Condition Variables

11:00pm, Friday March 25, 2022


For this assignment we will explore code that uses locks and condition variables to implement various forms of the producer / consumer queue. Read the README file for details about the code.


  1. Run the main-two-cvs-while.c with one producer and one consumer and have the producer produce a few values. Start with a buffer of size 1 and increase it. How does the does the behavior of the program change with larger buffer sizes? (or does it?)

  2. Run the main-two-cvs-while.c with one producer, three consumers, a single-entry shared buffer, and each consumer pausing at point c3 for a second. Write the command line arguments you supplied to the program.

  3. Now, run the main-two-cvs-while.c program as for question 2, but change the size of the shared buffer to 3. Does this make a difference in the total time? If so, describe the change.

  4. Now run the main-two-cvs-while.c program as for question 2, but change the location of the sleep to c6 (this models a consumer taking something off the queue and then doing something with it). Does this make a difference in the time compared to question 2? If so, describe the difference.

  5. Look at the main-one-cv-while.c program. Can you configure a sleep string assuming a single producer, one consumer, and a buffer of size 1, to cause a problem with this code? If so, write the sleep string and describe the problem and its cause.

  6. Now, change the number of consumers to two. Can you construct sleep strings for the producer and the consumers to cause a problem with the code? If so, write the sleep string and describe the problem and its cause.

  7. Look at the main-two-cvs-if.c program. Can you cause a problem to happen in this code? Again, consider the case where there is only one consumer, and then the case where there is more than one. If you can cause a problem, describe the problem and its cause.

  8. Look at the main-two-cvs-while-extra-unlock.c program. What problem arises when you release the lock before executing a put or get? Can you reliably cause such a problem to happen, given the sleep string? If so, write the sleep string and describe the problem.

Turning in the Assignment

Create a text file named assignment6.txt containing your answers to the questions. Submit your solution to the appropriate folder on D2L.

Note that your answers must be correctly numbered and only the answers must be in your submission; any answer solution that does not satisfy these requirements will be marked as a zero.