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Ryan Lab Group Meetings

Fall 2006 (20073)

First Week of Fifteen, Tues. 8-29-06

Tues. 8-29-06

No meeting. No information sent yet.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Second Week of Fifteen, Tues. 9-5-06

Tues 9-5-06:

Two students, Deidra Geddis and Kyle Buff (a grad student) volunteered last week. Also, Bevin Lustman stopped in. She's a previous volunteer. She had worked with Kelly Breeze to develop materials for a face to face version of the Local/Global study. She will continue the project, even though Kelly has transferred to another school and is no longer available.

The new volunteers were added to the email list. An email was sent to the list regarding the meeting times and plans for this semester. The email included a list of those who I believe will not be working with me this semester, and whose names would be removed after that email. I requested that those who received the email let me know if they were either on the removal list but wanted to still receive email, or were not on the removal list and wanted to be removed.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Third Week of Fifteen, Tues. 9-12-06

Tues 9-12-06:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Chris O'Donnell, Kyle Buff, Sam Elbeleidy, Shannon Roberts, Kerri Kappler, Stephanie Hundamark

Put info in the "member" spreadsheet. Collected available times. Explained breifly about the CP3 study, the Lab group folder, etc. Took photos for the web page. All present will be members of the CP3 group, at least for now.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 9-19-06

Tues 9-19-06:

4:00 pm. CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Shannon Roberts, Stephanie Hundermark, Chris O'Donnell, Kyle Buff, (Kerri not feeling well)

Need to:

select times to run subjects. (then get the use of the testing room if possible)
get someone to make the materials.
show the lab.
try to get the use of the testing room.
explain about the procedure.

Updated info in the data base.

We (above) can all run subjects from 2pm to 5pm on Tuesdays. The sign up would be for 2:30 to 4:30.
Kyle Buff can make the copies of materials.

Kyle sugggests I ask Kathy Lynch about using the OM front desk as a place to keep the lab key.

Went to the lab and began explaining the file system.

5:00 pm. Live Local/Global crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Bevin Lustman, Kirsten Williams, Mick Nicholas, Sam Elbeleidy, Sam Scott.

Updated info in the database. Got photos for the web page. Will get Bevin's photo next time.

Described the live Local/Global study.

Discussed how to begin making the line up materials. They will check out an AV camera if necessary. Each will  begin getting the necessary photos.

Discussed the fact that we also need a script. Bevin will bring in the email from Tim Perfect detailing the procedure, and will also forward it to me.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Fifth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 9-26-06

Tues 9-26-06:

2:00 - 5:00pm - The CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kyle Buff, Chris O'Donnell, Shannon Roberts, Stephanie Hundermark.

We ran 2 subjects in CP3. All went well. They may be the first non-pilot subjects.

For 4:00 oclock. Are all the SS#'s in the database?

5:00pm - Live local/global crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Debra Hamill, Bevin Lustman, Sam Elbeliedy, Mich Nicholas, Samantha Scott, Kirsten Williams

Line up materials will be made by Bevin, Mick, Sam, Kirsten, Samantha Scott.

Bevin - have all pictures - her computer - need to crop - needs to go to library to learn photoshop so can teach others
Kirsten - has pictures on camera, will get a usb cord to put them on a computer, then on a CD.

Bevin will email the instructions from Tim Perfect to me.

Next meeting: Bevin will bring photoshopped version of her pictures on a flash drive. Kirsten will bring hers on a CD. They will be jpg files which we will then put into ppt and make the slides.

Here is the email from Tim Perfect:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tim Perfect < T.Perfect@plymouth.ac.uk>
Date: May 9, 2006 10:14 AM
Subject: RE: Attempt at live interaction study
To: Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com >

The lineup looks great, as long as the stooge is NOT wearing the clothes seen in the lineup.


The instructions need a little more work for the two lineups (which need to be different).


For the simultaneous lineup, the main change is that you should say that the person they saw may or may not be in the lineup, and they are allowed the option of none of the people.


The same applies to the sequential lineup. However, some more explanation is required. They need to explain that:


Witnesses will see faces one at a time.

They can say "yes" or "no" to a face, but once the decision is made, that is final, and cannot be returned to. (This means that they can't flip through the options themselves – the experimenter must be in charge).

If they say "yes" that is the end of the lineup.

If they say "no" the next face is seen.

Once the end is reached, and all faces have been rejected, then this is the decision.


Because there is pressure to say yes as the list continues, it is important that the witness doesn't know in advance how many faces are on the list.


Good luck.




