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Ryan Lab Group Meetings 

Fall 2010 (20113)

Prior to start of semester


Fall 2010 (20113)

First Week of Fifteen, Mon. 08-30-10

Nothing on Mon. through Friday (Classes start Mon 08/30/10 at 5 pm).

Sat. 09/04/10

First email to the crew:
Hello all,

So far, I have 6 of you interested in being in the research group:

Steve Craig                 scrai401@live.kutztown.edu
Sean Snoddy              ssnod926@live.kutztown.edu
Dale Kappus               dkapp020@live.kutztown.edu
Trish Seidle (new)       pseid138@live.kutztown.edu
Mara Wilde                  mwild887@live.kutztown.edu
Samantha Crist          scris108@live.kutztown.edu

Sean and Dale can meet on Mondays any time from 2pm - 5pm
Mara and Samantha can meet on Tuesdays from 3pm - 4pm
Steve and Trish could meet either one of those times.

So here's a possible idea:

We could alternate between having a Monday, 3pm to 4pm meeting one
week for Sean, Dale, Steve, and Trish, and on the other week a
Tuesday, 3pm to 4pm meeting for Mara and Samantha.

Mara and Samantha could continue working on what they've been working
on (the Interleaving study.)

Sean, Dale, Steve, and Trish, could work on Sean's idea (cycling
between abstract and concrete representations) and Steve's idea
(extending the comparing problems studies, or some other ACME related

That's three different projects. I'd like to get it down to two at
some point. Perhaps Sean could get his study done while Steve, Dale,
and Trish home in on one good idea that Sean could join once he is
finished with his project. Just a thought. Basically, all four of you
need to be working together to scour the literature to come up with
one really good research question.

--- Dr. Ryan

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Fall 2010 (20113)

Second Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-06-10

No meeting yet. Today is Labor Day

Excerpt from email sent Thurs. 09-09-10 regarding meeting times:

For the most part,
the lab meetings will alternate between being on Mon. at 2pm one week,
and Tues. at 3pm every other week. All meetings will be in my office
(OM 385) unless we decide otherwise. We may need to add in an extra
Tues. meeting on 10/19 in order to be ready for the PASSHE Potluck.
We'll jump off that bridge when we come to it.

Given the times you said you are available, the Monday meetings will
be for Steve, Sean, and Trish. The Tuesday meetings will be for Dale,
Mara, and Samantha. They will start next week with a Tuesday meeting.
So the schedule will be:

Tues. 9/14/10 at 3pm
Mon.  9/20/10 at 2pm
Tues. 9/28/10 at 3pm
Mon.  10/4/10 at 2pm
Tues. 10/12/10 at 3pm
Mon. 10/18/10 at 2pm, maybe also Tues. 10/19/10 at 3pm if needed.
Tues. 10/26/10 at 3pm
Mon. 11/1/10 at 2pm
Tues. 11/9/10 at 3pm
Mon. 11/15/10 at 2pm
Tues. 11/23/10 at 3pm
Mon. 11/29/10 at 2pm
Tues. 12/7/10 at 3pm

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Fall 2010 (20113)

Third Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-13-10

Tues. 09-14-10

Need someone to work at organizing the lab. Strip top cover sheets. Make sure all files are present and organized.

Meeting at 3:00pm
Present: Samantha, Mara, (Dale not available).

fromBob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>
toDALE KAPPUS <dkapp020@live.kutztown.edu>,
MARA WILDE <mwild887@live.kutztown.edu>,
Samantha Crist <scris108@live.kutztown.edu>
dateTue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:30 PM
subjectThe PASSHE Potluck presentation

hide details 4:30 PM (3 hours ago)

Dale, Mara, and Samantha,

The report on the Interleaving studies has been accepted as a paper
presentation (that is, a 10 to 12 minute talk) at the PASSHE Potluck
conference. Dale, I incorrectly indicated that I need you to make a
poster. What we need is a paper and a presentation. I showed Mara and
Samantha the files from the previous versions of the study. I think
Dale has seen them too. Dale and Mara should be getting together to
work on this. I explained to Dale that the paper would be a general
introduction, then a method section for the first version and a
results section for the first version. Then a method section just
detailing the changes to get to the second version, and the results of
the second version. Then the same thing for the third version. That
would all lead to the method and results of the most recent version.
The discussion section could talk about the version we are doing now
and even ideas for future versions (comparing verbal to diagrammatic
versions of the training examples).

