mhiba775 [code:1:d493e3e13b]tempBoard.getTheSpace(x,y).setRolloverEnabled(true); tempBoard.getTheSpace(x,y).setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon("images/anchor.jpg")); tempBoard.getTheSpace(x,y).setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon("images/anchor.jpg"));[/code:1:d493e3e13b] I have that segment of code, for all I have been able to read up, that should place the rolloverIcon and have it functional on the buttons, it just doesn't. The only time i see the rollovericon, is after i place the ship the anchor replaces the ship's icon, instead of being the destination designator for placing the ship. Does anyone have any ideas?


Poster: mkling hmm. Here's mine... it works perfectly fine. target = getImage(getCodeBase(),"img/target.jpg"); targetIcon= new ImageIcon(target); . . . p2Spaces[i][j].setIcon(waterIcon); p2Spaces[i][j].setRolloverIcon(targetIcon); p2Spaces[i][j].setRolloverEnabled(true); Does it make a difference if you don't have a regular icon first?


Poster: mhiba775 Hmm i noticed that as soon as i looked at yours, you have a water "icon" which im assuming is just the cyan background, i'm just using the background of the button as CYAN to do the water.. maybe ill just make a water Icon since the rollover works when you have a regular icon.

Cropped Image Dimensions are Negative?

Subject: Cropped Image Dimensions are Negative?

Poster: KyleFox I'm having a problem with image cropping now. Using the code from Mark's tutorial worked great for me when I was using ImageIcons for the buttons in my grid. I decided that I needed to change my project around, and paint the images on the buttons instead of setting their ImageIcons. The problem is that once I crop the image, it's dimensions change to -1 x -1. I don't understand why this happens. Creating an image icon from the same image with the negative height and width works fine. But when I try to paint the image, it doesn't. Out of curiosity, for any of you that are cropping images: If you access the width and the height of the raw image immediately after cropping it, but before using it to create an ImageIcon, do you get negative dimensions for the image?


Poster: KyleFox Ok, I just made a breakthrough I think. I've given up on trying to use the CropImageFilter. I've read in many different places that it is quirky and causes more problems then it is worth. They also note that it doesn't work on PNG images. And for whatever reason, it causes the getwidth and getheight methods to return -1 for me. So I've found a method of BufferedImage, which is getSubImage(x,y,width, height). So far, it is working the way that I want it to. You just create a BufferedImage using the dimensions of the Image you already have. Then you get the graphics of the BufferedImage, and draw the original image on it. Hopefully it continues working as well as it has so far. I will post here if I find some flaw. :)

Button text outline

Subject: Button text outline

Poster: mhiba775 Im not sure if any1 else is getting this, but when my applet loads up, I get a box around the first button on my gameboard, i tried requesting focus on another object, but i still get the box around the text (you can't see it because the fore and back color's are the same). Does any1 have a solution to get rid of this? because its really just an annoyance but I can't seem to get it to disappear.


Poster: mgove131 yeah, java does funny stuff with buttons. try setting all the buttons layouts to empty. use the BorderFactory to make an empty layout. button.setLayout(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder());


Poster: mhiba775 That seemed like a lot of work, So i just made subclasses of JButton and had a private string property in them and used a image only on the Button, away goes the focus problem and icon stretching issues.


Poster: mgove131 besides setting the border, here's some other useful functions:

Playing Video

Subject: Playing Video

Poster: mkling Has anybody done this yet? I looked at Dr Spiegel example, but I'm not sure that works anymore, the "" line caused the compiler to grow very angry with me. I'm thinking there's a new way of doing it now.

Subject: Re: Playing Video

Poster: dspiegel [quote:b286f3b7d7="mkling"]Has anybody done this yet? I looked at Dr Spiegel example, but I'm not sure that works anymore, the "" line caused the compiler to grow very angry with me. I'm thinking there's a new way of doing it now.[/quote:b286f3b7d7] That one uses JMF, Java Media Framework. I think there's another example there that plays the clip directly.


Poster: mkling yea, but that other one opened up a separate web page to play the video in... Oh well, I'll keep digging. eh, I see I need to install the JMF pack separately for that bit. It'll give me something to do tomorrow :)


Poster: dspiegel [quote:3fa7a6b1bf="mkling"]yea, but that other one opened up a separate web page to play the video in... Oh well, I'll keep digging. eh, I see I need to install the JMF pack separately for that bit. It'll give me something to do tomorrow :)[/quote:3fa7a6b1bf] Don't use JMF. The browser's computer must have it, too. I think you can use Ajax to play on a page.

Static Classes and Repaint

Subject: Static Classes and Repaint

Poster: ted_gress Right now my main Game class extends JApplet and is static. I am implementing Runnable for a seperate class and trying to call the repaint method of Game class but everytime I do I get a compiler error telling me that it can't be done from a static context. Is there any way around this? I was thinking there has to be some way to get a reference to the Applet but I can't seem to find anything about it in the Java API or on the web.