Professor Tim Perfect

Head of School,

School of Psychology

University of Plymouth


PL4 8 AA





tel: +44 (0)1752 233157

fax:+44 (0) 1752 233362

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Ryan [mailto:cogprofessor@gmail.com]
Sent: 09 May 2006 14:37
To: Tim Perfect
Subject: Attempt at live interaction study

I sent another email to Tim to be sure what he means by "the two lineups (which need to be different)." That is, does he mean that there needs to be a different set of foils for the sequential and the simultaneous lineup, or is he just referring to the sequential/simultaneous difference.

Tim's response (that was quick!):

I was referring to the simultaneous / sequential difference. They have different instructions, not different foils.


 By the way, I am re-running sequential versions of the live lineup myself with students this year. Maybe we can check back later in the year.



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Fall 2006 (20073)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-3-06

Tues. 10-3-06:

2:00 - 5:00pm - The CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kyle Buff, Chris O'Donnell, Shannon Roberts, Stephanie Hundermark.

We ran 2 more subjects in CP3. All went well.

Still need more work on scripts, etc.

5:00pm - Live local/global crew
Present: Dr. Ryan, Bevin, Samantha, Kirsten, Debra

Bevin will try accessing the Ryan Lab Group folder. She will re-write script. Ask what time it is, not if there is a Gap. Follow all of Tim's instructions. She will also print out the Navon letters.

Kirsten gave me her photos for her lineup on a CD. We found out that GIMP will change the photoshop .psd files to .gif.  I showed them how to make the simultaneous lineups using PowerPoint. Everyone will make each photo 2 inches in height. Width will vary. They will make six versions of the simultaeous lineup. The target face will appear once in each of the six locations. The foils will be randomly scrambled each time.

Bevin will find out how to get the .psds converted to .gifs either with Photoshop, or by some other method. Then everyone will get their .psds converted and made into lineups in PowerPoint.

Bevin will also bring print outs of the Navon letters next time.
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Fall 2006 (20073)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-10-06

Tues. 10-10-06:

2:00 - 5:00pm - The CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kyle Buff, Chris O'Donnell, Shannon Roberts, Stephanie Hundermark.
We had no subjects because I put up the sign up too late. However, we did training and a partial dry run.

5:00pm - Live local/global crew
Present: Dr. Ryan, Debra Hamill, Kirsten Williams, Bevin Lustman, Samantha Scott
Absent: Sam Elbeleidy, Mick Nicholas

Bevin printed out the Navon letters. She will buy laminates and a binder (give me the receipt) for them.
She was not aware the email from Tim was here in these notes, so still has to work on the script.

Bevin will make sure Kirsten's psd's are converted to .jpg.

Samantha has finished her 6 simultaneous lineups and the sequential lineup.

Debra is still working on getting the photos. However, she has given me her Certificate for the Human participant protection training.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-17-06

Tues. 10-17-06:

2:00 - 5:00pm - The CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kyle Buff,
Kyle and I ran 2 subjects. He ran them. I assisted, although he did virtually everything himself. I worked on the materials.

5:00pm - Live local/global crew
Present: Dr. Ryan, Bevin Lustman, Samantha Scott, Sam Ebeleidy, Mick Nicholas

Bevin has the Navon letters in a binder in laminates. She will also edit the script. Need to make separate instructions for the sequential and simultaneous lineups. Also, the instructions for looking through the letters. Also, add the actual procedure, not just what the experimenter says.

Samantha has her lines ups printed out for the present condition.

Everyone will also get another face to make a set of absent lineups.

Mick and Sam will keep working on their photos.

Mick asked how to get access to photoshop. Bevin says that any of the Mac computers on campus have it, for example, in the library.

We may recruit some subject through the subject pool to pilot the lineups to make sure we are not getting floor effects.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-24-06

Tues. 10-24-06:

2:00 - 5:00pm - The CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kyle Buff, Chris O'Donnell, Shannon Roberts, Stephanie Hundermark
We ran a single subject. Chris ran the subject. He did a good job.
Kyle re-wrote the instructions for the choice task. He will email them to me and I'll put them in the choice task materials.
Shannon and Stephanie watched and learned. Stephanie had to leave a little early, but saw most of the procedure.

5:00pm - Live local/global crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Sam Elbeleidy, Samantha Scott, Bevin Lustman, Kirsten

Bevin will make her pictures in the sequential line up larger, to make the face 2" high. Kirsten will make hers smaller to make the faces also 2".

Sam E. has 2 more pictures to go and has to finish the Human Subject protection training.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 10-31-06

Tues. 10-31-06:

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 11-7-06

Tues. 11-7-06:

2:00 - 5:00pm - The CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kyle Buff, Chris O'Donnell, Stephanie Hundermark, Shannon Roberts

No subjects signed up for the 2:30 to 4:30 session. Now that all the Experimental Psych students are recruiting subjects for their experiments, we may not get subjects. Ours is a two hour study. Even though it provides 2 credits, students can sign up for one credit for a much shorter study.

