
11:00pm, Wednesday February 23, 2022


For this assignment we will run process related simulators from the textbook supplementary material (source) and answer related questions. A zip file with the simulator programs linked on the assignments page. The README files for each program are listed below that contain information on how to run each simulator program. Read these before answering the questions that follow. README

In this homework, you will use a simple program, which is known as, to see if you understand how simple virtual-to-physical address translation works with linear page tables. To run the program, remember to either type just the name of the program (./ or possibly this (python When you run it with the -h (help) flag, you see:

prompt> ./ -h
Usage: [options]

-h, --help              show this help message and exit
-s SEED, --seed=SEED    the random seed
-a ASIZE, --asize=ASIZE 
                        address space size (e.g., 16, 64k, ...)
-p PSIZE, --physmem=PSIZE
                        physical memory size (e.g., 16, 64k, ...)
                        page size (e.g., 4k, 8k, ...)
-n NUM, --addresses=NUM number of virtual addresses to generate
-u USED, --used=USED    percent of address space that is used
-v                      verbose mode
-c                      compute answers for me

First, run the program without any arguments:

prompt> ./ 
ARG seed 0
ARG address space size 16k
ARG phys mem size 64k
ARG page size 4k
ARG verbose False

The format of the page table is simple:
The high-order (left-most) bit is the VALID bit.
  If the bit is 1, the rest of the entry is the PFN.
  If the bit is 0, the page is not valid.
Use verbose mode (-v) if you want to print the VPN # by
each entry of the page table.

Page Table (from entry 0 down to the max size)

Virtual Address Trace
  VA  0: 0x00003229 (decimal:    12841) --> PA or invalid?
  VA  1: 0x00001369 (decimal:     4969) --> PA or invalid?
  VA  2: 0x00001e80 (decimal:     7808) --> PA or invalid?
  VA  3: 0x00002556 (decimal:     9558) --> PA or invalid?
  VA  4: 0x00003a1e (decimal:    14878) --> PA or invalid?

For each virtual address, write down the physical address it translates to OR write down that it is an out-of-bounds address (e.g., a segmentation fault).

As you can see, what the program provides for you is a page table for a particular process (remember, in a real system with linear page tables, there is one page table per process; here we just focus on one process, its address space, and thus a single page table). The page table tells you, for each virtual page number (VPN) of the address space, that the virtual page is mapped to a particular physical frame number (PFN) and thus valid, or not valid.

The format of the page-table entry is simple: the left-most (high-order) bit is the valid bit; the remaining bits, if valid is 1, is the PFN.

In the example above, the page table maps VPN 0 to PFN 0xc (decimal 12), VPN 3 to PFN 0x6 (decimal 6), and leaves the other two virtual pages, 1 and 2, as not valid.

Because the page table is a linear array, what is printed above is a replica of what you would see in memory if you looked at the bits yourself. However, it is sometimes easier to use this simulator if you run with the verbose flag (-v); this flag also prints out the VPN (index) into the page table. From the example above, run with the -v flag:

Page Table (from entry 0 down to the max size)
  [       0]   0x8000000c
  [       1]   0x00000000
  [       2]   0x00000000
  [       3]   0x80000006

Your job, then, is to use this page table to translate the virtual addresses given to you in the trace to physical addresses. Let’s look at the first one: VA 0x3229. To translate this virtual address into a physical address, we first have to break it up into its constituent components: a virtual page number and an offset. We do this by noting down the size of the address space and the page size. In this example, the address space is set to 16KB (a very small address space) and the page size is 4KB. Thus, we know that there are 14 bits in the virtual address, and that the offset is 12 bits, leaving 2 bits for the VPN. Thus, with our address 0x3229, which is binary 11 0010 0010 1001, we know the top two bits specify the VPN. Thus, 0x3229 is on virtual page 3 with an offset of 0x229.

We next look in the page table to see if VPN 3 is valid and mapped to some physical frame or invalid, and we see that it is indeed valid (the high bit is 1) and mapped to physical page 6. Thus, we can form our final physical address by taking the physical page 6 and adding it onto the offset, as follows: 0x6000 (the physical page, shifted into the proper spot) OR 0x0229 (the offset), yielding the final physical address: 0x6229. Thus, we can see that virtual address 0x3229 translates to physical address 0x6229 in this example.