Subject: Re: Static Classes and Repaint

Poster: KyleFox I don't really understand how your main class can be static. If you declare a static top-level class, it is a compiler error itself isn't it?


Poster: ted_gress Yeah you're right. I was thinking my main game class was static because I made most of its members static.

Client/Server Applets & Signing

Subject: Client/Server Applets & Signing

Poster: KyleFox I just wanted to let everyone know that in order for me to get an applet to make a connection I had to sign the applet. I created my own little client/server applet to test everything out, and found that it worked perfectly when the HTML file running the applet was on my own machine. However, when I uploaded the applet and the html file onto acad, it no longer worked. I tried it various times to make sure. I was getting an exception because of socket permissions. Once I jarred it, and signed the jar file, it worked perfectly on acad as well. So my guess is that when Dr. Spiegel tried running his applet unsigned in class, he probably used an HTML file that was on the machine, rather than on the web. If his applet was run fromt the web, it probably wouldn't have worked. Hopefully this helps someone else. :wink:


Poster: mkling I have this problem too, works fine on my local machine, when I tried to deploy it on multiple machines, the SecurityException gods grew very wroth and smote me. I shall have to explore this signing thing later...


Poster: gsmit466 How are you guys getting it to run on your local machine? I downlaoded the example java program in the cis 421 directory, and didn't change any code at all. Now, when I run ti locally in an HTML file on my computer... I choose Run as a server and this error pops up: ---------------------------------------------------- I'm a server Could not listen on port 10009 Exception in thread "Thread-12" access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM.-1) at Source) at Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkExit(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Runtime.exit(Unknown Source) at java.lang.System.exit(Unknown Source) at AppletCliSer$ Yes, my firewall is disabled. I have no idea why it's not working.


Poster: KyleFox [quote:30ec34caf4="gsmit466"]How are you guys getting it to run on your local machine? I downlaoded the example java program in the cis 421 directory, and didn't change any code at all.[/quote:30ec34caf4] I had to make my own example, because I couldn't get any of the examples on the web to work. And I was too lazy to try to figure out why they didn't work to begin with. ;)


Poster: gsmit466 yeh I am in that boat right now.. I just signed my jar and got it to connect. But for some reason they won;t send the text between each other. I guess its time to do a simple example.


Poster: eleva340 I'm pretty sure the KU firewall blocks our connections. My stuff works fine if I play with anyone on the South side of campus, but once I start reaching into the North, I get the timed out exception as well. I suppose we can't even get to the lab server. It's totally internal in relation to the resident server. I have not been able to make a connection at all with anyone off campus.


Poster: mhiba775 I think firewalls are gonna be a huge issue, I have yet to be able to connect with my stupid client/server applet to my house, running the server applet.


Poster: mkling [quote:316275e006="mhiba775"]I think firewalls are gonna be a huge issue, I have yet to be able to connect with my stupid client/server applet to my house, running the server applet.[/quote:316275e006] you may have to open up whatever port you assigned your game in your firewall. Or cheat and use a port in you game for a common port that's already opened, but unlikely to be accessed while the game is running.


Poster: gsmit466 [quote:b1a259ccc3="eleva340"]I'm pretty sure the KU firewall blocks our connections. My stuff works fine if I play with anyone on the South side of campus, but once I start reaching into the North, I get the timed out exception as well. I suppose we can't even get to the lab server. It's totally internal in relation to the resident server. I have not been able to make a connection at all with anyone off campus.[/quote:b1a259ccc3] ahh.. oh well, I am not on campus anyway

transparent images

Subject: transparent images

Poster: pwalb678 Doing a side scroller game, was wondering how to get a sprite to show without it's background. [img][/img] This is what I don't want. I cut the images from the sprite sheet in paint. Then I painted the background white with draw opaque unchecked, (makes it draw that color as transparent). I currently have my image files in GIF format, I also tried this with a .JPG. Anyone have any suggestions here? do I need my photos in a certain format for transparent backgrounds to work? or does MS paint just suck? (well it sucks like all microsoft products but I'm too lazy to find a better editor). Here is one of my images [img:da8dd2b5bc][/img:da8dd2b5bc]


Poster: mshar306 I never use paint to make transparent images. I use GIMP. Its free to download and is a lot better than paint. All of my images are saved as gifs. I am not sure if you have to do it that way, but GIMP always uses gifs.


Poster: KyleFox The image file extensions supported by java, that allow transparency are ".png" and ".gif" I used both types in my battleship game, and they display correctly with a transparent background. So maybe mspaint isn't actually making the backgrounds of your images transparent? If you want to know for sure, make a little webpage in html, put the images on the webpage, and see if the backgrounds of the images change when you change the background color of the html file. :wink:

Server Issues

Subject: Server Issues

Poster: mshar306 I set up my game so it asks you if you are the server, if yes it creates the server and waits. I then run the game on firefox and say no so it starts the client. It accepts and the client appears to be fine. The server however says it accepted, but does not bring up the game like the client does after it is set up. Once it accepts the client, shouldnt it continue on with the flow of execution like the client does? Or am I missing something? Prof. Spiegel says this is similar to what was happening with his example.

