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Ryan Lab Group Meetings

Fall 2012 (2128)

First Week of Fifteen, Mon. 08-27-12

Wed. 8/29/12

Met with Ted Brown. Says he has found some useful literature for CP5. The previous study, CP4 had manipulated whether the subjects matched features for two pairs of training problems or matched features for one pair plus responded to self-explanation prompts. The result was no difference in post-test performance (covaried on pretest performance), but there were many strong correlations. Pretest with generating the equation. Posttest with generating the equation. Math aptitude with I think posttest performance. And math aptitude with generating the equation.

The two papers Ted found were two Rittle-Johnson and Star papers on problem comparison. They dealt with prior knowledge, but not with self-explanation. Ted will be meeting soon with Sean (also probably Taylor Tolton and Greg Dreibelbis). They will decide on a direction for CP5 and report back to me.

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Second Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-03-12

Fri. 9/7/12

Met with Sean.


Sean met with Ted Brown, Greg Dreibelbis, Amanda Henriques, Taylor Tolton. So Sarah Newman and Elise Meehan may have dropped. Sean will find out.

Sean has collected all the relevant S.E. and Comparing Problems (Matching Features) literature and put them in the shared Zotero folder, and on the Ryan Lab group. Also, in the Ryan folder he placed an Excel file to track who has summarized what papers.

He is looking to find a way to enhance the matching features task. It could be by adding a type of S.E. Or he could compare different types of S. E. with the MF task. If the former, then the control condition might have to account for the extra exposure to the stimuli in the SE condition. However, in CP4 it may be that by controlling in that way the MF only people did more problems, even though time on task and difficulty of task was equated. That may be why the MF only condition did as well as it did.

Sean will set up a regular meeting time for his CP5 group.

Mind Wandering

Still working on lit review. Correlational study between attentional capacity (measured how? needs to work out - but not WP capacity - already done) and mind wandering propensity. Plus add something else like a mood scale or measure of tiredness, ability for metacognition.


Ryan Rathman - need a new low authority person - Might get a freshman Gen Psych student.
Two more word lists to randomize. Still working on the scripts

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Third Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-10-12

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-17-12

Michael White, a new res. asst. stopped by. I got him started on the Spring 2012 Stats motivation experiment data. He will organize the response sheets by section and by subject within section. Once we see what we have, we'll go from there.

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Fall 2012 (2128)

  Fifth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-24-12

Spring 2012 stats motivation
Michael White dropped out. Got Dezyre Diers started on his project, organizing the Spring 2012 Stats motivation experiment data. Found out that the grad assistants did the first step in the organization already (getting it organized by subject). Dezyre will be able to take it from there and start entering data into a spreadsheet for analysis.

Equation Format
Trying to contact the Equation Format crew to get them started signing up rooms to run subjects.
Greg Dreibelbis is finishing an independent research project. Will be able to run subjects in "a few weeks".
Hunter needs training from Ted and needs the NIH certificate

CP 5 and beyond
Sent out an email to FR and SO Psych majors to recruit them. Sent a response to those interested. Will have an organizational meeting next week on Wed, Thur, and Fri at 5pm in the conference room.

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-01-12

Tues., 10-02-12

I have received about 36 responses to my email to FR and SO Psych majors. We will have an organizational meeting on Wed. 10/03/12, Thurs. 10/04/12, and Fri. 10/05/12. They only need to attend one of those meetings. The meetings will be in the 3rd floor conference room in the Psych Dept. in E wing of Old Main. At least they will start there (we might move to a classroom).

To prepare I selected several papers to hand out to them to summarize for me. I'll have them form groups of about 5 or 6 students each. Each group will work on one paper.

The goal of summarizing these papers is to bring me up to speed on the literature on applying cognitive principles to instructional practice and to narrow down to a good, cutting edge, but doable research question. Possible areas are the CP5 area - using self-explanation in problem comparison, the equation format area - congruence with order of operations?, or the statistics concepts area - retrieval practice and motivation.

Starting with statistics concepts area - what is needed is an analysis of the content of an introductory stats course in terms of the Knowledge, Learning, Instruction framework. I could have them look for literature on:
Table 5 from Koedinger, Corbett, and Perfetti (2012)
Learning Processes
Instructional Principle
Memory and fluence
Spacing and testing
Long-term retention of knowledge components (KC's) is enhanced with longer intervals between practice and when active recall is required ("tests" or "problems").
Cepeda et al. (2006)

Optimized scheduling
Selection of practice instances based on prior statistics and on each student's experience with each target KC.
Pavlik (2007)
Induction and refinement
Timely feedback
Providing an evaluative response (e.g., correct or incorrect) soon after a student's attempte at task or step.
Corbett and Anderson (2001)