Samantha is welcome to help out with preparing the paper and
presentation as well. However, we talked about Samantha helping more
just with keeping up with organizing files (such as stripping off top
cover sheets to be shredded) if she can't help with the writing.

I'll have to email the organizer to see if they know what day and time
we are presenting.

-- Dr. Ryan

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Fall 2010 (20113)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-20-10

Mon. 09-20-10

Present: Patricia Seidle (new), Sean Snoddy, Steve Craig, Katie Sternbergh

Entered the new people into the members file. Made sure they know about the starting tasks. Showed them the Ryan Lab Group folder.
Also got the combination agreements and gave everyone the new combination. Showed them around the lab.

I then had Steve describe the article that he found for me to read (Bernardo, 2001 - Analogical Problem Construction and Transfer in Mathematical Problem Solving). He also described the CP3 study.

Then Sean described the idea for his study. The high school teacher he contacted has agreed to help as much as she can. Sean will write up an explanation in more detail of his idea for the study, and also an explanation of the IRB requirements. He will run it past me, and we will send it on to the teacher.

I explained to the group that we are trying to take ideas from the lab and find ways to use them in educational practice. We need to involve math teachers and education professors in order to come up with ecologically valid ideas.

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Fall 2010 (20113)

  Fifth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-27-10

Tues. 09-28-10

This meeting is for the interleaving group.
Present: Mara Wilde

She previously sent me a draft of the Introduction for the paper. I sent back a re-write. With the re-write I sent a copy of the script for the very first version of the study to help with the Method section. Mara went to the lab to work on the Method section.

I also gave her a copy of the APS paper on the first 3 versions of interleaving.

Later, she emailed me a draft of the method and results sections. They will need further re-writing.

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  Fall 2010 (20113)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-04-10

Mon. 10-04-10

This meeting would have been for the CP3/Sean's project group. However, itwas cancelled due to possibly having to give Laura a ride home.

Tues. 10-05-10

Present: Dale Kappus; Mara Wilde

We worked on the PASSHE presentation paper. We did the Participants, and the Materials and procedure for the training for the 4th experiment. We still have to do the materials and procedure for the tests (same as the other experiments). We still have to do the results and discussion for the 4th experiment. Then we have to create a powerpoint presentation.

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  Fall 2010 (20113)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-11-10

Tues. 10-12-10

Present: Mara Wilde - We are going to start by looking at the discussion section of the PASSHE interleaving paper that she sent to me, and see if it needs editing. We edited all the way through to the end of the general discussion. No reference section yet.

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  Fall 2010 (20113)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-18-10

Tues. 10-19-10

The PASSHE interleaving paper is ready to go. We now need the Powerpoint. We agreed that Mara and Dale will take care of their own travel arrangements, etc., since they are doing more than just our presentation. I will drive up on Saturday in time for the lunch at 12:00 and the presentation at 1:30. I will meet them at the presentation if I don't see them sooner.

I will begin the presentation and do up through Experiment 3. Dale will do Experiment 4. Mara will do the general discussion.

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Fall 2010 (20113)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-25-10

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  Fall 2010 (20113)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-01-10

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  Fall 2010 (20113)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-08-10

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Fall 2010 (20113)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-15-10

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  Fall 2010 (20113)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-22-10

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  Fall 2010 (20113)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-29-10

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  Fall 2010 (20113)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 12-06-10

Spring 2011 (20116)


Met with Levi Roan. He has volunteered to be a research assistant for the rest of this Spring 2011 semester, for Summer 2011, and for Fall 2011.

We talked about having him work on (a) organizing in the lab, (b) getting reading for the Equation Format experiment, and (c) running subject in the Equation Format experiment.

Emailed Rick to put him on the lab group folder. He knows to keep a log. He will get me his certificate.

I showed him the lab  - OM 381 - He will get boxes and box up the previous Interleaving studies.