// File Student.h // Student Class Prototype #ifndef STUDENT_H #define STUDENT_H #define NameLength 20 #define SSNLength 15 #include class Student { public: // Constructors Student(); Student(char []); Student(char [],char []); // Initialize Name of Student void SetName(char [],char []); // Update the class with a class record (#Hours,Grade in class 0..4) void AddClass(int,char); // Change a Grade (#Hours, Previous Grade, New Grade) void ChangeGrade(int,char,char); // Remove a class from student's record (Hours, Grade) void RemoveClass(int,char); // Get Hours Completed int HoursCompleted() const; // Print Student Info void PrintStudentInfoToScreen(); // Relationals friend int operator == (const Student&, const Student&); friend int operator < (const Student&, const Student&); friend int operator > (const Student&, const Student&); // Output for report friend ostream &operator<< (ostream&,const Student &); // Output to a file for potential later input // friend ostream &operator (const Student &, ostream &); friend istream &operator>> (istream &,Student &); private: char Name[NameLength],SSN[SSNLength]; int Courses, Hours, Points; // Get Student's GPA float ComputeGPA() const; }; #endif