Final Project



You will build a system to solve a well-defined task. Which task you choose is completely open-ended, but the methods you use should draw on the ones from the course.

The final project must consist of the following stages:

An Example Strategy

This is a suggestion of how to approach the final project with an example.

Some Project Ideas

Turning in the Assignment

For this assignment, you must turn in a zip file of a directory named containing the following files:

  1. final-project.ipynb
  2. any additional files (libraries, datasets, etc.)

Submit the zip file to the appropriate folder on D2L.


Your project will be graded on the following criteria:

Of course, the experiments may not always be successful. Getting negative results is normal, and as long as you make a reasonably well-motivated attempt and you explained why the results came out negative, you will get credit.

Note that these criteria must be described using markdown cells in the Jupyter notebook submission.