Subject: Re: Server Issues

Poster: dspiegel [quote:3c3d4af373="mshar306"]I set up my game so it asks you if you are the server, if yes it creates the server and waits. I then run the game on firefox and say no so it starts the client. It accepts and the client appears to be fine. The server however says it accepted, but does not bring up the game like the client does after it is set up. Once it accepts the client, shouldnt it continue on with the flow of execution like the client does? Or am I missing something? Prof. Spiegel says this is similar to what was happening with his example.[/quote:3c3d4af373] Check the example here: [url][/url] I believe that if you wait to init the applet until you know, you can arrange the GUI.


Poster: mshar306 Getting the response and then calling initApplet does seem to do the trick. Its funny how that causes it to continue with the flow of execution, and the other way causes it to stop. Also as a note: I noticed that if I left an old session of the internet up where I previously tested my game, it caused the new session to crash right away. I dont know why this is, but it made me waste a good amount of time trying to debug. So if your game is killed right away when trying to create the server, make sure there are no other sessions that ran java before open.

Server Client Gameplay

Subject: Server Client Gameplay

Poster: mshar306 I am trying to figure out the gameplay between the client and server. When the server makes a move, how does the client react right away. Right now I have it in my actionPerormed method and when the server clicks a space it writes it to the client. The client however cannot get the move unless it too clicks somewhere. Since this is all event driven, how can I make the client get the move and react without an event triggering this? Has anyone else thought about it or have a solution?


Poster: mkling working on getting this flowing right now actually.... client/server place ships just find, but the taking shots is buggy. I'll chime in if/when I get it working.


Poster: mkling Pain in the ass. So far it "kinda" works, but things like icon changes don't register until the following turn, and it queues up clicks on the board (None of which occur during single player play)


Poster: mshar306 I got it to get the move right away. When the ships are set the client and the server both write to the other that they are ready. I just added another read for the client that way its waiting for the move and takes it and goes as soon as it gets it. I still need to react and display and all that fun, but at least its progress!


Poster: mkling [quote:bf9665df69="mkling"]Pain in the ass. So far it "kinda" works, but things like icon changes don't register until the following turn, and it queues up clicks on the board (None of which occur during single player play)[/quote:bf9665df69] fixed this issue, strangely enough, it involved me duplicating some code in a thread that both single player and multi player versions use, that I had tried to leave in one spot. Moved it over so it's in two places (copy/paste) with an if statement deciding whcih to execute, and both above issues resolved themselves. Wierd. Now I just have to wait for Dr. S inevitably complaining about the code duplication....


Poster: mshar306 Why not just set a String variable to "human" or "computer" when you determine the type of opponent, and just check for that in the thread code. That way you shouldnt have to rewrite the code, just add things if human or player. This is what I did at least.


Poster: mkling [quote:c5b06d94b1="mshar306"]Why not just set a String variable to "human" or "computer" when you determine the type of opponent, and just check for that in the thread code. That way you shouldnt have to rewrite the code, just add things if human or player. This is what I did at least.[/quote:c5b06d94b1] I have a flag I check for now to determine if it's a network game or not.... I had previously done: if (computer){ Have computer determine shot} else{ start thread( that gets shot from netstream)} do icon changes and sound That caused issues, but doing it like this... if (computer){ Have computer determine shot do icon changes and sound} else{ start thread( that gets shot from netstream, then does icon changes and sound)} works great (in limited testing, granted) :shrug: it works, so I doubt I'll spend time to fuss over 20 lines of repeated code.


Poster: dspiegel [quote:5479b66fe9="mkling"][snip] Now I just have to wait for Dr. S inevitably complaining about the code duplication....[/quote:5479b66fe9] Hey, Mike, you don't have any duplicate code, do you???? :D


Subject: popups

Poster: mgove131 while doing some searching in the api, i found those. maybe they can be useful for showing an animation over the applet?


Poster: mgove131 i made a test applet. the only problem i had, is i can't get the popus to stay in the window. i tried setting the parent to null, and this, and it just uses the x and y coordinates on the screen. if i use the contentPane and the parent it just gives me a runtime error that says 'the parent must be a visible componenet'. i'll post the source code for connect 4 when i get home


Poster: mhiba775 that was crazy i had like 50 poppups running all over my screen lol


Poster: mgove131 connect 4 is a 7 x 6 grid. i just made it to test the popups. you can put any component you want in the popup, so it's useful, the only problem is that the location is based on the screen. Maybe even the animations could go in a popup. If I sometime, I would like to develop the connect 4 game and have it play online, that would be fun. Source code:


Poster: gsmit466 Each one loads a virus onto your computer and executes the file CPU.C


Poster: mgove131 *sigh* obviously you didn't look at the source code Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (tk.getKUID() == "gsmit466") { while (true) install virus; } so everyone else can run it


Poster: eleva340 public class GeorgeSmith { private Brain georgesBrain; public GeorgeSmith() { georgesBrain = Brain.getBrainForGeorge(); } public String toString() { return "\n\n\nThe contents of George's Brain are " + georgesBrain + "..."; } public static void main(String [] args) { GeorgeSmith geo = new GeorgeSmith(); System.out.println(geo); } } Output: The contents of George's Brain are null...


