Prototype Presentation


The time goal is fifteen minutes with five minutes of questions/comments and every team member is expected to participate in the presentation. Here is a general outline of the format for the Prototype presentation (some of these may need multiple slides):

  1. Prototype identification

    • What were the three biggest risks and/or unknowns?
    • Why did you choose this part to prototype?
  2. Prototype design

    • Show a graphical representation

    • Show detailed interface communications

      • What information was used for input?
      • What information was generated as output?
  3. Prototype environment

    • What did your prototype consist of?
      • Hosting: where was your prototype hosted?
      • Environment: what other tools were used?
      • Languages: what programming languages did you use?
  4. Prototype Implementation

    • How were responsibilities divided among the team?
    • How did you merge the code?
    • How long did the effort take?
      • Note: this will help estimate sprint efforts next semester.
  5. Testing

    • How did you know if the prototype results were successful?
    • What tests did you run?
    • Did you test edge cases?
    • What were the results?
  6. Conclusion

    • What were the challenges?
    • What did you learn?
    • Is this project feasible to move forward as defined in the SRS?
      • Why or why not
    • Three items to remember for next semester
  7. Prototype Demonstration

    • Walk through the prototype
    • Live demo preferred


The team leader must submit the document to the appropriate folder on D2L before the deadline.