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Ryan Lab Group Meetings

Spring 2005 (20056)

First Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-11-05


Studies to be run this semeseter will be

Subject pool will consist of about 100 students from Prof. Frederick's General Psych and about 50 from Dr. Oross's General Psych. Each will be required to do two participations. That means we will have to run about 300 subject hours. Assuming, on average, 5 subjects per session, that means about 60 sessions. Dividing that up evenly among 4 studies means about 15 sessions per study. There are 15 weeks in a semester. However, there will undoubtably be slow weeks, light sign ups, no shows, etc. As a result, it will be necessary to plan on being able to run 2 or three sessions per week in many of those 15 weeks.

Comparing Problems 2:

The materials and script are all fully developed. What is needed is to make copies, then schedule times for people to run sessions with me to be trained. This requires scheduling me, you, the room, and then the subjects. Remember, last semester some assistants never got to the point of running any subjects. This semester, I am counting on the returning assistants to run most of those 300 subject hours.


This one is in the best shape. Jennifer Christman should be able to run this one immediately.

Fear and Disgust:

This one is in the worst shape. We have probably enough stimuli, although I would like more. The problem is that I have not yet gotten IRB approval. That will be high on my list of priorities. Then it will be easy to run and can run lots of subjects.

Comparing Problems 3A:

In the second to worst shape. Materials and script still need to be finalized, then copies made. This one will start last.



One other note: Dr. Oross will also be running studies this semester if all goes well. He will be able to pick up some of the 300 subject hours. However, we should assume that we might have to pick up all of them, just in case Dr. Oross needs more time to get his studies up and running because he will need IRB approval. I know from experience that these things can happen. There might be other faculty or students who can pick up some hours as well, but I'm not as sure of them. I believe Dr. Rauenzahn plans on running some, for instance, but she is also waiting for IRB approval.

Tues 1-11-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Moshe Machlev.

Discussed Moshe's letter of recommendation.

Showed Moshe the materials for Comparing Problems 2. Will try to set up a session to begin training Moshe on Tues. or Wed. of next week. Stay tuned for more information. If no subjects sign up that early, then other assistants can sit in as mock subjects for a dry run. If subjects show up, then other assistants besides Moshe can be present for training.

Thurs. 1-13-05

Present: Dr. Ryan, Wesley Hopkins, Joe Cipko, Jennifer Christman, Laura Kise, Morgan Becker, Jennifer Lange.

Wes and Jen L. need access to the folder.
Double check if Moshe and everyone else here today is on.

I presented the plan in the agenda above for what we need to work on. We need to pick times and practice making the sign ups.

Jennifer Lange will work on coding Local Global. Will need to get together with Jen C. to learn how.

Actions taken

Jen C. got her first practice at making a sign up on the system. It was for the Local Global study.

Morgan made one also (but I had her adding it to the wrong study - she put it on Local Global, so I deleted it later). At least she got practice.

Wes and I made sign ups for Comp Prob 2

I made sure all the appropriate assistants were added to the subject pool system as researchers.

Fri. 1-14-05

Present: Dr. Ryan, Alyssa Rizzo.

Brought Alyssa up to speed on changes to subject pool, studies to run and needs for labor to run subjects.

Put Alyssa in the system as a researcher and showed her how to post the sign ups

Summary of meetings for First week, Tues. 1-11-05 -  Fri. 1-14-05:

Studies to be run this semeseter will be

Things to be aware of:

So far, the researchers for projects and other duties are:

By project:

Comparing Problems 2: Moshe, Wesley, Joe, Laura Kise, Alyssa Rizzo

Local/Global: Jennifer C. and Morgan Becker

Coding the Local/Global: Jennifer Lange

By assistant:

Moshe Machlev - Comp Prob 2
Wesley Hopkins - Comp Prob 2
Joe Cipko - Comp Prob 2
Laura Kise - Comp Prob 2
Alyssa Rizzo - Comp Prob 2
Jennifer Christman - Local/Global
Morgan Becker - Local/Global
Jennifer Lange - Local/Global - coding
Allysa Fink? - web survey?

