Carry over effects in within subjects designs and their remedies.

Suppose a researcher is interested in whether their is any effect of the color of a maze on the speed with which a rat runs it. What are the dependent and independent variables?

Let's say the researcher creates five mazes. They have an identical number of blind alleys and turns in the correct path to the food reward, and each presents a different, but equally difficult (he believes) pattern. He paints each one a different color, (a) black, (b) white, (c) red, (d) green, and (e) blue. In the experiment, each of 12 rats will run each maze once and will be timed.

If the researcher suspects there might be each of these possible carry over effects, what is the simplest remedy?

A linear practice effect.

A linear fatigue effect.

A warm up effect (that is, a non-linear practice effect).

Any time the rat runs the black maze, he may be slower on the maze that follows.

(Answers - For best learning results: Don't peek until you try by yourself, first)


According to the description of the experiment, there is a potential for a confound.