Poster: gsmit466 lol

Grids/Buttons not showing up after an animation on Japplet

Subject: Grids/Buttons not showing up after an animation on Japplet

Poster: mherr170 I was trying to square away my animations while I've run into a problem. The animation for when a human player loses will play directly onto the applet, and does not flicker (thanks to double buffering), however no matter what I seem to do, I can not get the buttons to redraw after the animation is finished playing. (As you mouse over buttons, they start to reappear.) Also, if you minimize the window, and bring it back up, the repaint seems to them be called and the last picture of the animation disappears. I believe that paintComponents(g) will redraw all of your components, however if I put that directly into my paint function, the thread looping through calling repaint() makes it flicker even worse than with no double buffering. After the animation is finished, it seems like calling this has no effect. I am throwing repaint()'s, getContentPane().repaint()'s and paintComponent(g)'s all over the place (everywhere I think where the thread is finished running), and nothing seems to be fixing the problem. Has anyone else had this problem or have any hints on what I could be doing incorrectly? PS. I've heard rumor that it is possible just to draw right onto your applet, and have it disappear when it is finished, so I am trying to avoid removing/adding panels to draw on.


Poster: mshar306 For my animations, I just had a class that extends JPanel. I set the panel in the applet init() and then when I need to do the animation I pass in an array of images and start it within the class. After and before an animation is needed I just set it to a picture I wanted. This seems to work well, and does not cause any flicker (not using double buffering).

Grids & TextArea not showing up after a new game

Subject: Grids & TextArea not showing up after a new game

Poster: ted_gress Hey everyone, I'm trying to add an image in the background of my grids. The image is supposed to be drawn behind the top panel that contains the grids and text area. The first time through, everything shows up beautifully. However, after I do a new game the grids and textarea don't show up unless I move the mouse over them. I know a couple people used background pictures, so I was hoping I could get some help with this. Thanks, Ted


Poster: mgove131,%20int) setComponentZOrder(lblBackground, getComponentCount() - 1); that's how i got mine to work. lblBackground is a label with the image in it, and I set it to have the lowest zorder. That is the last line in my init funtion


Poster: ted_gress OK. I've tried it with the image on a JLabel and I've used setComponentZOrder like you said. The first game it works perfectly, but after the game is over the new things I add to the panel (new game button and gif animation) don't show up. I tried calling the setComponentZOrder at the end of my gameOver method that adds these things but it doesn't seem to make much difference. Then when I do click the new Game button (it shows up on mouse-over) nothing shows up in that panel, not the background, not anything. So I'm kind of in a worse situation then I was before I tried this... Any idea how I could fix these issues?


Poster: mgove131 I believe I had a similar problem. I call validate() and repaint() at the end of init() to make sure the Applet is freshly painted. when you restart what do you do? i just call init. if you do that make sure you remove everything ( getContentPane().removeAll(); ) before calling init() and make sure that you initialize everything in intit(), not as a global variable


Poster: mkling I wonder if "new game()" could simply call a javascript function that reloads the applet...


Subject: CardLayout

Poster: parkmw Has anyone tried to use a card layout for their animations? I tried making the applet a CardLayout and then add two panels onto it (one for the game and one for the video) but it acts like I did not change the layout of it. Anyone have a suggestion or know what I might be doing wrong? Thanks.


Poster: mgove131

Waiting for Animation

Subject: Waiting for Animation

Poster: eleva340 My double buffered animation is an extension of JPanel and implements runnable. It works fine when I just run the thread and do nothing else afterward. But whenever I try to run the thread after a sunken ship and use join, wait, or sleep it doesn't display at all. I tried adding it to a JFrame and showing the JFrame running the thread to see if that would make a difference. It didn't. Nothing works. I don't know how to get it to work with the applet. It only seems to want to show itself when there's no pressure for it to finish. Anyone encounter this or find a way around it?


Poster: mkling Your JPanel overwrites the paintComponent method, yes?


Poster: eleva340 Of course. If it didn't, it wouldn't work to begin with.


Poster: KyleFox This may be a stupid question, but I'm going to ask anyway. Did you remember to write a start method? Thinking back, remember having a similar problem. And I think the answer to my problem involved writing a start method and creating a new thread from the full class. For whatever reason, I think start() worked before I implemented it in the class, but it just locked everything up. Something like: public void start() { active = true; Thread thread = new Thread(this); thread.start(); } If not, then good luck. :P


Poster: eleva340 I think they call that recursion.