To see the rest of the solutions (after you have computed them yourself!), just run with the -c flag (as always):

VA  0: 00003229 (decimal: 12841) --> 00006229 (25129) [VPN 3]
VA  1: 00001369 (decimal:  4969) --> Invalid (VPN 1 not valid)
VA  2: 00001e80 (decimal:  7808) --> Invalid (VPN 1 not valid)
VA  3: 00002556 (decimal:  9558) --> Invalid (VPN 2 not valid)
VA  4: 00003a1e (decimal: 14878) --> 00006a1e (27166) [VPN 3]

Of course, you can change many of these parameters to make more interesting problems. Run the program with the -h flag to see what options there are: README

This fun little homework tests if you understand how a multi-level page table works. And yes, there is some debate over the use of the term fun in the previous sentence. The program is called:

Some basic assumptions:

Thus, a virtual address needs 15 bits (5 for the offset, 10 for the VPN). A physical address requires 12 bits (5 offset, 7 for the PFN).

The system assumes a multi-level page table. Thus, the upper five bits of a virtual address are used to index into a page directory; the page directory entry (PDE), if valid, points to a page of the page table. Each page table page holds 32 page-table entries (PTEs). Each PTE, if valid, holds the desired translation (physical frame number, or PFN) of the virtual page in question.

The format of a PTE is thus:

  VALID | PFN6 ... PFN0

and is thus 8 bits or 1 byte.

The format of a PDE is essentially identical:

  VALID | PT6 ... PT0

You are given two pieces of information to begin with.

First, you are given the value of the page directory base register (PDBR), which tells you which page the page directory is located upon.

Second, you are given a complete dump of each page of memory. A page dump looks like this:

    page 0: 08 00 01 15 11 1d 1d 1c 01 17 15 14 16 1b 13 0b ...
    page 1: 19 05 1e 13 02 16 1e 0c 15 09 06 16 00 19 10 03 ...
    page 2: 1d 07 11 1b 12 05 07 1e 09 1a 18 17 16 18 1a 01 ...

which shows the 32 bytes found on pages 0, 1, 2, and so forth. The first byte (0th byte) on page 0 has the value 0x08, the second is 0x00, the third 0x01, and so forth.

You are then given a list of virtual addresses to translate.

Use the PDBR to find the relevant page table entries for this virtual page. Then find if it is valid. If so, use the translation to form a final physical address. Using this address, you can find the VALUE that the memory reference is looking for.

Of course, the virtual address may not be valid and thus generate a fault.

Some useful options:

  -s SEED, --seed=SEED       the random seed
  -n NUM, --addresses=NUM    number of virtual addresses to generate
  -c, --solve                compute answers for me

Change the seed to get different problems, as always.

Change the number of virtual addresses generated to do more translations for a given memory dump.

Use -c (or –solve) to show the solutions.


  1. Given the following sequence of options to the program:

    -P 1k -a 16k -p 32k -v -u 0
    -P 1k -a 16k -p 32k -v -u 25
    -P 1k -a 16k -p 32k -v -u 50
    -P 1k -a 16k -p 32k -v -u 75
    -P 1k -a 16k -p 32k -v -u 100

    What happens as you increase the percentage of pages that are allocated in each address space?

  2. Which of the following combination of parameters to are unrealistic? Why?

    -P 8 -a 32 -p 1024 -v -s 1
    -P 8k -a 32k -p 1m -v -s 2
    -P 1m -a 256m -p 512m -v -s 3
  3. Can you find the limits of where the program does not work anymore? For example, what happens if the address space is bigger than physical memory?

  4. How many registers do you need to locate a two-level page table? A three-level table?

  5. Use the program to perform translations given random seeds 0, 1, and 2. How many memory references are needed to perform each lookup?

  6. Given your understanding of how cache memory works, how do you think memory references to the page table will behave in the cache? That is, will they lead to lots of hits or lots of misses?

Turning in the Assignment

Create a text file named assignment4.txt containing your answers to the questions. Submit your solution to the appropriate folder on D2L.

Note that your answers must be correctly numbered and only the answers must be in your submission; any answer solution that does not satisfy these requirements will be marked as a zero.