Prototype Reflection


Reflection is an important part of learning process

For this assignment you are going to take time to think and reflect about what you have learned so far this semester during the scope definition effort.

The numbered questions pertain to how your team worked together. The peer review table assesses each individual team member. Answers should be as long as they need to be. There is no required or minimum length.


Team Dynamics Questions

  1. How well did your team achieve the project goal for the prototype? (choose one)

    • Extremely well
    • Well
    • Adequately
    • Poor
  2. Did all team members agree on the following aspects of the prototype? (choose yes or no for each item)

    • Identifying risks
    • What to prototype
    • Division of responsibilities
    • Prototype design
    • Prototype implementation

    If team members did not agree on all the above aspects of the prototype, how did the team resolve the issues encountered?

  3. What went well for your team?

  4. What should your team have put more effort into? Less effort into? Why?

  5. What challenges did your team encounter?

  6. Overall, how effectively did your team work together on this project? (choose one)

    • Extremely well
    • Well
    • Adequately
    • Poor

Peer Review

For each of your teammates (and then yourself) complete the following: