// FILE: SortSearch.h // A couple of things that are nice to have available // SORTS AN ARRAY (ASCENDING ORDER) USING SELECTION SORT ALGORITHM // USES exchange AND find_index_of_min // EXCHANGES TWO INTEGER VALUES template void exchange(eltType &x,eltType &y) // Arguments: // Both: INOUT: { eltType temp; temp=y; y=x; x=temp; } template void selSort(eltType *list,int items) // Arguments: // list: INOUT - array to be sorted; // items IN: number of items to be sorted (items >= 0) // Sorts the data in array items (list[0] through list[items-1]). // Pre: list is defined and items <= declared size of actual argument array. // Post: The values in list[0] through list[items-1] are in increasing order. { // Local data ... int idxMax; // subscript of each smallest item located by find_index_of_min for (int spot = items-1; spot > 0; spot--) { // Invariant: The elements in list[spot+1] through list[items-1] are in their // proper place and spot > 0. // Find index of largest unsorted element idxMax = spot; for (int idx = 0 ; idx < spot ; idx++) if (list[idx] > list[idxMax]) idxMax = idx; // Exchange items at position idxMax and spot if different if (spot != idxMax) exchange (list[idxMax], list[spot]); } // end for } // end sel_sort // Templated Search function template int orderedSearch(eltType *list,int items,eltType key) {for (int i=0;ikey) return(-1); return(i); }