File Systems

11:00pm, Friday April 15, 2022


For this assignment we will run process related simulators from the textbook supplementary material (source) and answer related questions. A zip file with the simulator programs linked on the assignments page. The README files for each program are in the assignment directory.


  1. Run the program using different random seeds (say 21, 22, 23, 24) with the -r flag, thus making you guess the state change while being shown the operation. What can you conclude about the inode and data-block allocation algorithms, in terms of which blocks they prefer to allocate?

  2. Now reduce the number of data blocks in the file system, to very low numbers (say two), and run the simulator for a hundred or so requests. What types of files end up in the file system in this highly- constrained layout? What types of operations would fail?

  3. Now do the same, but with inodes. With very few inodes, what types of operations can succeed? Which will usually fail? What is the final state of the file system likely to be?

Turning in the Assignment

Create a text file named assignment8.txt containing your answers to the questions. Submit your solution to the appropriate folder on D2L.

Note that your answers must be correctly numbered and only the answers must be in your submission; any answer solution that does not satisfy these requirements will be marked as a zero.