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Second Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-18-05


Need to set up new timeslots for running subjects.

Need reminder to all to keep a log.

Important info: Do not schedule to run subjects during the times the students in the pool have their General Psych class.

For current research assistants, and for any new one's who come on board this semester:
.....Start thinking now about Fall 2005 (20063). Who is staying on? Try to schedule classes aroung our meeting times.

Need someone to help get Moshe's poster made.

The IRB for Fear and Disgust is ready. I could still use pictures of bees, hornets, wasps, and scorpions (and a better house centipede).

From Steve Corcoran:===========================

The changes to the group have been added..

From: Robert Ryan [mailto:rryan@kutztown.edu]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 5:27 PM
To: Stephen Corcoran
Subject: Ryan Lab Group update

These people should be on the Ryan Lab Group folder:

Machlev, Moshe
Hopkins, Wesley
Cipko, Joseph
Kise, Laura
Rizzo, Alyssa
Christman, Jennifer
Becker, Morgan
Lange, Jennifer L.
Fink, Alyssa

All others should be off. I'll send you any more changes as they occur.

End of email from Steve Corcoran ========================

Tues 1-18-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Joe Cipko, Wes Hopkins.

Made them aware of the items above in the agenda. Joe and Wes plan to be here in the Fall. They might even work during the summer.

Forgot to set up new timeslots to run subjects. Can do that when we run tommorow.
Also forgot to remind them to keep a log.

I asked them to read the IRB for Fear and Disgust. They will get some more insect pictures. Joe will start making the materials for Fear and Disgust. He is now on the Ryan Lab Group folder, and I showed him how to find the IRB and the instructions for making the materials (I am assuming he knows how to get to the folder).

I need to find out from Dr. Milevsky how to make a .pdf file that can be printed. Wes might be able to get it printed at a print shop that he works at.

Then we went to the lab to see what materials need to be made. We need more cover sheets, informed consents, debriefings, and test books. But we have enough of the choice and comparison response sheets.


Present: Dr. Ryan, Laura Kise, Jennifer Lange.

Went over the agenda with everyone.
Didn't bother with need for Moshe's poster because I think I can get that done myself.
No longer need more insect pictures.

Made sure Laura could post time slots.

Gave Jennifer L. Jen C's email. Made sure she can access the files she needs to code Local Global data.

Made sure all were aware of current time slots, need to keep trying to get trained, keep posting more time slots, and planning to run sufficient subjects.


Present: Dr. Ryan, Alyssa Rizzo, Nicole Yeager, and Newcomers Julia Reyers and Elizabeth Rohner

Made sure Nicole, Julia, and Elizabeth filled out info sheets. Made note to add them to the Lab Folder and the email list.

We discovered that Nicole Yeager's UserID and email address on the subject pool were wrong, so we corrected that. I had Nicole create a time slot and then delete it for practice.

I did not use the agenda above to conduct the meeting. I got wrapped up in getting the two newcomers started.

I gave them a tour of the Lab Group page and the Subject Pool. I made sure they knew to check the links to do the web training and set up their lab accounts (Julia set hers up, but not Elizabeth yet). I described both of the up and running studies. I added Julia to the Comp prob 2 study as a researcher and I added Elizabeth to Local Global as a researcher.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Third Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-25-05


See where everyone is on their projects. Check on any problems.

Give new members an orientation.

Tues 1-25-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Wes Hopkins, Jen Christman, Julia Reyers. Newcomers: Amy Edgett, Kelly Stack, Kate Nelson, Morgan Pippens, Juliette Holtzer.

Everyone is aware of the timeslots. I mentioned the latest one, Friday 2-4-05, 10 to 12, for Comparing Problems 2.

Wes could benefit from being able to access the Ryan Lab Group folder from off campus. That isn't possible at this point, but I'm working on it.

