CPSC 328 - Network Programming

Dr. Dylan Schwesinger
OM 158
Meeting times:
Section 010: TuTh 8:00am – 9:15am, OM 158
Section 020: TuTh 9:30am – 10:45am, OM 158
Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00am – 9:30am
Wednesday: 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Office hours Zoom meeting ID:
732 788 237

Course Description

This course provides coverage of the basics of network programming methodology and implementation with inclusion of relevant aspects of security. Topics that will be covered are network protocols and interprocess communication (IPC) facilities, including pipes and sockets. Applications using both UDP and TCP will be implemented and analyzed. Both the client and server sides of network applications will be designed and implemented. Application layer security requirements will also be discussed.

Prerequisite: (CPSC 237 or CPSC 253) and Junior status

Course Information

Tentative Schedule

Week Topics
1 - 2 Client/Server Model & Network Protocols
3 - 5 Processes and Concurrency
6 Network Program Design
7 - 8 Interprocess Communication
9 - 10 Client and Server Algorithms
11 Testing and Debugging Network Programs
12 - 13 Security
14 Ethical Issues
15 TBD