CPSC 548 - Artificial Intelligence II

Dr. Dylan Schwesinger
OM 158
Meeting times:
Section 201: Wednesday 6:00pm – 8:50pm
Course Zoom Meeting ID:
945 8610 3527
Office hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00am – 11:00am
Office hours Zoom meeting ID:
732 788 237

Course Description

A study of advanced topics in artificial intelligence (AI) focusing on those aspects of AI which are most relevant to the design and construction of intelligent agents: control, knowledge acquisition and representation, reasoning with knowledge, planning and carrying out actions.

Prerequisite: CPSC 447 or permission of instructor.

Course Information

Tentative Schedule

Week Reading Topics
1 Course Overview
2 16 Making Simple Decisions
3 17 Markov Decision Processes
4 - 5 22 Reinforcement Learning
6 12 Probability
7 13 Bayes Nets
8 Spring Break
9 - 10 14 Markov Models
11 19 Machine Learning
12 20 Learning Probabilistic Models
13 21 Deep Learning
14 - 15 Applications