Jen C. is ready to code more data but was unsure which file to add the data to. We determined that the latest version in the Ryan Lab Group folder has 354 subjects' data in it, but there should be more. Jen will check with Renee Compton to see where the file with additional data is.

The rest of the meeting was spent getting the new members started. They are now all added as researchers to the subject pool, added to the Ryan Lab group folder, and to my email list.

Thurs. 1-27-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Jennifer Lange, Alyssa Rizzo, Julia Reyers, Joe Cipko, returning: Danzel Novic, new: Michkal Young, Brad Lanning

Gave them the info for new people. Got them on the folder, and in my email list. and put them in the subject pool.

Julia Reyers will try again to get on from ResNet and document so I can send it to Steve.

Check whether the folder could be put on ResNet

Joe Cipko

Finished meeting in OM288 where we viewed a page of the stimulus materials that Joe Cipko is making for Picture Ratings 1 (the Fear and Disgust study). Told them to refer to it as Picture Ratings 1 because we do not want the subjects to know about both the Fear and the Disgust aspects of the study. They will rate one or the other, not both.

Decided that descriptive labels should not be used for the stimuli. Instead, they will be numbered. Joe will make a key to associate the number with the bug's name (which is also the filename). He will make a stimulus booklet with each stimulus on a separate page. He will make several (5) random orderings and label them A through E, then make a key to show the order of the stimuli for each ordering.

Alyssa Rizzo

Alyssa will make corresponding response books, A through E. They will have the same order as the stimulus books. Each response will be on a separate page. The page will have the number for the appropriate stimulus, a 1 through 7 rating scale, and an instruction to explain the rating. The scale will be anchored with Least and Most, but will not specify frightening or disgusting so that the books can be used for both. The instructions to the subject will explain what the rating is about.

Fri. 1-28-05:

I added Andrew Malkiewicz to my email list, the Ryan Lab Group folder, and the subject pool. I emailed him with instructions on how to get started.

Present: Dr. Ryan, new: Mark Davis, Jordana Blumenfield

Mark Davis
Jordana Blumenfield

I added Mark and Jordana to my email list, to the folder, and to the subject pool on Comparing Problems 2.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-1-05

Tues 2-1-05:

No Lab meeting due to Psych Dept. Meeting

Thurs 2-3-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Jennifer Lange, Wes Hopkins, Julia Reyers, Alyssa Rizzo, Juliette Holtzer, Amy Edgett, Andrew Malkiewicz

Julia tried to get on to the Ryan Lab group folder but got the error message "The network path was not found". Ask Steve about FTP again.

Check in IRB application.

Wed 2-9-05 at 3:30 Jennifer Lange will work with Jennifer Christman on scoring Local Global.

Wes will be able to put up his own time slots for Comp Prob 2 after he runs one more time with me watching Friday 2-4-05.

Fri 2-4-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, new: Kelsey Kowalski

I gave Kelsey a tour of my web pages and the subject pool system. Gave her the usual new person info. Added her to the email list. Sent her info to Steve Corcoran to put her on the Ryan Lab Group folder, and put her in the subject pool system as a researcher.

Also, did a training session with Moshe, Wes, Mark, and Julia on Comparing Problems 1. Wes and Moshe ready to put up own time slots.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Fifth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-8-05

Tues 2-8-05:

No meeting due to Dr. Ryan's  ADA Task Force meeting.

Thu - 2-10-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Wes Hopkins, Juliette Holtzer, Julia Reyers, Joe Cipko, Michkal Young, Kelly Stack, Morgan Pippens, Amy Edgett, Jody Blumenfield, Alyssa Rizzo, Morgan Becker, Laura Kise

Morgan Becker and Liz Rohner on Local/Global
Morgan is ready to try running with me and/or Jen C. watching. Will do that Tues or Thurs 2-15 or 17.
Liz has watched 2 times.

Joe is ready to do the physical re-ordering of the 8 stimulus books for Picture Ratings 1 as soon as they are printed out.
Alyssa will then make originals of the 8 orderings of the fear rating and disgust rating response books, and them make copies for subjects.
Once the stimulus and response books are ready, we can post time-slots for Picture Ratings 1.