We spent the time looking over the script for the MF - Anal/Anal condition. I suggested that everyone should download the subject's version of the guided practice from the Ryan Lab Group folder and try working the problems and doing the matching. Then they can check their work and matchings against the script. They should also download the choice tasks with the new instructions and practice the instructions.

Kyle will try approaching the school of ed. to see if professors will give extra credit to education students for participating in subject pool studies. We would have to specify that we are recruiting for CP3, not the other studies.

5:00pm - Live local/global crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kirsten, Samantha, Mick, and Sam

Bevin had an emergency. She did a script - will email when back at KU from home.

Kirsten has pictures, just needs to get them printed and put in laminates. Will put them in hard binder.
We put her target present simultaneous lineups (with six arrangements) in the Ryan Lab group folder. We also put her target absent simultaneous lineup (but it has only one arrangement) in the folder. Finally, we also put her sequential lineup (her face plus six foils to make both the target present and the target absent sequential lineups) in the folder.

We printed out her six simultaneous target present line ups and her sequential lineup. She will scramble the simultaneous target absent line up to make the five more arrangements. Then we'll put that in the Ryan Lab Group folder and overwrite the one with only one arrangement. Then we can print out that set also.

Samantha still needs a picture of one more person. Has not heard back from friend about the last picture. But could get a picture of someone else.

Mick got the Certificate. Has three pictures. Will get together with Sam to get last pictures.

I requested of Rick Miller that he add Mick and Sam to the Ryan Lab Group folder.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 11-14-06

Tues. 11-14-06: 

2:00 - 4:00pm - The CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Shannon Roberts, Chris O'Donnell

Again, we had no subjects to run. Now that all of the Exper. Psych. students have posted their experiments, which only take 15 - 30 minutes, my 2 hour experiment is getting no takers, even with the 2 credits. However, one colleague will require some of his students to select my experiment if they want extra credit, so that will help. I just posted time slots for Tues. Nov. 28 and Tues. Dec. 5. I already had one email from a student asking when there will be time slots open for that study.

So for our meeting, I printed out for each of us a copy of the Test A and Test B scoring keys, the variable code key, and the partial credit scoring key (partial credit for performance, not partial credit as in use of procedure or use of equation). We used the keys to check the scoring of the first real subjects (#4). We did not continue scoring for other subjects. The data is in a raw data excel file in the Ryan Lab Group folder.

However, we did score all of the first 9 subjects for the choice task. In the ANAL condition, only 50% selected the anal over the ANOM, whereas in the MA condition, 100% selected the MA over the ANOM.

5:00 - 6:00pm - The Local/Global crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Samantha Scott, Kirsten Williams, Bevin Lustman, and Sam Elbeleidy

Bevin has a complete stimulus set ready to go. We printed out the last stimuli needed for Kirsten's set (the simulaneous-target-absent set). She will put them in the plastic covers and she will be ready to go.

Bevin will make some more changes on the script and bring it to me for final approval. Then the Bevin and Kirsten team can go and collect data.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 11-21-06

Tues. 11-21-06:

No meetings due to beginning of the Thanksgiving holiday.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 11-28-06

Tues. 11-28-06:

2:00 - 4:00pm - The CP3 crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Shannon Roberts, Chris O'Donnell, Kyle Buff

We ran one subject in the MF-Anal/Anal condition. We discovered errors in the bold faced type that indicated the correct matchings in the worked examples and in the script. However, I corrected them while the subject was doing the final test. The subject had no problem learning how to do the correct matchings based on the verbal instructions (which were correct). When the subject went to use the worked examples to help her do the correct matchings in the guided practice, she noticed that some of what was in the bold faced type could not be found in the problem statements. That is what alerted us to the errors.

5:00 - 6:00pm - The Local/Global crew

Present: Dr. Ryan, Samantha Scott, Kirsten Williams, Sam Elbeleidy, and Mick Nicholas

Kirsten has all her materials ready to go with Bevin. She just needs to see the latest version of the script. Samantha is also ready to go. She needs to either get another partner, or else Bevin or Kirsten has to be her partner. That would be double work for Bevin or Kirsten, however. Mick and Sam have to finish the electronic versions of the stimulus materials (doing the photoshopping).

I printed out the script and made copies for everyone. We read through the script and I answered questions. Bevin and Kirsten will plan on running their first subjects after the Christmas break.

Samantha volunteered to make the list of conditions randomized to the first 48 subject numbers. Kirsten wants to see it to make sure she understands.

Next week we will meet if Samantha has the list of conditions and subject numbers for me to check. Also, Sam or Nick will meet if they need me to print out any materials on the color printer. Otherwise, members of this group do not need to meet next week.

All the members of this group plan on continuing working on this project next semester.

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Fall 2006 (20073)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 12-5-06

Tues. 12-5-06: