CPSC 354 - Software Engineering I
- Instructor:
- Dr. Dylan Schwesinger
- Location:
- OM 159
- Meeting times:
Section 010: Tuesday and Thursday 12:00pm – 1:15pm
Section 020 & 29H: Tuesday and Thursday 1:00pm – 2:45pm - Office hours:
Monday & Wednesday 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Tuesday & Thursday 10:00am – 11:00am - Office hours Zoom meeting ID:
- 732 788 237
Course Description
This is the first course in a two-semester capstone sequence. This course introduces the fundamental principles of software engineering. Coverage will include the System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies, capturing requirements, design modeling, project management, risk management, and quality assurance. Students will learn techniques for requirements elicitation, prioritization, validation, and specification. They also will be introduced to various design models that are used to capture requirements.
Prerequisite: Completion of 24 CPSC credits, numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA of 2.25 in the CPSC courses.
Course Information
Tentative Schedule
Week | Topics |
1 | Overview |
2 - 3 | Building a System |
4 - 5 | Software Development Plan |
6 | Process Methodologies |
7 | Midterm |
8 - 10 | Requirements Engineering |
11 | Design: Architecture and Methodology |
12 - 13 | Risk Analysis / Prototyping |
14 | Prepare presentations |
15 | Final exam: presentations |