11:00pm, Friday April 29, 2022


For this assignment we will run process related simulators from the textbook supplementary material (source) and answer related questions. A zip file with the simulator programs linked on the assignments page. The README files for each program are in the assignment directory.


  1. Run the simulator with different RAID levels (0, 1, 4, 5) and see if you can figure out the mappings of a set of requests. For RAID-5, see if you can figure out the difference between left-symmetric and left-asymmetric layouts. Use some different random seeds to generate different problems. Afterwards, run the simulator as above, but vary the chunk size with -C. How does chunk size change the mappings?

  2. Run the simulator with the reverse flag (-r), but increase the size of each request with the -S flag. Try specifying sizes of 8k, 12k, and 16k, while varying the RAID level. What happens to the underlying I/O pattern when the size of the request increases? Make sure to try this with the sequential workload too (-W sequential); for what request sizes are RAID-4 and RAID-5 much more I/O efficient?

  3. Use the timing mode of the simulator (-t) to estimate the performance of 100 random reads to the RAID, while varying the RAID levels, using 4 disks. Then, increase the number of disks. How does the performance of each RAID level scale as the number of disks increases?

  4. Do the same as question 3, but use all writes (-w 100) instead of reads. How does the performance of each RAID level scale now? Can you do a rough estimate of the time it will take to complete the workload of 100 random writes?

  5. Run the timing mode one last time, but this time with a sequential workload (-W sequential). How does the performance vary with RAID level, and when doing reads versus writes? How about when varying the size of each request? What size should you write to a RAID when using RAID-4 or RAID-5?

Turning in the Assignment

Create a text file named assignment10.txt containing your answers to the questions. Submit your solution to the appropriate folder on D2L.

Note that your answers must be correctly numbered and only the answers must be in your submission; any answer solution that does not satisfy these requirements will be marked as a zero.