Exam Grader

Initial Deadline:
11:00pm, Wednesday February 9, 2022


Write a JavaScript program to grade a multiple choice exam; the program is started for you in the file exam-grader.js. The exam has 20 multiple choice questions. The correct answers are:

1. B	6. A	11. B	16. C
2. D	7. B	12. C	17. C
3. A	8. A	13. D	18. B
4. A	9. C	14. A	19. D
5. C 	10. D	15. D	20. A

The program should write out a table with one line for each student. For each student it should report the number of correct answers, the number of incorrect answers, whether or not the student passed (15 or more correct), and a list of the numbers for the questions missed. The table should have headings for the columns.

Student answers can be found in the file answers.js. This file declares a variable named answers that is an array of arrays; each inner array contains the 20 answers a student gave. The answers variable is imported into the exam-grader.js file. Your program will be tested on different versions of the answers.js file, so do not make any assumptions based on the file that you are given.

The following is an example of the expected program output:

Student  Correct  Incorrect  Passed  Missed                                            
-------  -------  ---------  ------  ------                                            
      1       14          6      no  2 6 9 10 19 20                                    
      2       20          0     yes                                                    
      3       17          3     yes  2 6 15                                            
      4       15          5     yes  1 2 7 10 15                                       
      5        1         19      no  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20   
      6       19          1     yes  7                                                 
      7       18          2     yes  9 10

Turning in the Assignment

Create a zip file named assignment1.zip that is a directory named assigment1 containing your exam-grader.js file. Submit your solution to the appropriate folder on D2L.

Grading Criteria

Grading (out of 100 points):