Format and structure of a formal email
1. Subject line
This is a short phrase that summarizes the reason for your message or the goal of your communication. It is important to include a subject line when sending a professional email so the recipient knows exactly what to expect and is able to locate the message easily if needed. For example:
[CSC 242] Project 1 Question
2. Salutation
This is the first line of your email and generally acts as the greeting. For example:
Hello Dr. Schwesinger,
3. Body
The body of an email is similar to the body of a letter; this is where you share your full message. Before you send your email, it is a good idea to proofread your message for any spelling, grammar, or syntax errors.
4. Closing
The closing is the last line of your email before your signature and should wrap up your message. You may reiterate any requests you have made in the body of your message in the closing. If the body is short, then you may not need a closing line.
5. Signature
The signature is where you identify yourself by name, title and any other information relevant to your communications. For example:
Eren Yeager