CIS 135 Computer and Information Science I

Section 020                  Spring 2003


Meeting Time & Place:1:00-1:50 MWF in 226 LY

Instructor:            Daniel Spiegel

   Office:                 213 Lytle Hall;       Phone: (610)683-4400



   Office Hours:     10:45-11:45, 2-3 M W, 4:30-5:00 T TH, before class, and by appointment


Prerequisites:  MAT 105 or equivalent



Required: C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design by D.S. Malik, Course Technology, 2002

Suggested: Starting out with C++, Alternate 2nd Edition  byTony Gaddis Edition, Scott-Jones, 2000


Exams: There will be 3 midterm(s) and a final exam during final exam week. You must get a passing (60%+) grade on exams, collectively, to pass this course.


Attendance:  Optional. You are responsible for material covered in class and the corresponding material in the text. If you do not attend class, the material is assumed to be understood.  


Make-ups:  You will not be permitted to make up an exam without a documentable excuse for your absence.


Programs: Programming assignments will be issued in class. Each assignment will state the due date. There will be at least six (and possibly seven) programming assignments. You must earn at least 60% of the possible points on all programs, collectively, to pass this course. Programs are to be submitted at the beginning of class on the date due. Late assignments are accepted with a penalty of 1% per minute, starting 5 minutes into the class period. No assignment will be accepted after the class period during which it is due.


Your programs are to be well written, fully documented, and easily readable. When the appropriate point in this course is reached, they must also be modular, with each module handling a single task only and your main routine should be little more than a series of function invocations. Consistency in style within a program is a must.


Start your programs early. You won't be able to properly grasp concepts if you pull an "all-nighter" to desperately try to finish a program before it is due.


Grading: Grading is on a straight 90 80 70 60 scale. Individual exams may be curved, only if necessary.  Weights of grades are:


Programs:              36%        (lowest project score dropped if 7 projects)

Midterm(s):           14%

Final Exam:            22%


Academic Dishonesty:

   General Statement: I am against it. Violators will receive the maximum allowable penalty for any infraction.


 Programs: Your programs are to be, in the large, your own work. If you use any code that you did not write, omitting credit to the author constitutes academic dishonesty. Using the code of a classmate, or providing your code to a classmate(s) is most definitely academic dishonesty. Feel free to discuss and exchange ideas with your peers, but do your own work.

Tentative Class Schedule:

The following is a tentative class schedule.  It is subject to change. Note that some topics may extend past one week. At the end of each chapter are sections that summarize key points and new terminology, along with other sections. You are expected to include the pertinent topics from the end of each chapter in your reading. Tests may contain items from these sections. Questions on these sections are welcomed.



CIS 135 Tentative Schedule <!--msnavigation-->


Week<o:p> </o:p>

Topics<o:p> </o:p>

Reading<o:p> </o:p>


1<o:p> </o:p>


Introduction to Computer Science.<o:p></o:p> Anatomy of a C++ Program: fundamental concepts<o:p> </o:p>

1, 2

2<o:p> </o:p>

Data Types, Simple I/O, I/O Functions<o:p> </o:p>

2, 3


</o:p>Formatted Output, type string


4<o:p> </o:p>

Logic for Decisions, Conditionals; Midterm I


5<o:p> </o:p>

Selection, switch, assert


6<o:p> </o:p>

Repetition: Loops; Counted vs. Conditional


7<o:p> </o:p>

Repetition (con't)


8 </o:p>

Intro to Functions: Predefined Functions, Value-Returning Functions; Midterm II


9<o:p> </o:p>

Functions (con't): Void Functions, Argument Passing



Functions (if not completed), User-Defined Types



Type string, Arrays



C-Strings and C++ Strings; Midterm III



Parallel Arrays, Array Linear Search



Array Sorting, Binary Search, 2-D Arrays



Multidimensional Arrays, Array of string, Review, if time




           Final Exam: Tuesday, May 13, 2002, 2-4 PM