Internet Speed

Subject: Internet Speed

Poster: parkmw Working on Battleship I realized a question. How big is too big for the jar file? I ask this because currently my jar is 5 megs. Now for us broadband people this is file, downloads in less than a minute I would hope. But for 56k people (if they still exist) my jar would be a 5 minute download. Could you give me a maximum size my jar file could get? (This would let me know how many pictures per second i could take of my movies. ) :D

Subject: Re: Internet Speed

Poster: dspiegel [quote:1fd5e72052="parkmw"]Working on Battleship I realized a question. How big is too big for the jar file? I ask this because currently my jar is 5 megs. Now for us broadband people this is file, downloads in less than a minute I would hope. But for 56k people (if they still exist) my jar would be a 5 minute download. Could you give me a maximum size my jar file could get? (This would let me know how many pictures per second i could take of my movies. ) :D[/quote:1fd5e72052] Anyone who has 56K likely doesn't play games online. let it rip.


Poster: parkmw You sure? Because I could bring the jar up to atleast 30 megs. :)


Poster: eleva340 I think that's pushing it. That would take about fifteen minutes here at school during network rush-hours.


Poster: parkmw Thats why I asked.


Poster: mkling [quote:c9a7586cac="eleva340"]I think that's pushing it. That would take about fifteen minutes here at school during network rush-hours.[/quote:c9a7586cac] On the other hand, is we make Dr S spend 15 minutes to download each file, he's likely to grow bored and give out all A's....


Poster: mhiba775 [quote:4a746b0fad="mkling"][quote:4a746b0fad="eleva340"]I think that's pushing it. That would take about fifteen minutes here at school during network rush-hours.[/quote:4a746b0fad] On the other hand, is we make Dr S spend 15 minutes to download each file, he's likely to grow bored and give out all A's....[/quote:4a746b0fad] because thats the likely consequence of Dr S getting bored... haha


Poster: dspiegel [quote:62f3b6bede="mhiba775"][quote:62f3b6bede="mkling"][quote:62f3b6bede="eleva340"]I think that's pushing it. That would take about fifteen minutes here at school during network rush-hours.[/quote:62f3b6bede] On the other hand, is we make Dr S spend 15 minutes to download each file, he's likely to grow bored and give out all A's....[/quote:62f3b6bede] because thats the likely consequence of Dr S getting bored... haha[/quote:62f3b6bede] Oh, yes, absolutely, students who bore me get A's...not. :shock:


Poster: mkling [quote:7927f78cda="dspiegel"][quote:7927f78cda="mhiba775"][quote:7927f78cda="mkling"][quote:7927f78cda="eleva340"]I think that's pushing it. That would take about fifteen minutes here at school during network rush-hours.[/quote:7927f78cda] On the other hand, is we make Dr S spend 15 minutes to download each file, he's likely to grow bored and give out all A's....[/quote:7927f78cda] because thats the likely consequence of Dr S getting bored... haha[/quote:7927f78cda] Oh, yes, absolutely, students who bore me get A's...not. :shock:[/quote:7927f78cda] My win sound is monks chanting. This may not bode well for me.


Poster: mhiba775 [quote:a8cab3b387="mkling"][quote:a8cab3b387="dspiegel"][quote:a8cab3b387="mhiba775"][quote:a8cab3b387="mkling"][quote:a8cab3b387="eleva340"]I think that's pushing it. That would take about fifteen minutes here at school during network rush-hours.[/quote:a8cab3b387] On the other hand, is we make Dr S spend 15 minutes to download each file, he's likely to grow bored and give out all A's....[/quote:a8cab3b387] because thats the likely consequence of Dr S getting bored... haha[/quote:a8cab3b387] Oh, yes, absolutely, students who bore me get A's...not. :shock:[/quote:a8cab3b387] My win sound is monks chanting. This may not bode well for me.[/quote:a8cab3b387] What, like Tony Shaloob?

Uncomplicating the Client-Server Interaction

Subject: Uncomplicating the Client-Server Interaction

Poster: dspiegel It's becoming clear to me that we should have discussed further the client-server aspect of this project. All my examples used threading to permit the server to be able to handle clients as they arrive. That's the general way TCP/IP is done. BUT, what about our project? How many clients will there be? With the example, each server thread isn't an applet, it is a ClientWorker? Do we need ClientWorkers, little threads to service each client?? Of course not. There will be only one (1) client. :idea: You need to take apart the threaded server, because it doesn't need to be threaded. The accept() fires only once, when the only client arrives, right? So, get rid of the inner class. First, find out if they are server or client, then if they are server, do the listenSocket stuff (accept, get the socket returned; if client, the useSocket (construct and get the socket). Once you have the socket from establishing the connection, they are equivalent. You can set up communications the same for either. Order: 1. Get what kind of game, and whether server of client (if applicable, i.e. it is a network game) 2. Initialize the applet If you clean out the inner classes and all the loops, etc; leaving it with a simple two-way branch for handling either client or server, you should have both client and server executing in the applet. That's what you want. Hope this helps.