The relatively new volunteer assistants, especially if they have little or no training on Comparing Problems 2, should watch for time slots for Picture Ratings 1. It will be relatively easy to learn the procedure and begin running subjects in that study.

Fri - 2 -11-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Danzel Novic, Nicole Yeager, and new Jessica Bergmaier

Got Jessica started. Added her to the email list, to the Ryan Lab Group folder, and to the subject pool as a researcher in Picture Ratings 1.

Jessica has already become familiar with my web site and is reading these Lab Meeting notes.

Also added Joe Cipko and Alyssa Rizzo as researchers in Picture Ratings 1.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-15-05

Tues. 2-15-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Wesley Hopkins, Joe Cipko, Jessica Bergmaier, Morgan Pippens.

Morgan has sat in on one session of Comparing problems 2.

Jessica working on certification.

Wes has a time slot posted.

Joe will re-randomize the Picture Rating stimulus books by drawing numbers. A grid was made up and copies given to Joe. To whatever extent he can, Joe will begin setting up the files for Picture Rating 1. Once Joe is finished re-randomizing (by end of day Wed?) Alyssa will finish the master copies of the response booklets. As soon as that is done, I will post some time slots for Picture Ratings 1. I will also ask the professors of the subject pool students about advertising to get the sign up moving.

Thu. 2-17-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kelly Stack, Michkal Young, Juliette Holtzer, Jennifer Lange, Laura Kise

Jennifer Lange will get the Local Global data on a disk. Take small amounts home. Enter data. Return with new name. Keep the most current file on the Ryan Lab group folder, and at least one back as a backup.

Kelly will sit in on CP2 on Fri 2-25, 1 - 2:30 (no subjects yet) even if only for a dry run. 1st one for Kelly. Julliette will do the same for Tues 2-23, 3-5pm. 2nd for Juliette (saw subject the other time).

Laura Kise will run CP2 on Fri 2-25 at 10Am with me watching. Michkal will be a pretend subject. Laura's first session by herself will be Fri 3-18 at 10:00am.

Michkal Young had sent me an email telling me that it is possible to print your certificate (without taking the whole course over again) even if you logged out after your last session without printing it. There is an icon saying "Get your certificate" that you can click on to return to the certificate when you log back on. I forwarded the email to the rest of the group.

Joe Cipko has finished the randomizing of all 8 stimulus books for Picture Ratings 1. Alyssa will now make the master copies of the response books.

I will prepare an advertising flyer for recruiting subjects and will post it as soon as Alyssa gives me an assured time the books will be ready.

Fri 2-18-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Alyssa Rizzo, Mark Davis, Nicole Yeager, Moshe Machlev.

Moshe has a time slot posted for CP2 but needs to enter the time on the calendar on the door of OM294A.

Alyssa and I finished getting Picture Ratings 1 ready. It is now visible to participants and has timeslots for Alyssa. Joe can add more.

Mark has added two new conferences to the calendar and is working on Pivot tables and an Access version.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-22-05

Tues. 2-22-05:

Instead of the Lab Meeting, I will be observing a session of Local Global. Research Assistants who would like to see it may come also. There may be standing room only if a lot come, but I think we can handle it.

Thu. 2-24-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Jennifer Lange, Kelly Stack, Juliette Holtzer, Alyssa Rizzo, Joe Cipko, Laura Kise, Danzel Novick.

I put the timeslots on the door calendar. There was  a time conflict between CP2 and PR1. So a slot for CP2 had to be removed.

I checked to see if the system warns of time conflicts between different studies in the same room. It does, but only if the room number is entered in the same way with regard to spaces (OM294 A is different from OM 294 A). It is not case sensitive, however (om 294 A is the same as OM 294 A).

Sent an email to everyone asking them to always enter the room number with spaces between the OM, the number, and the letter (e.g., OM 294 A).

