Ryan Lab Group

Research Opportunity

Become a volunteer research assistant in studies on:

*    Using analogies in problem solving

*    Eyewitness Identification


Contact Dr. Ryan at rryan@kutztown.edu, or stop in his office at 385 Old Main. Meetings are at 11:00am on Tuesdays and Thursday, and at 2:00pm on Fridays. Feel free to stop in to a meeting and join in. 


Ø  Gain valuable experience to enhance your credentials for

v      Graduate school

v      Internships

v      Job search

Ø  Become an author on a presentation at a conference

Ø  Publish in an undergraduate journal

Ø  Help is needed in all phases of conducting research

v      Prepare stimulus materials

v      Design procedures

v      Run subjects

Ø  The only requirements are

v      A desire to learn and to make a contribution

v      Having some time available

v      Hours are flexible. The more you can contribute, the more you stand to gain

Ø  More