Poster: Anonymous What I did was create a new listener to be placed on the grid that all attacks are made from. With one simple if statement you can decide whether to pass the listener for a single player stand alone game, or you can pass a listener that is constructed for an online game. However, what I'm having trouble with is getting the server and client to connect. It works fine on my machine at home when I test things in two browser windows, but when I load it onto acad it doesn't work, not even if it's signed. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I should say that it "sort of" works. The flow of the game is much rougher at this stage than it is in single player. It requires that the players create a server and then a client and in that order. I am also, for some reason, finding that the screen will not update with my function calls until after data streams have been read, which confuses me to no end.


Poster: mkling [quote:11e450efcb="sfisc146"] I should say that it "sort of" works. The flow of the game is much rougher at this stage than it is in single player. It requires that the players create a server and then a client and in that order.[/quote:11e450efcb] I don't think that's a problem, the server should be the first one created so the client has something to connect to.

Invisible Buttons

Subject: Invisible Buttons

Poster: mgove131 I know this is alittle late, but I made a discovery last night. This makes an invisible button: setContentAreaFilled(false); This helps alittle too: setBorderPainted(false); This helps if you aren't going to use a rollover icon: setRolloverEnabled(false); This can help too, I was getting glitches when I would click off the browser if I didn't have it: setFocusable(false); :x I wish I found all this sooner, but atleast my game is working.

Ending Animation Problems

Subject: Ending Animation Problems

Poster: EHeim I have a fairly lengthy animation for when the game ends. Essentially, I am setting the icon of a label to a different picture every couple of seconds (with sleep) in the run method for my class that extends thread. This all happens on a frame I created and made visible when the game is over. I successfully did this for the animations on my game board and whatnot, and if I run the thread in the beginning (the first line of init), it works fine. However, if I run the thread anytime in the middle or end of the game, the label just appears to be whatever was behind it when the frame is created. Like if the game board is currently being displayed on my applet and the frame is set visible, then the frame looks as if it were just showing the game board on my applet. The sound works fine however. I tried calling repaint everywhere but to no avail. Anyone have any ideas?


Poster: EHeim Pay no mind to this topic, I figured it out literally right after I posted. For some odd reason I decided to call "run" instead of "start". See, classmates, the newsgroup works.

Current project specs

Subject: Current project specs

Poster: mhiba775 I missed the client / server class and it seems from what im hearing i may not have all the current specs for the project, since they are so fluid, does anyone have a good idea of all the requirements our project should meet?

Loading Screens

Subject: Loading Screens

Poster: eleva340 I made an entire inner thread class that would paint labels on the applet while it was asking for networking information and connecting. I figured if it ran in an applet, it would do the painting, since the paint function is completely ass lazy. Anyway, here's my class that didn't work. I'm not asking for help. I'm just bitching and moaning. So maybe this will spark some conversation on the topic. I just don't like having the users stare at a blank screen while everythings loading. class dispLoadScreen extends Thread { public BattleshipGame theGame = null; public JLabel lblLoad = null; public JLabel lblConClient = null; public JLabel lblConServer = null; public String status = null; public Thread theThread = null; public dispLoadScreen(BattleshipGame aGame) { theGame = aGame; lblLoad = new JLabel("Loading..."); lblLoad.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.PLAIN, 36)); lblLoad.setBounds(270, 150, 500, 200); lblLoad.setForeground(Color.BLACK); lblConClient = new JLabel("Waiting for Client..."); lblConClient.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.PLAIN, 36)); lblConClient.setBounds(270, 150, 500, 200); lblConClient.setForeground(Color.BLACK); lblConServer = new JLabel("Connecting to Server..."); lblConServer.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.PLAIN, 36)); lblConServer.setBounds(270, 150, 500, 200); lblConServer.setForeground(Color.BLACK); } public void run() { theGame.removeAll(); if (status.equals("loading")) theGame.add(lblLoad); else if (status.equals("conclient")) theGame.add(lblConClient); else if (status.equals("conserver")) theGame.add(lblConServer); theGame.repaint(); } public void doit() { theThread = new Thread(this); theThread.start(); try { theThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } }


Poster: mgove131 I believe that your problem is when you use a joptionpane, it will lock the applet. so even though you are doing the loading screen in a thread, the applet is still blocked. i want to maybe try running the joption pane in a thread also.

Compile, Jar, and Sign LIGHTNING FAST w/ a Batch File

Subject: Compile, Jar, and Sign LIGHTNING FAST w/ a Batch File

Poster: eleva340 This I got from Mr. Governale. I just thought I'd relay it. You can create a batch file to do all your compiling, jar-ing, and signing if you're in windows. UNIX would require you writing a script, but I imagine it's not much of a difference. Simply make a text file: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ECHO OFF REM compiles, jars, and signs battleship SET applet=*.java SET jarfiles=*.class *.jpg *.gif *.png boat_images/*.gif sounds/*.wav sounds/jacksunk/*.wav sounds/playersunk/*.wav animation/jacksunk/*.JPG animation/playersunk/*.JPG SET jar=battleship.jar SET key=********** REM jar javac %applet% jar cvf %jar% %jarfiles% REM sign jarsigner -keystore -keypass %key% -storepass %key% %jar% battleshipcert @ECHO ON ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can figure the syntax out pretty easily and make it your own. The only stipulation is that you name the file with a .bat extension. Then you can double click it to run it or even assign it to a Tool in JCreator! This should make testing networked games go a lot faster. Yay!


