C++ has pass by reference and pass
by value. In Java, all parameters are passed by value, but when the parameter
is an object, it isn’t the object that gets passed, it is its address. To pass objects
by value in Java, you must use the Object method clone()
to create a copy.
For programming languages in general,
parameters can be one of the following three types:
(import) only
(export) only
The Ada programming language tags
its parameters as IN, OUT or IN OUT, These were more commonly referred to using
terms input and output, but the late Ohio University instructor
Rod Lyndon used the terms import and export because he believed
students could confuse these parameter types with actual program input and
Input (import)
The formal parameter corresponding to
an actual argument is held in storage local to the function. The formal
parameter holds the evaluated value of the actual argument, which usually
(depending on the language) can be a constant, variable, or expression.
Changing the formal parameter has no effect on the corresponding actual
Output (export)
The formal parameter corresponding to
an actual argument is a reference, i.e. it simply holds an address. The actual
argument can only be a variable of type identical to the formal parameter
(storage differs among different types). Changing the formal parameter also
alters the corresponding actual argument. The actual argument’s value before
the call is irrelevant, as its purpose is to be ‘filled in’ during the
function’s execution.
Input/Output (import/export)
The formal parameter corresponding to
an actual argument is a reference, i.e. it simply holds an address. The actual
argument can only be a variable of type identical to the formal parameter
(storage differs among different types). Changing the formal parameter also
alters the corresponding actual argument. The actual argument’s value before
the call is needed, as that value is used in some way in a computation that
potentially changes its value.
The tables
below show the relation between parameter types and parameter passing in C++.
Note that passing by const-reference is explained
Pass Method |
Parameter Type |
Value |
Import |
Reference |
Export or
Import/Export |
Const-Reference |
Import |
Parameter Type |
Pass Method |
Import |
Any* |
Export |
Reference |
Import/Export |
Reference |
*Note that a parameter may be passed by
reference but not altered in a function. This isn’t ordinarily done; const-reference is used in these situations, where the
intent is usually to save memory and computing time.
Units of
measurement lend themselves well to conversions. For example, if someone refers
to a unit of time as 75 seconds, most people will convert that to one minute
and 15 seconds, as that manner of expression is more familiar to them. Similarly, for 27 inches (2 feet, 3 inches).
Suppose we have
a box that can perform conversions:
If we put 75 in
for the original units, and 60 (seconds per minute) in for the factor, then the
computed units will be 1 (75/60) and the original units will now be 15 (75%60).
Here’s the box, with the inside visible:
Both the
original units and the factor must have a value when the function is called, since
that value is used in a computation. The new units is
‘filled in’ inside the function, and the original units come out potentially
altered, since a computation is assigned to that as well.
Here’s the C++
void Convert(int &OriginalUnit, int &NewUnit, int Factor) {
NewUnit=OriginalUnit/Factor; OriginalUnit=OriginalUnit%Factor; }
OriginalUnit is needed for the computation AND it
is assigned. It is import/export.
NewUnit is assigned. Its value is never used,
however. It is export only.
Factor’s value
is used in computations. It is never assigned (even if it was, that would be
silly; unit conversion factors don’t change). It is import only.
Here is the Ada
version of this function:
Procedure IntegerConvert (OriginalUnits: IN OUT Integer; NewUnits:
OUT Integer;Factor: IN
Integer) is Begin NewUnits:=OriginalUnits/Factor; OriginalUnits:=OriginalUnits MOD Factor; End IntegerConvert;
parameter types is simply a matter of understanding what the parameter’s purpose
is in the function. Once that has been determined, the task of deciding how to
pass the actual argument to that formal parameter is simplified, regardless of
language and syntax.