with Ada.Text_IO, BoxObject; use Ada.Text_IO; use type BoxObject.BOX; procedure UseBoxObject is Small_Box : BoxObject.BOX; Big_Box, BiggerBox : BoxObject.BOX; begin -- Small_Box := BoxObject.Make_A_Box(2, 3, 2); -- Big_Box := BoxObject.Make_A_Box(4, 5, 3); BoxObject.Make_A_Box(Small_Box, 2, 3, 2); BoxObject.Make_A_Box(Big_Box, 4, 5, 3); BoxObject.Print_Box(Small_Box); BoxObject.Print_Box(Big_Box); if Small_Box = Small_Box then Put_Line("The small box is the same size as itself."); else Put_Line("The small box is not itself."); end if; if Small_Box /= Big_Box then Put_Line("The boxes are different sizes."); else Put_Line("The boxes are the same size."); end if; BiggerBox := Small_Box + Big_Box; BoxObject.Print_Box(BiggerBox); BiggerBox.Length := 33; end UseBoxObject;