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-1-05

Tues. 3-1-05:

No meeting due to Psychology department meeting.

Thurs 3-3-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Morgan Becker, Juliette Holtzer, Morgan Pippens, Jessica Bergmeier, Joe Cipko, Jody Blumenfield, Laura Kise, Michkal Young.

Reminded everyone about always using the same format, i.e., OM(space)294(space)A, for the room number so that the subject pool system will warn of potential time conflicts.

Checked on time slots available for sit ins. Gave email addresses of researchers running studies to researchers looking for times to sit in, so that they can contact them and ask for times that will work for them.

Fri 3-4-05:

No meeting - Spring Break

Week of Tues 3-8-05, no meetings - Spring Break

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-15-05

Tues. 3-15-05:

No meeting due to ADA meeting.

Thurs. 3-17-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Michkal Young, Wes Hopkins, Joe Cipko, Juliette Holtzer, Kelly Stack, Alyssa Rizzo, Amy Edgett.

Amy has observed CP2 once. Can observe at least one or two more.

Michkal has arranged to observe PR1 with Joe at least once.

Kelly has observed PR1 one time and will check for more.

Joe and Alyssa continue to run subjects in Picture Ratings 1. There are lots of subjects signing up. Joe has taken care of the problem with the #3 booklets for both fear and disgust (the page numbers and stimuli in the response book were not the same as in the stimulus book). Joe put the data from the few subjects who used those books into a separate folder. He will also indicate which subjects were "procedural errors" on the grid sheet so that we will have an accurate count of usable subjects on the grid.

Wes and Moshe continue to run subjects in Comparing Problems 2. Also, lots of subjects signing up.

Jennifer C. (and Morgan Becker, as far as I know) are continuing to run subjects in Local/Global, and are also continuing to get a good sign up.

We will not begin to code and analyze data yet because a good bit more should be coming in over the next few weeks.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-22-05

Tues. 3-22-05:

No meeting.

Thurs. 3-24-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Michkal Young, Alyssa Rizzo, Joe Cipko, Amy Edgett, Wesley Hopkins, Jennifer Lange

Michkal will observe PR1 tomorrow.

Alyssa made a time slot to be run in a classroom she had reserved. At the time to run, a student said there was a class there. She ran the subjects in the lobby. Afterwards, Alyssa, Jean Waxler, and I went down to let the professor know the room had been reserved for my student.

Worked out a scoring key to code the final test data from CP2 with Amy and Wes. They will begin scoring.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-29-05

Tues. 3-29-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Joe Cipko, Kelly Stack, (new) Kelvin Altemose.

Gave Kelvin a tour of the web site for new members.

Kelly has seen one session of picture ratings 1. Will go to another today, and can go on Wednesday.

Joe will start coding PR1 in the summer.

I added Kelvin to the Ryan Group Folder, to my email list, and to the subject pool system as a researcher.

Thurs. 3-31-05:

No one needed to meet.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Twelveth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-5-05

Tues. 4-5-05:

Present: Dr. Ryan, Kelvin, Joe, Alyssa, and Wes.

Wes has coded about 20 subjects in Comparing Problems 2.

Thurs. 4-7-05:

No one needed to meet.

Fri. 4-8-05:

No one needed to meet.

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-12-05

Tues. 4-12-05:

No meeting - Spring Recess

Thur. 4-14-05:

No meeting - Lunch with candidate for temp position

Fri. 4-15-05:

No meeting - Planned to go to art exhibit

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Spring 2005 (20056)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-19-05

Tues. 4-19-05:

No one needed to meet.

Thurs. 4-21-05:

No meeting. Dr. Ryan had ADA meeting scheduled

Fri. 4-22-05:

Jessica Bergmaier has sat in on Local/Global 5 or 6 times, ran it under Morgan Becker twice. Has not yet been trained to code data. Jennifer C. is to finish training Morgan by the end of the semester. Then Jennifer C. then graduates. Morgan will then teach Jessica B to code the data.