Feature focusing
Instruction leads to more robust learning when it guides the learner's attention ("focuses") to valid or relevant features of target KCs.
Dunlap et al. (2011)

Worked examples
Students learn more efficiently and more robustly when more frequent study of worked examples is interleaved with problem solving practice as opposed to practice that is all problem solving.
Sweller and Cooper (1985)
Understanding and sense making
Prompted self-explanation
Encouraging students to explain to themselves parts of instruction (steps in worked example or sentences in a text) yeilds more robust learning than not prompting or providing such explanations to students.
Chi et al. (1994); Hausmann and VanLehn (2007)

Accountable talk
Teacher use of "talk moves," particular question and response patterns which encourage students to be accountable to accurate knowledge, rigorous reasoning, and the classroom community, leads to more robust learning.
Michaels et al. (2008)

Cepeda, N. J., Pashler, H., Vul, E., Wixted, J. T., & Rohrer, D. (2006) Distributed practice in verbal recall tasks: A review and quantitative synthesis. Psychological Bulletin,  132, 354-380.

Pavlik, P. I. Jr (2007). Understanding and applying the dynamics of test practice and study practice. Instructional Science, 35, 407-441.

Corbett, A. T., & Anderson, J. R. (2001). Locus of feedback control in computer-based tutoring: Inpact on learning rate, achievement and attitudes. Proceedings of ACM CHI'2001 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,  (pp. 245-252). New York: ACM Press.

Dunlap, S., Perfetti, C. A., Liu, Y.,  & Wu, S. M. (2011). Learning vocabulary in Chinese as a foreign language: Effects of explicit instruction and semantic cue reliability.  http://www.pitt.edu/~perfetti/PDF/Dunlap Learning vocabulary.pdf

Sweller, J., & Cooper, G. A. (1985). The use of worked examples as a substitute for problem solving in learning algebra. Cognition and Instruction , 2, 59-89.

Chi, M. T. H., deLeeuw, N., Chiu, M. H., & LaVancher, C. (1994).  Eliciting sef-explanations improves understanding.  Cognitive Science,  18(3),  439-477.

Hausmann, R. G. M., & VanLehn, K., (2007). Explaining self-explaining: A contrast between content and generation. In R. Luckin, K. R. Koedinger, & J. Greer (Eds.) Proceedings of AI in Education (pp. 417-424). Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Michaels, S., O'Connor, C., & Resnick, J. B. (2008). Deliberative discourse idealized and realized: Accountable talk in the classroom and in civic life. Studies in the Philosophy of Education, 27(4), 283-297.


The question is: Do I give the new volunteers some background stuff to read on ACME? Do I assign them some papers that I have been trying to get to but haven't been able to get to?

How about a couple of background papers (the same ones for everyone - sent out electronically via email) and then pick a few papers that I haven't been able to get to?

    I created Three Seminal Articles on ACME.pdf and made 36 copies

Papers I haven't been able to get to (6 copies each):
    Wong et el. 2002 - SE on high schooler's prob solving in math
    Lyle and Crawford 2011 - Retrieval at end of lecture improves stat performance
    Karpicke 2009 - Metacognitive control of practicing retrieval
    Karpicke and Roediger 2007 - Expanding and equally spaced retrieval practice
    Hodges 1997 - Feature matching messes up decisions
    Guo & Pang 2011 - Comparing examples in math - importance of variation and prior knowledge

Wed., 10/03/12

Met with Hunter Wuensche. Gave him tour of Sona systems. Gave him a run down of the experimental procedure. Got his signature on the change of protocol form. Just need to add his NIH certificate and I can add him to the study.

Fri. 10/05/12

Met with the DRM team. Sean, Ryan, and Patrick.
Checked their materials, script, and IRB application. We got all the signatures and NIH certificates for the IRB application. They turned it in to the IRB

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-08-12

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-15-12

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-22-12

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-29-12

Thurs., 11/01/12

David Kile stopped in. Wanted to stay involved. Last semester he entered the data for the Interleaving with Feedback study that was presented at (somewhere - APS?). I gave him Dezyre Deirs' contact info to get him working with her on the Motivation in Stats Spring 2012 data. Asked him to ask her to report in on how she's doing with her project.

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-05-12

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-12-12

Mon., 11/12/12

Met with the lit. search team in OM 140. Cynthia, Najs, and Jayna were there. Najs gave a summary of the Guo paper, Cynthia, and Jayna did the Wong. They will all work more on the Wong for next time. I need to know what did the subjects say in their SEs. And how did the researchers measure the amount of linking of the SEed info to their prior knowledge (if that is what they measured).

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-19-12

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-26-12

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Fall 2012 (2128)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 12-03-12