CPSC 447 - Artificial Intelligence I

Dr. Dylan Schwesinger
Section 401 & 410 OM 158
Section 801 & 810 Online
Meeting times:
Wednesday 6:00pm - 8:50pm
Course Zoom Meeting ID:
945 8610 3527
Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00am – 9:30am
Wednesday: 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Office hours Zoom meeting ID:
732 788 237

Course Description

An overview of artificial intelligence is presented, including its history, concepts, techniques and ethical implications. An artificial intelligence programming language (e.g., LISP, Prolog) will be introduced.

Prerequisites: CSC 237 or CSC 253 or permission of the instructor

Course Information

Tentative Schedule

Text Topics
Ch 1, 2 Intelligent Agents
Ch 3, 4.1 - 4.2 Search
Ch 5 Adversarial Search
Ch 6 Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Ch 7 Logic Agents
Ch 8 First-Order Logic
Ch 9 Inference in First-Order Logic
Ch 10 Knowledge Representation
Ch 11 Planning