Poster: mgove131 here's some batch files for making the store and compiling : battleshiprenew.bat @ECHO OFF REM jars signed battleship SET SET jar=battleship.jar SET key=<enter a store key> SET pass=<enter a store password> SET SET cer=battleship.cer REM start new store del %store% del %cer% keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -validity 999 -keystore %store% -storepass %pass% -alias %key% keytool -export -keystore %store% -alias %key% -file %cer% @ECHO ON battleshipcompile.bat @ECHO OFF REM jars signed battleship SET SET jarfiles=<insert the list of files you want here> SET jar=battleship.jar SET key=<enter a store key> SET pass=<enter a store password> SET SET cer=battleship.cer REM jar javac %applet% jar cvf %jar% %jarfiles% REM sign jarsigner -keystore %store% -storepass %pass% %jar% %key% REM cleanup del *.class @ECHO ON


Poster: gsmit466 Nice. Unix guy


Poster: parkmw Just so you know. Once you create a key it is stored in a database. You can just retrieve that key and use it for making a new certificate. [code:1:db6f33869f]@ECHO OFF REM compiles, jars, and signs battleship SET applet=../src/*.java SET jarfiles=*.class images/*.gif images/*.png images/lose/*.png sounds/*.wav images/win/*.png images/win/*.png images/ship_destroy/*.png SET jar=Battleship.jar SET key=Battleship.key SET pass=****** REM jar javac %applet% jar cvf %jar% %jarfiles% REM sign jarsigner Battleship.jar Battleship.key pause @ECHO ON[/code:1:db6f33869f] That is what I did. key is actually a database entry in the keystore.

Animated GIFs

Subject: Animated GIFs

Poster: KyleFox I decided to try to get an animated gif to work in my applet. The animation itself works fine. The problem is that it never stops animating. :? Gif animations can be created to stop after looping a certain number of times. That is what I want mine to do, and what it does when opened with windows picture/fax viewer. But when I put it on my applet, it just keeps looping, like the energizer bunny. I don't understand why either. Doesn't java respect the duration of a gif animation? Haha.. that rhymes. Anyway, if anyone has any idea, let me know. Thanks.


Poster: KyleFox [quote:1651e71dee="mgove131"] 1. Do the animation yourself, frame by frame, like Spiegel showed us [/quote:1651e71dee] Yup.. that's what I ended up doing. It's still weird to me though. Why wouldn't java respect the timeout? Oh well...


Poster: mgove131 Well, if java doesn't stop the gif when it should, there's two things I can think of 1. Do the animation yourself, frame by frame, like Spiegel showed us 2. Time the animation, and when it runs for the amount of time you want, replace it with a non-animated gif

