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Ryan Lab Group Meetings 

Spring 2016 (2162)

Prior to start of semester

After Spring 2014 (Starting Fall 2014) I toyed with the idea of using a wiki on the OSF as the means for keeping records for the group. First, there was little to keep records of because I was running the Stats spacing and retrieval practice experiment on D2L, and my research assistants were mostly involved with helping to design a new study. That study turned out to be the Stats SE experiment that started with just a few (8) subjects in Spring 2015. That experiment continued into Fall 2015, and is now continuing in Spring 2016. However, all of those semesters (3) of running that study are just to pilot the Stats SE pre-registered confirmatory experiment to be run by me and my assistants starting in my sabbatical year, Fall 2016 - Spring 2017.

Here is the first entry of the Wiki (which was subsequently deleted from the OSF because it was not searchable, as are these pages.) This entry is included here so as to not lose the record of Gage’s work:

These wiki pages are an attempt to put the meeting notes for the Ryan Lab Group on the OSF as an OSF project. As a first attempt, I will make them private, rather than publicly viewable.

The members of the lab group will be contributors on the project. For now, I'll give the research assistants read permissions on the project, but not read-write permissions. At least not on this wiki. In the future, I may want to revisit those decisions. It may be best to keep these notes editable only by me, and to allow the research assistants to create a separate wiki page to send information to me, or to the whole group. I'll have to see what works best.

Here's the first informative entry to these notes:

Gage has finished organizing the file folders for the Stats SE Fall 2015 experiment. Someone had put the data we have collected so far, along with the materials that can be carried over from Spring 2015, into file folders and put them in the top drawer of the left hand cabinet (thanks, who ever did that). Gage moved all that stuff into the set of organized folders in the second drawer down. I think we still need a label on that drawer to indicate what's in it.

There were two other entries on the Wiki. One was 2016_02_19, and the other was 2016_06_29. Those two entries are included below on the appropriate dates.

Spring 2016 (2162)

First Week of Fifteen, Mon. 01-18-16

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 Spring 2016 (2162)

Second Week of Fifteen, Mon. 01-25-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Third Week of Fifteen, Mon. 02-01-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 02-08-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

  Fifth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 02-15-16

Fri. 02/19/16

Entry on the OSF Ryan Lab Group project Wiki (that has since been deleted):

Met with John Riter. He has flagged the non-consenters in the Prac Ret Spacing study and also flagged those who did not do both the imm and ret test.

I had shown John how to contact Fall 2015 STats SE subject for their retention test.

We will meet on Tues. 2/23/16 at 1:15pm so that he can start contacting for the retention test.

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 02-22-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 02-29-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 03-07-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 03-14-16

Fri. 3/18/16

Met with James Koppenhofer. He will email me the Ethics Cert. I explained the need for res. assts. for Fall 2016 - Spring 2017. He is already on sona-systems as a researcher for experimental. Made sure he knows to keep a log. Got his sig on a lock box agreement and gave him the combination. Got him on the email list. Showed him the OSF. He created an OSF account, but was not able to confirm it because the wonderful Microsoft email system was down. He will get the OSF account confirmed as soon as email comes back up and he'll let me know so that I can add him to the Lab Group on OSF and to the Fall 2016 experiment.

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 03-21-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 03-28-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 04-04-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 04-11-16


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  Spring 2016 (2162)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 04-18-16

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Spring 2016 (2162)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 04-25-16

Spring 2016 (2162)

After the semester ended

Wed. 6/29/16

Entry on the OSF Ryan Lab Group project Wiki (that has since been deleted):

I still have found no way to search these pages. That makes them unsuitable as meeting notes. Therefore, as of 2016_06_29, I'll go back to using the meeting notes on Dr. Ryan's Lab Group pages.

Also Wed. 6/29/16

Sent the following emails to keep the lab group up to date:


Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>


"Gillott, Trisha" <tgill664@live.kutztown.edu>


Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 9:03 AM


Re: Research

Hi, Trisha,

Thanks for keeping in touch. My Summer I course will be over by the beginning of next week. I'll be sending out an email to see when I can get a group of you together for training for the Fall 2016, Spring 2017 experiment. Stay tuned.

--- Dr. Ryan


Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>


Gage Baughman <gbaug313@live.kutztown.edu>,
Emmy Velazquez <evela303@live.kutztown.edu>,
Natalie Santiago <nsant636@live.kutztown.edu>,
"Koppenhofer, James" <jkopp945@live.kutztown.edu>


Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 9:09 AM


Update on Research with Dr. Ryan

Hello all,

Each of you told me last semester that you will run subjects for me in Fall 2016/Spring 2017. I'm just touching base with you now to let you know that running the experiment next year is still on. You don't need to respond to this email yet. My summer I course will be done by the beginning of next week. At that time I'll start making plans with any of you who still need training (and some other new volunteers) to see when we can get together for training this summer. Stay tuned!


--- Dr. Ryan


Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>


Andrew Romeo <arome466@live.kutztown.edu>,
"Pritchard, Adam" <aprit681@live.kutztown.edu>,
John Riter <jrite515@live.kutztown.edu>,
Olivia Jaindl <ojain658@live.kutztown.edu>,
Isaac Perez <ipere636@live.kutztown.edu>,
Trisha Gillott <tgill664@live.kutztown.edu>,
"Souza, Mckenn" <msouz636@live.kutztown.edu>


Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 9:17 AM


Research with Dr. Ryan

Hello all,

I'm just touching base with all of you to let you know that the experiment planned for Fall 2016, Spring 2017 is still on. You don't need to respond to this email yet. By the beginning of next week my Summer I course will be done. At that time I'll be reaching out again to see who will be able to run subjects for me, and who needs training to do that. I'll work with your schedules to set up some training sessions this summer so that we're ready to hit the ground running in the Fall. Stay tuned.


--- Dr. Ryan


Riter, John <jrite515@live.kutztown.edu>


Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>


Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:53 PM


Reference and Testing/Training - John Riter

Dr. Ryan,

I am more than willing to continue assisting you in your research. Please let me know the dates for both the training and the testing. 

John Riter


Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>


"Riter, John" <jrite515@live.kutztown.edu>


Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 11:25 AM


Re: Reference and Testing/Training - John Riter

Hi John,

Nice to hear from you. Sorry I haven't been quicker at setting dates for further training. I had to finish up my Summer I course, and then I had to take an unplanned trip to Pittsburgh due to the death of my mother-in-law. I'm still there right now, but we're returning this morning. Then things will get back to normal. I'm still working out all the details for the pre-registration, but we can have a training session on the basic procedure for running the subjects through the training part. That hasn't changed. I'll be sending out emails to get everyone's availability for that pretty soon.

You can definitely list me as a reference. I'm glad to help with that.

--- Dr. Ryan


Riter, John <jrite515@live.kutztown.edu>


Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>


Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 6:30 PM


Re: Reference and Testing/Training - John Riter

Dr. Ryan,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in getting everything set up. If not, please let me know when the dates for further training are decided.

Thank you so much for allowing me to use you as a reference. Is there a phone number that I could put for them to best reach you? 

John Riter


Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>


"Riter, John" <jrite515@live.kutztown.edu>


Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 10:53 AM


Re: Reference and Testing/Training - John Riter

Thank you for the condolences.

Once I get organized, I may find something that you can help with even before the training. If so, I'll let you know. Thanks for that offer.

My office phone number is 484-646-4325.

Happy to help.

----- Dr. Ryan