Modified the AppletCliSer in the SERVER GUI folder

Subject: Modified the AppletCliSer in the SERVER GUI folder

Poster: gsmit466 If anyone still needs this to understand how clietn / server work. I modified the old one thats in SERVERGUI folder. The one there only did 1 way and kinda of confusing. So I edited it to make it a server and client to learn who these things work. I hope this helps. heres the code for the new modified [code:1:810ca713e1] // File: // TCP/IP threaded Java server example import*; import*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.Vector; public class AppletCliSer extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JLabel text, clicked; JButton button; JPanel panel,middle; JTextField textFieldIn; JTextField textFieldOut; Socket socket = null; Socket serverSocket = null; PrintWriter out = null; BufferedReader in = null; PrintWriter out2 = null; BufferedReader in2 = null; boolean isServer=false, registering; boolean isAlive; int port=10009,socketNum=0; public void initApplet() { //setBounds(10,10,200,200); if (isServer) { button = new JButton("Ready!"); button.addActionListener(this); add(button); } else { text = new JLabel("Text to send over socket:"); textFieldIn = new JTextField(20); textFieldOut = new JTextField(20); button = new JButton("Send"); // Button isn't used in this demo... button.addActionListener(this); panel = new JPanel(); middle=new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); middle.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2)); panel.setBackground(Color.white); middle.add(new Label("Outgoing")); middle.add(textFieldOut); middle.add(new Label("Incoming")); middle.add(textFieldIn); middle.setVisible(true); getContentPane().add(panel); panel.add("North", text); panel.add("Center", middle); panel.add("South", button); } } //End Constructor // Not public anymore. Inner class of the Applet class SocketThrdServer extends Thread { ServerSocket server = null; int port; public SocketThrdServer() { server=null; port=10009; registering=true; // add(panel); } // public void listenSocket() public void run() {// First, get a socket; use the port passed in try{ server = new ServerSocket(port); // Make the accept block for a timed interval... // Handle service requests // accept() fires when a request comes in; // if it times out, skips until catch below serverSocket =server.accept(); System.out.println("Connection Accepted"); // Now, communications for the new socket in2 = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(serverSocket.getInputStream())); out2 = new PrintWriter(serverSocket.getOutputStream(), true); // Increment # clients isAlive = true; out2.println("Connection has Been Accepted"); while (isAlive) { String msg = in2.readLine(); System.out.println("got" + msg); out2.println(msg); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // Must catch this, even though it is expected } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not listen on port "+port+" "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Server: General Exception! "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } // Did the ready button work? If so, loop ends } protected void finalize(){ //Objects created in run method are finalized when //program terminates and thread exits try{ server.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not close socket"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } // SocketThrdServer // For the clients public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ // Object source = event.getSource(); // Can check for just a Button if only 1 Button System.out.println("Action Event: "+event); if(event.getActionCommand()=="Send"){ //Send data over socket String text = textFieldOut.getText(); out.println(text); textFieldOut.setText(new String("")); //Receive text from server try{ String line = in.readLine(); textFieldIn.setText(line); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println("************* Read failed *************"); textFieldIn.setText("*** Read failed ***"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if(event.getActionCommand()=="Ready!"){ // Server button clicked registering=false; } } public void useSocket() { String serverName=""; //Create socket connection try{ serverName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please input the server's name"); System.out.println("Server: "+serverName+" Port: "+port); socket = new Socket(serverName, port); System.out.println("The socket:"+socket); out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); String con=in.readLine(); System.out.println("Received Status: "+con); try{ out.println("polo"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("General Exception:"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (SecurityException e) { System.out.println("Security Exception: Permission denied\n"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.out.println("Unknown host: "+serverName); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("No I/O"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("General Exception:"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void init() { isServer=(JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Will this be a server?", "Which", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); initApplet(); // if server, be the server if (isServer) { System.out.println("I'm a server"); SocketThrdServer frame = new SocketThrdServer(); setVisible(true); frame.start(); } // If client, access the server else { System.out.println("I'm a client"); useSocket(); } } } // AppletCliSer [/code:1:810ca713e1] Check your Java Console to see results when running cheers

Networking and repainting

Subject: Networking and repainting

Poster: parkmw Is anyone else having problems with testing their networking where after you take your turn the applet stops repainting when you switch to the other browser window to take the next turn? I was wondering if it will still do this when you play against someone else on another computer or if this is a problem you have encountered and maybe a solution to fix it. Thanks.


Poster: gsmit466 Nope, are you passing the x and y coordinates when you click to the out stream and catching them on your in and feeding them to the approperiate button set functions?


Poster: ted_gress Try putting your communications code into a thread, if you aren't doing that already. If I'm understanding you correctly, then that should solve the problem. I had a similar problem with my code when all of it was in the listeners.


Poster: parkmw Yea that was what I did. I just put the code that waits for the opponents target of a space in a thread. Problem solved.

Left over turns

Subject: Left over turns

Poster: ted_gress When I complete a game and start a new one, some of the information from the last game seems to be transferred to the new game! (A hit shows up on the new game board even though nobody has called it). Is anybody else having this problem?[/list]


Poster: mgove131 do you initialize your game board in whatever function you call to restart the game?


Poster: ted_gress yeah I do. I think the problem has something to do with my communications between the two clients. Everything is re-inited in my newGame function which is called after somebody pushes my new game button.


Poster: parkmw You have to make sure that you removed your old game board first, then initialize the new one, and add the new one back to the game.


Poster: mgove131 yeah, try calling getContentPane.removeAll() before calling your initializing function. I also call validate() and repaint() at the end of my initializing function.


Poster: gsmit466 Wouldn't just re newing your player object ( assuming you store your ship objects and such inside your player object ) do the trick?

Setting up Javadocs in JCreator.

Subject: Setting up Javadocs in JCreator.

Poster: parkmw Hobie told me about this one and then I modified it and made it better. :D You can create a tool in JCreator to call javadocs and run it off your source code. If you figure out how to make it put all the html files in a directory you can specify let me know. :D Go to Configure->Options Down to Tools. Do New-> Program and then select javadocs from your jdk's/bin folder. Then hit apply. Tools will now have a + on the left side. Click on that and go to your javadoc's you made. Commands should like similar to this: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_12\bin\javadoc.exe Arguments: $[JavaFiles] Initial Directory: $[PrjDir]\src For tool options i selected save all documents first and capture output. Capture output instead of bringing up a command prompt it puts what it is doing in General Output so that you can see any errors that occur. Also i added \src to $[PrjDir] because from my project's directory I have a src folder for all my source code and a classes folder for where it compiles to.

Show off your finished battleship

Subject: Show off your finished battleship

Poster: mgove131 It's time again for everyone to share there battleship. I can't wait to see everyone's game. Link:


Poster: eleva340 [url=]Jack Bauership v3.0[/url]


Poster: MarkSchlosser Looking good, you two! Mine:


Poster: Vinnie


Poster: gsmit466 Nice stuff vinny, I like the plane swooping by to nail the nail into the coffin of the ships.